BC Japanese Directory 1941 Index - Nihonmachi, Vancouver

BC Japanese Directory 1941 Index - Nihonmachi, Vancouver

相星 洋服店 Aihoshi Youfuku Mise Aihoshi Western Clothing Store
秋山 金物店 Akiyama Kanamonoten Akiyama 's Hardware Store
秋元 サイン Akimoto Sain Akimoto Signs
Editorial Note
The phone number and address match with a Mrs. Tomiko Aoyama from the English directory.
靑木 旅舘 Aoki Ryokan Aoki Inn
朝日 紙凾 製造所 Asahi Kamikan Seizoujo Asahi Paper Box Factory
朝日 グラージ Asahi Guraaji Asahi Garage
淺江 靴店 Asae Kutsu Mise Asae Shoe Store
ビーシー 金物店 Biishii Kanamonoten BC Hardware Store
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
Editorial Note
To determine what the creators of this directory meant to imply with the kanji I had to cross reference with the English directory of the same year where it was revealed that the proprietor of the hardware store resided at this address.
BC 魚店 BC Sakana Mise BC Fish Store
Editorial Note
Reading for 魚店 may be Uodana.
ビーシー 購買組合 Biishii Koobaikumigoo BC Purchasing Union
ビユテークリナ Biyutee Kurina Beaty Cleaner
文化 商會 Bunkaku Shyoue Cultural Business Association
Editorial Note
English name is the best approximation of a translation.
バラード べカリー Baraado Bekarii Burrard Bakery
カソリック 教會 Kasoritsuku Kyoukai Catholic Church
千葉 豆腐屋 Chiba Toufu-ya Chiba Tofu Store
Editorial Note
Cross Referenced this address with the English Directory and found that instead of 206 1/2 the address was listed with the description 'rear' and it was a bean cakes shop.
茶木 魚店 Chyaki Sakana Mise Chaki's Fish Store
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
加奈陀 鹽鰊 會 社 Kanada Shionishin Kaisha Canadian Salt Herring Business
同 上 Ona Ue Same as Above
加奈陀 新聞社 Kanada Shinbunsha Canadian Newspaper Company
蛭崎 商店 Ebisaki Shouten Ebisaki Company
Editorial Note
The name reading may be Ebisuzaki, but nothing, other than personal knowledge about the importance of the Ebisuzaki stores, supports this reading.
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
枝村 時計 店 Edamura Tokei-ten Edamura Watch Store
Editorial Note
Under the English directory listing this store is referenced as a jewellery store.
エムプレス 洋食 Emupuresu Youshoku Empress Western Food (Cafe/ Cafeteria)
富士 チャプスイ Fuji Chyapusui Fuji Chop Suey
古屋 商店 Furuya Shouten Furuya Company
藤原 寫 眞 舘 Fujiwara Shyashin-kan Fujiwara's Photo Studio
藤岡 金藏 Fujioka Kinkura Fujioka Goods Warehouse
福島 牛乳 店 Fukushima Gyuunyuu Mise Fukushima Milk Store
福井 商店 Fukui Shouten Fukui Company
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
福 助 Fukusuke Fukusuke Restaurant
Editorial Note
I decided that this business was most likely a restaurant because other business entries in this directory that were listed without a description typically were restaurants or cafes.
語 學校 Go Gakkou Japanese Language School
Editorial Note
The Japanese description was supplied from the BC Yukon 1941 Directory.
Firewood, fuel, charcoal, and coal supplier.
Editorial Note
This entry appears in the same format as a regular sized ad.
濱 商店 Hama Shouten Hama Company
濱岸 事務所 Hamakishi Jimusho Hamakishi Offices
ハヤミ ラジオ 販賣修繕 Hayami Rajio Hanbaishuzen Hayami Radio Repair Services 速水 繁雄 Hayami Shigeo
Editorial Note
In the ad ジ is represented by チ with the dakuten markings.
Editorial Note
Also, in the English Directory there is a buddhist temple listed at this address, and the kanji in this name suggests that this may actually be a buddhist temple due to their meanings (light, forest, open, doctrine, and use). However, 寺 is not present which argues against this being a temple.
