Toye Sato to Office of the Custodian, 11 May 1944
Kaslo, B. C.,
May 11th, 1944.
Office of the Custodian,
Royal Bank Building,
Vancouver, B. C.
Dear Sirs:
Re: Your File No. 7536 - Mrs. Toye Sato
285 Peace Arch Highway, New Westminster, B. C. Municipality of Surrey,
Lot 6, Section 34, Block 5 North, Range 2 west, Map 880, save and except part 0.213
of an acre shown on Map 6363, District of New Westminster, C. of E. 51811
Your letter of the 2nd instant has been received which gives the statement of sales price and adjustment. I am much
surprised that the sale price of the property is unreasonably cheap, the building
has been completed just before evacuation only two years ago and this house alone
cost me far more than the price you secured for the sale of house and land. From this
reason, I wish to file you a protest.
Regarding this statement of account shown on the reverse side of your letter, I noticed
that the amount of credit at January 1st, 1943 is stated as $16.15. You have not advise me of such figure before, and I wish you will write me by the
return of mail how you made this figure of $16.15.
Thanking for your immediate attention, I am,
Yours truly,
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Toye Sato to Office of the Custodian, 11 May 1944
Encoder: Ariel Merriam
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