Rose, Johnson & Moore to Japanese Evacuation Section, Office of the Custodian, 06 March 1947
Copy for Mr. Shears (re Int. File 801-B)
Rose, Johnson & Moore Barristers & Solicitors
Offices: Suite 409 Walter Scott Bldg.
Moose Jaw, Sask.
March 6, 1947
Japanese Evacuation Section,
506 Royal Bank Building,
Hastings and Granville Sts.
Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sir:
We have before us you letter of February 28th written to Mr. Kensuke Kitagawa, Registration No. 08892.
Mr. Kitagawa desires us to inform you that he is not at all satisfied with the prices
obtained for his property. He feels, and we think quite rightly, that he should have
received what the property was reasonably worth.
In the meantime we have advised him to proceed to cash the cheque for $3,000.00 which was sent to him, and that such cashing is not to be taken as any indication
that he approves of the transaction by which the $3,000.00 was obtained.
Yours truly,
Rose, Johnson & Moore
per: (initialled)
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Rose, Johnson & Moore to Japanese Evacuation Section,
Office of the Custodian, 06 March 1947
Encoder: Josie Gray
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