About LOI digital archive
The LOI digital archive is a set of special collections, curated by the Landscapes of Injustice (LOI) research collective, that presents thousands of records related to Japanese-Canadian
history and the dispossession of their property in the 1940s. It offers visitors the
opportunity to browse and search this immense collection of primary source documents
with ease; and stands as a testament to a historical injustice. Under the guidance
of Project Director Jordan Stanger-Ross, the LOI digital archive team created this
site during the last three years of the seven-year project as part of knowledge mobilization
efforts which also include a narrative website, a touring museum exhibit (Broken Promises), as well as primary and secondary school teaching resource sites.
It is important to remember that, in general, these are records of loss. They tell
a story of government policy designed to harm its own citizens as well as the general
public’s complicity in the dispossession. But these records also share stories of
unity between Japanese Canadians and their allies who fought for social justice. We
make this collection available to the public in an effort to democratize access to
information about Canada’s troubled past. By making it available online in a fully
searchable collection, Canadians can view primary documents about this history while
avoiding the prohibitive costs of travel to national and provincial institutions and
without special training in archival research. At a 2019 conference on Canadian archives
and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s
“Calls to Action,”at First Peoples House, UVic, Ry Moran, then Director of the National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation, declared that archivists have an opportunity to be
“righteous truth warriors”when they preserve and disseminate records of Canada’s injustices. When making difficult histories known to the public they act as
“sentinels”of human rights violations. With this role in mind, we present this archive to the public and hope that Canadians will engage these records in their own pursuit of the truth.
Production of the Archive
Lisa Uyeda, Collections Manager at Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre (NNM),
and Stewart Arneil, Manager at Humanities and Computing and Media Centre (HCMC) at
the University of Victoria, co-chaired the digital archive team. Research Assistants
at NNM and UVic worked under their supervision and Community Council members Sally
Ito and Tosh Kitagawa supported them with guidance and consultation. This project
would also not be possible without the researchers who went to the original repositories
across BC, Canada, and the United Kingdom to gather materials (see archival index) as well as the institutions that agreed to have their material shared on this site.
Additionally, oral historians interviewed over a hundred people, many from the Nisei
generation (second-generation Japanese Canadians), to enrich the site with personal
stories never before heard. In sum, this site offers 34,871 html documents (see stats) to those interested in learning through primary resources about the dispossession
and Japanese-Canadian history.
The digital archive team’s greatest challenge was to harmonise this incredibly massive
and diverse set of records, from archival material to land titles, legal decisions,
and oral histories, in a single digital archive. Drawing on the expertise of Uyeda
and Arneil, the cluster developed a unique solution to this problem by blending digital
humanities (DH) programming [Text Encoding Initiative (TEI)] with Canadian archival
standards for metadata entry [Rules of Archival Description (RAD)]. TEI is an international
encoding convention used in many university DH projects and RAD is a widely accepted
guideline for archival work in Canadian institutions. The marriage of TEI and RAD
presented the team with a novel challenge as they navigated the strict standards of
each to form a cohesive partnership. Like all partnerships, the concept involved a
great deal of compromise. RAD requirements had to be scaled back to the most important
components and TEI needed to accept a bespoke data structure that reflected the variety
of documents and physical hierarchies inherited from the original repositories. Lead
programmer Joey Takeda then wrote specialized processing code to bring it all together.
Researchers, archivists and programmers adopted loving nicknames such as TINA (this
is not an archive) and RADish to reflect the peculiar identity of this project. But
the end result is a dynamic, fully searchable site of thousands of records, featuring
an interface familiar to Canadian archivists in look and feel but also unique to the
project, and all in XML to assure the longevity and preservation of the data.
Community Partners
Landscapes of Injustice and the digital archive team has had the generous guidance and support of the Japanese-Canadian
community, including partnerships with NNM, the National Association of Japanese Canadians
(NAJC), the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), and the Vancouver Japanese Language
School & Japanese Hall (VJLS), as well as with a Community Council (CC) which represents
these groups as well as the larger community in project matters. For the digital archive
team, Ito and Kitagawa have been instrumental in assuring that the site matches community
use needs and expectations. They have also guided the project on language-use for
document descriptions and the handling of oral histories. Ito and Kitagawa also provided
the team with advice on how to handle records containing sensitive information (see
privacy policy).
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About LOI digital archive
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.
Born Digital.
Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese
Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment
and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes
of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological
choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice.
See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.