久永 治療院 Hisanaga Chiryouin Hisanaga Clinic
Editorial Note
In the English directory this individual is listed with the occupation of massage while here the kanji 治療院 represents a clinic (calm, healing, institution) which possibly indicates that this individual practices so-called Eastern Medicine (possibly accupuncture).
林 榮進堂 Hayashi Eishindou
林家 Hayashi-ya Hayashi House
Editorial Note
In the English Directory this business is listed as a cafe, but the kanji does not give a specific reference to the type of business.
半田 旅舘 Handa Ryokan Handa Inn
Editorial Note
The initial kanji (半) appears slightly different in the directory.
一富美 Hifumi
Editorial Note
The type of business is not indicated in the Japanese directory but in the English one the establishment is noted as being a cafe.
長谷川 商店 Hasegawa Shouten Hasegawa Company
日 の 出 Hi no De Sunrise Cafe
Editorial Note
In the English Directory the recorder entered Hinode as Hinoday, and it is from the English Directory that the knowledge that this entry is a cafe was supplied.
日 の 丸 Hinomaru HinomaruCafe
Editorial Note
Knowledge that this entry was a cafe was obtained from the English Directory.
ドクトル 堀近夫 Dokutoru Hori Chikabu Doctor Chikabu Hori
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
堀 與 商店 Hori Yo Shouten Yo Hori Company
稻本 治療院 Inamoto Chiryouin Inamoto Clinic
Ushijima shikigami rikimusoujyutsunori
Bull Island Style Divine Warrior Meditation
Editorial Note
According to a native Japanese speaker, this note refers to a particular style of meditation, passed on from the Bull Island Shrine or god.
稻本 運送舍 Inamoto Unsou-sha Inamoto Moving Facilities (Transfer)
Editorial Note
In the English Directory this address is associated with a transfer company and the kanji employed means carrying, transport, escort, and send.
石井 事務所 Ishii Jimu-sho Ishii Offices
磯谷 運送店 Isogai Unsou-mise Isogai Moving Store (Transfer)
Editorial Note
In the English Directory this listing is associated with a transfer company and the kanji employed means carrying, transport, escort, and send.
井手 事務所 Ide Jimu-sho Ide Offices
生田 商店 Ikuta Shouten Ikuta Store
一ぷく Ipuku Ipuku Cafe
Editorial Note
Cafe was supplied from the English Directory.
板熊かまぼこ 店 Itakuma Kamaboko Mise Itakuma Fish Paste Store
女子 技藝 學校 Jyoko Gigei Gakkou Girl's Arts School
河合 時計 店 Kawai Tokei Mise Kawai Watch Store
河野 裁縫店 Kawano saihou-mise Kawano Sewing Store
かすが 菓子 店 Kasuga Kashi Mise Kasuga Sweets Shop
川出 製箱所 Kawade Seihako-jo Kawade Box Factory
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
花月 商會 Kagetsu Shoukai Kagetsu Firm
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
2687 W 37 KE 0678 R Vancouver
影山 齒科醫院 Kageyama Shikai-in Kageyama Dental Clinic
Editorial Note
科 means course, department, or section and 齒 means cog or tooth, which leads me to believe that this is a dental school. The knowledge of this place performing dental work was obtained from the English directory.
上西 旅舘 Kaminishi Ryokan Kaminishi Inn
加藤 靴店 Katou Kutsu-Mise Katou Shoe Store
Editorial Note
In the Englisn Directory Katou is spelled Kato.
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
加來 大工 Karai Daiku Karai Carpentry
Editorial Note
大工 means carpenter, but, because it appeared in an ad in the directory, in the English orgName element I stated it as carpentry.
香村 商店 Koumura Shouten Koumura Store
269 Powell Street MArine 3655 [View address on street index] Vancouver
Editorial Note
The capitalization of the first two letters in the telephone number is important; it notes that the number is MA 3655.
嘉祥 商店 Kashou Shouten Kashou Company
Kashou from Kashou Company resides at this residence.
鎌倉 灸點 所 Kamakura Kyuuten-tokoro Kamakura Moxibustion (Moxa Cautery) Place
Editorial Note
This place most likely performs a type of eastern medicine that requires pin-point burning of the skin to cause irritation. This is Moxibustion or Moxa Cautery.
