Index for Gore Avenue

Index for Gore Avenue

Unidentified Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Billingsgate Fish Limited
Armson & McIntosh
A M & H Logging Ltd
Gore Av Wharf Ltd
Can Fishing Co Ltd
New England Fish Co
Egmont Fish Co Ltd
Frazer H M
BC Packers Ltd
Haig Fisheries Ltd
Harbour Navigation Co
Crown Fish Mkt
Ives H S Fish Mkt Ltd
London Fish Co Ltd
Lowery D Fish Co
Ocean Fisheries Ltd
Pac Coast Fish & Cold Stge Ltd
Howe Sound Fisheries
Harbour Store
Urquhart & Mills
Van Shell Fish Co Ltd
Producers Salt Fish Sales bookers PA-0211
Gore Av Wharf Ltd PA-5939
* Can Fishing Co Ltd PA-0211
New England Fish Co PA-0211
Atlin Fisheries(office) PA-0211
Harbour Navigation MA-3832
Great A L confr PA-2815
Gore Av Wharf Ltd PA-5939
* Can Fishing Co Ltd PA-0211
New England Fish Co PA-0211
Harbour Cafe PA-2815
Pac Vitamins (plant)
Atlin Fisheries (office) PA-0311
Harbour Navigation MA-3832
* Van Ice (whse)
Gore Av Wharf Ltd PA-5939
* Can Fishing Co Ltd PA-0211
New England Fish Co PA-0211
Harbour Cafe PA-2815
Pac Vitamins (plant)
Atlin Fisheries (office) PA-0211
Harbour Navigation MA-3332
Van Ice (whse) PA-6361
Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd. (The)
Eckman James S President Rosenberg S M Vice-President Hager R T Vice-President Fresh, Frozen, Salt and Smoked Fish, Mild Cured Salmon, Canned Salmon, Fish Meal and Oil, Ice and Cold Storage.
Gore Av Wharf Ltd PA5939
* Can Fishing Co Ltd PA0211
Vitadeed Concentration fish oil MA9850
Harbour Cafe PA2815
Harbour Navigation MA3532

11 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Van I & C Stge Ltd

126 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Magneto Sales & Service Ltd.
Christian C W Genl Mgr Sales and Service for All Types of Magnetos, Lighting and Starting Equipment.
Magneto Sales & Serv * TA2535

128 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Sugiyama Mrs C
Tamagawa Restr
Tamagawa Restaurant
Hamada T Mrs
Tamagawa Restaurant
Editorial Note
Restaurant was supplied from the English Directory (BC Yukon) of the same year. There seems to be a tendency in the Japanese directory to omit food establishment markers such as restaurant and cafe.
Tamagawa Restr
Hamada T Mrs PA-4985

130 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Yamada M
Toyama S
Raku Raku Restr
Baku Baku Restr
靜岡 Onaji Shizuoka
Raku Restaurant
Kaga M Mrs
石井 事務所
Ishii Jimu-sho
Ishii Offices
Raku Raku Restaurant
Editorial Note
Restaurant supplied from the English Directory.
當山 運送舎
Touyama Unsou-sha
Touyama Transfer Company
Ishii K real est PA-7852
Toyama S transf PA-7852
Raku Raku Restr PA-8537

132½ Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949

135 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Can Hellenic Co whal ship chardlers MA3343

141 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Young W S
Young W S real est PA-4531
Young W S real est PA-4531
Hadden J G

200 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Pine Rooms
Gong Quan

205 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Yama Taxi
Yamashita S
Yama Taxi
Yama Radio
Yamashita S
elec supps
Yama Taxi
Yamashita S
ヤマ タクシー
Yama Takushii
Yama Taxi
Yama Taxi PA-5454
Yama Radio elec supps PA-5454
Campbell C S
Callahan H L

205½ Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949

207 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Gore Rooms
Gore Rooms
Kimura R Mrs
木村 ルームス
Kimura Ruumusu
Kimura Rooms
Gore Rooms PA-5884
Pine Rooms
Mrs T Toguri proprietor
Pine Rooms
Toguri Mrs T PA-1975
prop Pine Rooms
Term Ctge
R & H Sawmill
Pine Rooms
Paskr A
Pine Rooms
Pine Rooms MA0054

215 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Maruman Restaurant
Kitamura Z
◯ 万
Maruman Restaurant
Editorial Note
Restaurant was supplied from the English Directory.
Maruman Restr PA-8861
Fink L

216 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Miyazaki J
宮崎 豆腐店
Miyazaki Toufu-mise
Miyazaki Tofu Shop
鶏肉 並 二卵販賣
Niwatoriniku hei ni tamago hanbai
Sale on or selling chicken with two eggs.
Miyazaki J plty

