Geo Giguere to J. A. Motherwell, 01 May 1942
#159, Provencher,
St. Boniface, Man.
May 1st,.1942
British Columbia Dept. of Fisheries,
Victoria, B.C.
I have been corresponding with different people within these last three months in
regard to going out to Vancouver to fish salmon.
I now have a partner wishing to come along to Vancouver, and it is our intention to
buy a 25 to 30 Ft. trawler.
We would like to know if it is possible, at present, to get any of those Jap boats
that were interned. We both have had some experiences in fishing cod on the Atlantic
Coast, but would brush up on salmon-fishing.
We are both married, and above drafting age. We have been to Vancouver before and
think the city and district to be God's country.
We would therefore be much obliged if you could give us necessary information in regard
to licenses and permits. By owning our boat what price could we sell our salmon-catches?
Would prospective buyers be Government—canaries or private enterprises?
We can of course furnish the best of references such as police, Banks and City-authorities.
Should you deem it advisable we could on short notice, go over and see you personally.
Enclosed you will find a self-addressed envelope. Thanking you for your kind attention,
and in anticipation of a prompt reply, I remain,
Yours very truly
Geo Giguere
#159, Provencher,
St. Boniface, Man.
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Geo Giguere to J. A. Motherwell, 01 May 1942
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