歸道 舘 Kidou Kuwan Kidou House
Editorial Note
After crossing referencing this address with the English version, I determined this address represents a hall or special house, which a physician uses to treat people of the Japanese Canadian community.
喜多 裁縫 店 Kita Saihou Mise Kita Sowing Shop
近藤 藥店 Kondou Kusuri-Mise Kondo Medicine Store
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
Editorial Note
In the English directory this individual's name is recorded as Jenichi, but the reading for 善 is zen.
木村 ルームス Kimura Ruumusu Kimura Rooms
こまつ Komatsu Komatsu Restaurant
Editorial Note
Komatsu was listed on its own, and in other cases, these entries were typically restaurants or cafes. Thus, I have indicated this entry as a restaurant.
Editorial Note
In the English Directory there is no one named Kameo listed at 203 Powell, however, a man named Bobby Kumano is present: it could be possible that this man is Kameo Kumano.
Editorial Note
In the English Directory there is a man named M Harry Kumano, and this individual in the Japanese Directory may be the same person.
古原 手袋 製造所 Kohara Tebukuro Seizou-jo Kohara Glove Factory
丸忠 運送店 Maruchuu Unsou-Mise Maruchuu Transfer Company
Editorial Note
In the English Directory this company is listed as Transfer, and 運送 means to transport and send. From this I gathered that this was a transfer company.
丸越 運送店 Marukoshi Unsou-Mise Marukoshi Transfer Company
Editorial Note
In the English Directory this company is listed as Transfer, and 運送 means to transport and send. From this I gathered that this was a transfer company
前川 魚店 Maikawa Sakana-Mise Maikawa Fish Store
Editorial Note
The nanori reading of 前 is used.
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
前川 商店 Maikawa Shouten Maikawa Store
松宮 食料品店 Matsumiya Shokuryouhin-mise Matsumiya Grocery Store
松宮 野瀨 洋服店 Matsumiya Nose Youfuku-mise Matsumiya and Nose Western Style Clothing Store
松本 果物店 Matsumoto Kudamono-mise Matsumoto Fruit Store
松山 商會 Matsuyama Shoukai Matsuyama Firm
117 Main Street MA 9986 Vancouver
Editorial Note
Last name not present in the English Directory.
◯ 万 Maru-man Maruman Restaurant
Editorial Note
Restaurant was supplied from the English Directory.
◯ 万 ランチ Maruman Ranchi Maruman Ranch
水原 事務所 Mizuhara jimu-sho Mizuhara Office
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
36 Nanaimo Street HI 1218 L Vancouver
宮崎 醫院 Miyazaki i-in Dr. Miyazaki's Office
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
2712 Triuʼph Street HI 1548 Vancouver
宮崎 商店 Miyazaki Shouten Miyazaki Store
宮崎 豆腐店 Miyazaki Toufu-mise Miyazaki Tofu Shop
鶏肉 並 二卵販賣
Niwatoriniku hei ni tamago hanbai
Sale on or selling chicken with two eggs.
宮崎 ハリー Miyazaki Harii Miyazaki Harry Cleaners
Editorial Note
The knowledge that this company was a cleaners was obtained from the English Directory.
三宅 齒科醫院 Miyake Shikai-iin Miyake Dental Clinic
ミカド タキシ Mikado Takushi Mikado Taxi Company
ミカド 運送社 Mikado Unsou-sha Mikado Transfer Company
民衆社 Minshuu-sha The People's Company The Daily People Newspaper
Editorial Note
The meanings of the kanji employed in this entry are nation and people; great numbers, masses, and populace; and company, respectively. Cross-referencing with the English Directory, there are two residents at that address and one of them is the Daily People newspaper. The other was a workers' union. It seems more likely that this address refers to the newspaper.
武藏屋 菓子店 Mukuraya Kashi-mise Mukuraya Candy Store
村田 プレス Murata Puresu Murata Press Cleaners
Editorial Note
Cleaners was supplied from the English Directory.