221 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Oka K Mrs
Asae Bros
Asae K
淺江 靴店
Asae Kutsu Mise
Asae Shoe Store
淺江 加一 Asanae Kaichi 同 山口 Onaji Yamaguchi
Kutsukou baou Nushi
Shoe Craftsmen's Factory Owner/ Proprietor
Shimo C barber
Asae Bros shoe reprs MA-4816
Burrard Dry Dock
Toolney C F
Fink L
Chew F

222 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Nabata Transfer
Kumamoto J
名畑 運送
Nabata Unsou
Nabata Transfer
Nabata Transf PA-4418
Kumamoto S

230 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
St James Parish Hall
St James Parish Hall
social wkr
St James Parish Hall
St James Parish Hall
Cooper Mrs P MA-1507
St James Parish Hall
St James Parish Hall PA-6027
Cooper Miss P MA-1507
Van News Agcy
St James Parish Hall
St James Parish Hall PA-6027
Cooper P Miss MA-1507
social wkr
* St James Parish Hall MA7603
Cooper P Miss MA1507

231 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
B C Auto Supply
S Yamashita proprietor gas sta
BC Auto Supply
Asahi Garage
Sakaki T mgr
Asahi Gar PA-4950
Imperial Service Station
W M Lee proprietor
Imp Serv Sta PA-4950
Lee's Trans PA-4950
Lee's Transport
Lee S E
Imp Serv Sta PA-4950
Lee's Trans PA-4950
Benny's Complete Auto Service
Knowles B
Benny's Complete Auto Serv PA6629

329 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Canadian Japanese Association
T Takeuchi sec
Can Japan Asoc
Canadian Japanese Association
Kawata T sec
日本人 會
Nihon-jin Kai
Japanese Association
Editorial Note
In the English Directory this is listed as the Canadian-Japanese Association, but it is signified as only the Japanese Association in this directory.
Can Japanese Assn PA-6044
Hungarian Democratic Club
Zogyro G sec
Hungarian Democratic Club
Hawkins A MA1634

332 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Hostel and Labor Bureau
Men's Social Dept
Welcome Hotel
Salv Army Men's Social Dept
Salvation Army Hostel
* Salv Army Hostel PA-1842
Salvation Army Hostel
* Salv Army Hostel PA-1842
bolter up
Burrard Dry Dock
Heather Woodwks
Salv Army Mens Hostel
Hamilton Bridge
A & N Dept Store
W Coast Shpbldrs
Van Genl Hosp
Editorial Note
in the directory this address is listed as 'same'; I assumed that meant the same as the previous address
Armour Salvage
Hamilton Bridge
Burrard Dry Dock
Hamilton Bridge
Sweeney Cooperage
Nelson Lndries
tool crib
Vivian Diesels & Munitions
Boult's Book Store
Editorial Note
It is difficult to tell if the address for this entry is 832 or 332
Galbraith & Sulley
Salvation Army Mens Hostel
Habkirk J W adj in chge
Editorial Note
I have made the assumption that div comdr stands for division commander
* Salv Army Hostel PA-1842

333 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Industrial Depts
Salv Army Indus Dept
Salvation Army Industrial Depts
Salv Army Indus Store
Salvation Army Industrial Depts
Salv Army Indus Store
Salvation Army Industrial Store
Habkirk J W adj in chge
Editorial Note
It is unclear whether this entry lists 883 Gore or 333 Gore
Salv Army Indus Store
Salvation Army Industrial Store
Salv Army Indus Store

337 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Can Nippon Supply Co Ltd
Wharf Limited Salv Army (storerm)
Salv Army storerm
Window Shade Emporium
E A Van C W Van
Young & Boyd
pntrs & decrtrs
Window Stade Emporium TA5713
Young & Boyd pairs & decrirs MA9405

