L. Marquis to Federal Department of Fisheries, 21 January 1942
Fulford Harbour, B.C.
Jany. 21st. 1942
Dominion Fisheries Department
Winch Fisheries
Vancouver, B. C.
Dear Sirs,
Having heard over the radio that the Japanese Fishing Fleet which at the present time
is under seizure by the Federal Government was to either be leased or sold to white
fisherman on the Pacific Coast.
I, am a returned man and have been doing some fishing in a small boat but would like
to procure a larger one for Cod Fishing say 30 or 34ft.
Will you be kind enough to furnish me with complete details the procedure necessary to become owner of one of these boats.
Thanking you, I, remain Yours very truly
L. Marquis,
Fulford Harbour, B. C.
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L. Marquis to Federal Department of Fisheries, 21 January 1942
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