パウエル 出張所 Paueru Shucchou-jo Powell Branch of Empress Studios
Editorial Note
Empress Studies was supplied from the English Directory.
モンとリオル 銀行 Montorioru Ginkou Bank of Montreal
メーン 男物店 Meen Otokomono-mise Main Men's Apparel Shop
目さまし Mesamashi Mesamashi Cafe
Editorial Note
Cafe was supplied from the English Directory
名畑 タキシー Nabata Takishii Nabata Taxi Company
名畑 靴店 Nabata Kutsu-Mise Nabata Shoe Store
名畑 運送 Nabata Unsou Nabata Transfer
鳴石 キネマ Nariishi Kinema Nariishi Cinema
鳴瀨 運送舍 Naruse Unsou-sha Naruse Boarding House
Editorial Note
These kanji 運送舍 refer to transfering, shipping, escorting, and an inn, respectively, and in the English Directory the address has the description of rooms. This is why this place has been deemed a Boarding House.
夏原 製麺所 Natsuhara Seimen-tokoro Natsuhara Noodle Manufacturing Place
農産物 販賣商會 Noubu-mono Hanbaishoukai Farmers' Products Selling Company
Editorial Note
In the directory this character, 産, has a different font that results in a slightly different appearance. The two small vertical lines that connect the top horizontal lines cross in the directory.
永見 菓子店 Nagami Kashi-mise Nagami Candy Store
中村 裁縫所 Nakamura Saihou-jo Nakamura Sowing
中村 花屋 Nakamura Hana-ya Nakamura Flower Shop
270 Powell Street PAcific 3713 [View address on street index] Vancouver
Editorial Note
The capitalization is important because it notes the phone number as PA 3713.
中山 義一 事務所 Nakayama Giichi Jimu-sho Nakayama Giichi Office
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
中野 保險 Nakano Hoken Nakano Insurance
仲 商店 Naka Shouten Naka Company
新見 商會 Nimi Shoukai Nimi Firm
日加 貯畜 NiKa Chochiku Japanese and Canadian Savings
Editorial Note
The knowledge that this institution provides a place to hold one's savings came from cross referencing with the English Directory. Similarly from cross referencing, NiKa is a shortened form of Japan and Canada in Japanese.
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
1950 Nelson Street MA 1801 Vancouver
日本 オート Nippon ooto Japan Auto
Editorial Note
Nihon and Nippon both mean Japan, and the kanji 日本 can be used to represent both readings. However, Nippon is used to stress more sentiment and pride regarding Japan.
日本人 會 Nihon-jin Kai Japanese Association
Editorial Note
In the English Directory this is listed as the Canadian-Japanese Association, but it is signified as only the Japanese Association in this directory.
日本 倶樂部 Nippon Kagakubu Japan Club
日本 グラージ Nippon Guraaji Japan Garage
Editorial Note
In the directory the character チ appears instead of the character シ. The dakuten are still present though.
日本 運送社 Nihon Unsou-sha Japan Transfer Company
Editorial Note
This business does not appear in the Engish Directory.
日本人 合同 教會 Nihon-jin Kaddou Kyoukai Japanese United Church
日 英 商會 Ni Ei Shoukai Japan-Anglo Firm
西村 商店 Nishimura Shouten Nishimura Company
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
西畑 ブリキ店 Nishihata Buriki-mise Nishihata's Metal Store
Editorial Note
In the English Directory this person is associated with metal working.
西澤 商店 Nishizawa Shouten Nishizawa Store
ニコ ニコ Niko Niko Niko Niko Cafe
Editorial Note
Cafe supplied from the English Directory.
二ユ カナデアン Niyu Kanadean New Canadian Newspaper
Editorial Note
Newspaper supplied from English Directory.
二ユ ピア カフェ Niyu Pia Kafe New Pier Cafe
二ユー フイシ マーケット Niyuu Fuishi Maaketto New Fish Market
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
小澤 靴店 Ozawa Kutsu Mise Ozawa Shoe Store
大倉 洗濯所 Ookura Sentaku-tokoro Ookura's Laundromat
Editorial Note
The top portion of 濯 (the backwards threes) in the directory have angled middle lines.