340 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
fl lyr
Nystedt & Son

341 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
mach opr
Am Can
Chinese Presbyterian Church
Rev K H Yeung pastor
Orange Lodges
Vancouver County LOL No 1
meets quarterly
Vancouver Royal Scarlet Chapter
meets 3rd Monday
Vancouver Imperial LOL No 1560
meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Ebenezer LOL No 1589
meets 2nd and 4th Mondays
Eniskillen LOL No 1615
meets 2nd and 4th Fridays
Clarke-Wallace LOL No 1715
meets 3rd Tuesday
Vancouver RBP No 802
meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Vancouver County LOL No 1
meets quarterly
Vancouver Royal Scarlet Chapter
meets 3rd Monday
Vancouver Imperial LOL No 1560
meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Ebenezer LOL No 1589
meets 2nd and 4th Mondays
Eniskillen LOL No 1615
meets 2nd and 4th Fridays
Clarke-Wallace LOL No 1715
meets 3rd Tuesday
Vancouver RBP No 802
meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Orange Hall
Fraternal Order Eagles
Chinese Presby Ch
Haydn Orchestra
Smalley G cond meets Wednesdays 8 pm
Editorial Note
It is difficult to tell if this address is for 341 or 841.
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Vancouver County No 1
McClean W H C M
meets quarterly
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Vancouver Royal Scarlet Chapter
meet at call of chairman
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Ebenezer Lodge No 1589
Kennedy T sec
meets 2nd and 4th Mondays
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Eniskillen Lodge No 1615
meets 2nd and 4th Fridays
Acheson J
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Prince Edward Island No 2350
meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays
Robinson D J sec
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Vancouver Imperial No 1560
meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays
Gregg H L C sec
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Star of the West RRP No 544
Langdale E B registrar
meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Vancouver RRP No 82
Acheson J registrar
meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
Orange Lodges- LOBA Lodges- Perseverance No 582
meets 1st and 3rd Mondays
Watson Mrs sec
Vancouver Orange Hall Co Ltd
Wilson F sec
Vancouver Sports Club
Miller H sec
* Orange Hall PA-0951
Orange Lodges
LOL Lodges—
Not sure what this denotes, appears at top of list
Vancouver County No 1 S C M Hunter meets quarterly
Vancouver Royal Scarlet Chapter meet at call of chairman
Ebenezer Lodge 1589 W Turkington see 562 W 7 meets 4th Mondays
Enniskilin Lodge No 1516 J Acheson see 439 E 19 meets 2nd and 4th Fridays
Prince Edward Island No 2359 J J Robinson see 2933 Turner meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays
Vancouver Imperial No 1560 H L C Gregg see 3437 W 2 meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays
Vancouver County No 1
S C M Hunter meets quarterly
Vancouver Royal Scarlet Chapter
meet at call of chairman
Ebenezer Lodge
1589 W Turkington see 562 W 7 meets 4th Mondays
Enniskilin Lodge No 1516
J Acheson see 439 E 19 meets 2nd and 4th Fridays
Prince Edward Island No 2359
J J Robinson see 2933 Turner meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays
Vancouver Imperial No 1560
H L C Gregg see 3437 W 2 meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays
Orange Lodges
Royal Black Knights of Ireland—
Star of the West RBP No 544 E B Langdale registrar meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
Vancouver RBP No 802 J Acheson registrar meets 4th Tuesdays
Star of the West RBP No 544
E B Langdale registrar meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
Vancouver RBP No 802
J Acheson registrar meets 4th Tuesdays
* Orange Hall PA-0951
Orange Lodges Vancouver County No 1
Austin J E C M 1020 Nicola meets quarterly
Orange Lodges Vancouver Royal Scarlet Chapter
Mitchell A meet at call of chairman
Orange Lodges Ebenezer Lodge No 1589
Turkington W sec 562 W 7 meets 4th Monday
Orange Lodges Enniskilin Lodge No 1615
Acheson J sec 439 E 19 meets 2nd and 4th Fridays
Orange Lodges Prince Edward Island No 2359
Robinson J J sec 2933 Turner meets 1st and 3rd Thursday
Orange Lodges Prince of Wales No 3118
Smith W sec 2343 Victoria meets 1st Tuesday at
Orange Lodges Vancouver Imperial No 1560
Brett W H sec 2355 W 14 meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays
Orange Lodges Star of the West RBP No 544
Langdale E B registrar 808 E 8 meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
Orange Lodges Vancouver RBP no 802
Acheson J registrar 439 E 19 meets 4th Tuesday
* Orange Hall PA-0951
City of Vancouver
Coyle Batteries
trk drvr
Gordon & Belyca
Ford Bldg
Am Can
fur fnshr
Tip Top Coffee Shop
Pac Meat
Stickland Fuels
H D Layfield & Co
Practical Nurses Registry
Shawcross & Co
Richmond Milk Producers
Kerk's Transfer
A Kerktecker
Orange Hall
Hawkins A caretkr apts
Orange Hall apts MA1634
Grskovich M PA4911
Smith R A TA4664
Gibson F W PA4917
Kerk's Transf PA4917
Turnell W PA3893
Stavcross H G Mrs PA4848
McAdie L J
Bell A TA5076
Osborne R
White W A
Riddell E M Mrs TA4989
Gillis J D PA1087
Turnell W G PA4496
Waterton W A TA1703
Hughes E E
Sapro C Mrs
Surard M
Wilson C G
Forsberg G E
Foster C A
Evans J MA3581
Collins F A MA1680
Kilpatrick J TA1790
Rush C TA3768
O'Hara A L
Devlin H TA2890
Fong J L PA7685
Mackie M C

445 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
山口 Onaji Yamaguchi
福岡 Onaji Fukuoka

83 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Country Freight Lines (shed)

83½ Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949

85 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Country Freight Lines (shed)
Country Freight Lines (shed)

88 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949

97 Gore Avenue


1930 1941 1942 1943 1949
Canadian Fruit Ripening Co Ltd
Van Ice & Cold Storage * PA6361



Index for Gore Avenue
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.
Source: No source; born digital.


Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.