Shinkichi Mori to Mr. Shears, 16 June 1944

Shinkichi Mori to Mr. Shears, 16 June 1944

File No. 3881
Reg. No. 12693
J.L. No. 745
c/o Mr. C D Petersen Welling, Alta. June 16, 1944.
Custodian's Office, Vancouver, B. C. Dear Mr. Shears:
In regard to your letter of the 7th, I have the following statements to make. Needless to say we find the sale price far below which we had purchased it for.
My first statement is because:
(1) I have paid and bought the ten point sixty-five (10.65 A) acres at an average of one hundred dollars per acre.
(a) Lot 5 was bought at the value of $150.00 per acre of uncleared land.
(b) Lot 6 was bought at the value of $50.00 per acre of same.
(2) We have put in a lot of work and time clearing the forest-like land for farming.
(a) Ditches for water and good drainage has been provided for the same.
(b) Any clearing of land is always a great and tremendous task.
(3) We had many miscellaneous articles pertaining to both farm and home use; besides the numerous farming implements. These alone have cost us well over $350.00.
(4) We have built many buildings that was necessary on a farm and they have cost us more than $750.00 to be built.
(5) We have added every year more trees to our first fruit orchard and they amount over 100 trees at an average cost of $1.00 per tree. Besides this, we had many thousand berry plants.
Because of the above reasons we can not consider taking only the sale price. mentioned, as that is only about one fifth of the actual total cost. We expect to have a sale price of our property around the neighbourhood of $3000.00) three thousand dollars.
I would like the above statements considered and brought to attention again.
Yours truly, per Susie Mori



Shinkichi Mori to Mr. Shears, 16 June 1944


Encoder: Ariel Merriam
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.


Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.