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
大堀渡 商店 Oohorito Shouten Highland Company Grocer
Editorial Note
In the English Directory Highland Grocery is located at this address, and it seems likely that this is the case for the Japanese directory as well because 大堀渡 has kanji that means big, canal, and cross.
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
大内雄 Oodaiyuu Unclear
ドミニオン 生命 保険
Dominion Seimei Hoken
Dominion Life Insurance
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
504 E Hast Street HI 3334 L Vancouver
奥村 事務所 Okumura Jimu-tokoro Okumura Offices
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
パーロマ 美粧院 Paaroma Bishouin Palomar Beauty Shop
パウエル べカリ Paueru Bekari Powell Bakery
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
1198 W 70 LA 0607 L Vancouver
パウエル 藥店 Paueru Kusuri-mise Powell Medicine Shop or Pharmacy
樂々 Rakuraku Raku Raku Restaurant
Editorial Note
Restaurant supplied from the English Directory.
ライオン 旅舘 Raion Ryokan Lion Inn
リチモンド 貿易 Richimondo Boueki Richmond Trading
ローヤル 銀行 Rooyaru Ginkou Royal Bank
HI 4889 L Vancouver
Editorial Note
There may be a mistake in the directory because this last name begins with K but it listed under the R's. On the other hand, there may exist a reading of 木 that starts with 'r' of which I am unaware. The latter is most likely.
誠 心堂 Sei Shindou Sei Shindou Drug Company
Editorial Note
Drug Company supplied from English Directory.
澤田 大工 Sawada Daiku Sawada Carpentry
Editorial Note
大工 means carpenter, but I changed it to carpentry because this seemed more reasonable for an organizational entry.
曾我 運送店 Soga Unsou-mise Soga's Transfer Store
セコ ジョー Seko Jyoo Seko Jyoo Cafe/ Restaurant
Editorial Note
I supplied Cafe/ Restaurant because in similar situations where the type of organization was not specified the English Directory stated them as a cafe or restaurant. In this case however, the English Directory listed the address as a private residence.
齋藤 服店 Saitou Fukumise Saitou Clothing Shop
新光社 Shinkou-sha Shinkousha Theatre
新小田 裁縫店 Shinkoda Saihou-mise Shinkoda Sewing Shop
新南京 Shinnami kin New South Capital
Editorial Note
In the English Directory at this address the Sun Nan King Cafe is located here.
新北京 Shinkita kin New North Capital
Editorial Note
In the English Directory at this address the Sun Pekin Chop Suey House is listed.
重松 花や Shigematsu Hana-ya Shigematsu Flower Store
鹽見 商店 鹽 Shiomi Shouten Shiomi Company
Editorial Note
This kanji 鹽 in the directory appears to be a hybrid of the kyuujitai and the shinjitai; in the directory 鹽 and 塩 are mixed: the kanji contains the 皿 土 and 鹵 radicals.
Editorial Note
This kanji 鹽 in the directory appears to be a hybrid of the kyuujitai and the shinjitai; in the directory 鹽 and 塩 are mixed: the kanji contains the 皿 土 and 鹵 radicals.
Editorial Note
This kanji 鹽 in the directory appears to be a hybrid of the kyuujitai and the shinjitai; in the directory 鹽 and 塩 are mixed: the kanji contains the 皿 土 and 鹵 radicals.
澁谷 商店 Shibuya Shouten Shibuya Company
澁谷 商店 Shibuya Shouten Shibuya Company
澁谷 商店 Shibuya Shouten Shibuya Company
澁谷 商店 Shibuya Shouten Shibuya Company
澁谷 商店 Shibuya Shouten Shibuya Company
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
2303 E Geo Street HI 3029 R Vancouver
商業 組合 Shougyou Kumigou Merchant Association
信夫 事務 所 Shinobu Jimu-tokoro Shinobu Offices
末廣 Suehiro Suehiro Cafe
Editorial Note
In the English Directory at this address there are only residents with last names that start with N or vacant listings. However, somtimes in the Japanese Directory cafes are listed without the word cafe, but cross referencing with the English Directory determines that at the address there is a cafe. Because this appears to be a possibility for this entry, I supplied the word cafe.
住よし Sumiyoshi Sumiyoshi Cafe
Editorial Note
Cafe supplied from the English Directory.
杉山 運送舍 Sugiyama Unsou-sha Sugiyama Moving Facilities (Transfer)
鈴木 菓子店 Suzuki Kashi-mise Suzuki Candy Store
鈴木 檢眼士 Suzuki Kenganshi Suzuki Optometry
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
This ad is separated by a bold line from the other entries.
Editorial Note
I added the parenthesis around "cific" to add emphasis that it is a phone number, and I also interpreted 檢眼士 as optometry instead of optometrist because it was located in an ad. This interpretation made more sense in this context.
さがみや Sagamiya Sagamiay Restaurant
Tsurui Kurazou
Meaning is not clear: Crane, Community, Store-house
Editorial Note
Restaurant supplied from English Directory.
宗宮 ブリキ店 Soumiya Buriki-mise Soumiya Metal Shop
Editorial Note
In the English Directory a sheet metal works is located at this address.
聖公會 Seikou-kai Anglican Church
Editorial Note
I supplied Church because all that was written was Anglican. In the English Directory the Church of the holy cross is listed at this address.
スター 魚肉店 Sutaa gyonikuten Star Fish Market
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
609 Heatley Street HI 4979 R Vancouver
スター 美粧院 Sutaa Bishou-in Star Beauty Shop
セフテー グラジ Sefutee Guraji Safety Garage
Editorial Note
In the directory the character チ appears instead of シ with the dakuten.
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
657 E Cor Street HI 2220 L Vancouver
昭和倶 樂部 Shouwa Kurabu Showa Club
Editorial Note
昭和 or Shouwa refers to a time era in Japan that refers to the emperor at that time. In this case, it refers to Emperor Hirohito, the emperor of Japan during World War Two. Also these three characters 倶 樂部 are commonly placed together to refer to a club.
高田 タキシー Takada Takishii Takada Taxi
高原 商店 Takahara Shouten Takahara Company
田中 豆腐屋 Tanaka Toufu-ya Tanaka Tofu Shop
田中 兄弟 自轉車 店 Tanaka Kyoudai Jitensha Mise Tanaka Brothers Bicycle Shop
Editorial Note
The kanji 兄弟 is oriented vertically in the text as opposed to horizontally and they are smaller than the other characters.
タナカ ホケン Tanaka Hoken Tanaka Insurance Agency
田村 商會 Tamura Shoukai Tamura Firm
田辺 時計 店 Tabe Tokei Mise Tabe Watch Store
Editorial Note
Within the English Directory this listing is described as a jewellery store.
田鍋 洋服 店 Tanabe Youfuku Mise Tanabe Western Clothing Store
大正 堂 Taishou Dou Taishoudo Drug Store
Editorial Note
Drug Store Supplied from the English Directory.
大陸 日報社 Tairiku Nippousha Tairiku Japanese News Company
Editorial Note
It seems as though 日 is being used as a shortened form of 日本 in order to reflect that this company is reporting the news in Japanese or about Japan. This is possibly ssomething that could be researched further.
太陽 印刷所 Taiyou Insatsu-tokoro Taiyou Printing Shop
竹内 事務 所 Takeda Jimu-tokoro Takeda Offices
竹内 家具 店 Takeuchi Kagu Mise Takeuchi Furniture Store
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
920 E Cor Street HI 6103L Vancouver
土田 運送 店 Tsuchida Unsou Mise Tsuchida Transfer Company
玉川 Tamagawa Tamagawa Restaurant
Editorial Note
Restaurant was supplied from the English Directory (BC Yukon) of the same year. There seems to be a tendency in the Japanese directory to omit food establishment markers such as restaurant and cafe.
天狗 Tengu Tengu Cafe
Editorial Note
Cafe supplied from BC Yukon Directory 1941.
天理敎 會 Tenrikyou sha Heaven's Teachings
Editorial Note
The kanji have the meanings of heaven, truth, teaching, and company and in the BC Yukon directory of 1941 reverend is listed at this address, so it seems likely that this entry is associated with a religious association. I used Heaven's Teachings for the English entry because I felt that that was the central idea that the kanji was representing.
Editorial Note
In the directory 音 has a flat line on top. This may be a difference in font styles.
つばめ Tsubame Tsubame Restaurant
Editorial Note
Restaurant supplied from BC Yukon 1941 Directory.
寺西 裁縫 店 Teranishi Saihou Mise Teranishi Sewing Shop
當山 運送舎 Touyama Unsou-sha Touyama Transfer Company
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
1342 E Geo Street HI 0505M Vancouver
遠山 寫 眞 舘 Touyama Shashin-kan Touyama Photography Studio
コロンビア 寫 眞 舘
Koronbia Shashin-Kan
Columbia Photography Studio
Editorial Note
In this entry the information in the note was listed after the given organizational name. Also, because of the time of this directory, it is possible that the kanji for movie theatre was not in use, so 寫 眞 舘 may actually represent the term for a movie theatre.
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
3045 Kingʼy DE 1850L Vancouver
タメ 自轉車 店 Tame Jitensha-mise Tame's Bicyle Shop
同 支店 Dou shiten This entry represents the same store as the previous entry, but in a different location.
Editorial Note
To determine that this store was the same store as the previous entry I searched this entry's address in the English (BC Yukon) directory.
ユニオン 魚店 Yunion Sakana-mise Union Fish Store
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
牛島 治療院 Ushijima Jiryou-in Ushijima Clinic
神力無双糅療治 守尾式靈熱治
jinchikara musoujyou ryouji mamobishiki reinechi jiryou
Divine Healing Massage Two for One Deal/ Healing method that protects and heats your spirit.
Editorial Note
In the English directory this individual is listed with the occupation of massage while here the kanji 治療院 represents a clinic (calm, healing, institution) which possibly indicates that this individual practices so-called Eastern Medicine (possibly accupuncture). The above translation is an approximation based upon the meanings of the specific kanji.
内田 醫院 Uchida I-in Dr. Uchida's Clinic
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
2725 E 7th HI 1686R Vancouver
内田 書店 Uchida Sho-mise Uchida Stationary Store
晩香坡 オート サービス Bankouba Ooto Saabisu Vancouver Auto Service
Editorial Note
This kanji 晩香坡 is repeated in the V section of the directory and seems to stand for Vancouver. However, presently in Japanese Vancouver has the reading "Bankuubaa" which is not how the kanji mentioned is read.
晩香坡 釦製造店 Bankouba Botan Seizou-Mise Vancouver Button Manufacturing (Store)
ウオルド ホテル Uorudo Hoteru World Hotel
若林 豆腐屋 Wakahayashi Toufu-ya Wakahayashi Tofu Shop
ヤマ タクシー Yama Takushii Yama Taxi
山下 大工 Yamashita Daiku Yamashita Carpentry
山崎 時計店 Yamazaki Tokei-mise Yamazaki Watch Store
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
2136 Cmbge Street HI 2304L Vancouver
山三 蒲鉾店 Yamasan Fuhako-mise Yamasan Fish Cakes Store
Editorial Note
Fish Cakes supplied from BC Yukon Directory 1941 entry.
山村 時計店 Yamamura Tokei-mise Yamamura Watch Store
The person listed at this address either owns or is related to the previous entry.
山登 カマボツ店 Yamato Kamabotsu-mise Yamato Kamabotsu Store
Editorial Note
Kamabotsu is not a Japanese word but at the moment I am not able to determine its meaning. Also, in the BC Yukon Directory 1941 under this address only vacant is listed. It would be interesting to find out when the two directories were created to determine if the resident was removed from the area or simply moved in to the area.
吉野 Yoshino Yoshino Restaurant
Editorial Note
Restaurant supplied from BC Yukon Directory 1941 entry.
Editorial Note
In the BC Yukon Directory 1941 under Powell Street 473 there are three entries. Two of them are different than this one, but the third is noted as vacant in the English directory.



BC Japanese Directory 1941 Index - Nihonmachi, Vancouver
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.
Source: BC Japanese Directory 1941, document with blue cover and slim pages; Vancouver starts on page 1.


Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.