古屋 商店

古屋 商店

Kakubu he chuukei
The Phone Number (Marine 6435) will connect you with the store you specifically want to contact.
yoi-hin wo reyasuku
Great goods made cheap
Nikka Shokuryou Zakka Choku Yushutsunyuu
Japanese Canadian Grocery with Direct Imports and Exports
In English this ad has three phone numbers, where as in Japanese it only mentions Marine 6435. There was a lot of information crammed into this ad.


OrgName古屋 商店
OrgNameFuruya Shouten
OrgNameM. Furuya Co. Ltd.
AddrLine (Japanese)パウエル 街 三一八 ー 三二四
AddrLine (Japanese) 電話 マリン 六四三五
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese)Paueru Machi San Ichi Hachi - San Ni Yon
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese) Denwa Marin Roku Yon San Go
AddrLine 318 - 324 Powell Street
AddrLine Phone Marine 6435
AddrLine 318 - 324 Powell Street
AddrLine Phone MArine 6435 - 6436 - 6437
SettlementVancouver, British Columbia
OrgNameSeimaijo Kyuu Souko
OrgNameRice mills and Exporting Warehouses
AddrLine (Japanese)パウエル 街 九九二
AddrLine (Japanese) 電話 マリン 六四三五
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese)Paueru Machi Kyuu Kyuu Ni
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese) Denwa Marin Roku Yon San Go
AddrLine 992 Powell Street
AddrLine Telephone Marine 6435
OrgName男女 着類日用雜貨一切
OrgNameDanjo Ki-rui nichiyou Zakka Issai
OrgNameMen and Women's Clothing Available Daily (that are Exceptional)
AddrLine (Japanese)パウエル 街 三一八
AddrLine (Japanese) 電話 マリン 六四三五
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese)Paueru Machi San ichi Hachi
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese) Denwa Marin Roku Yon San Go
AddrLine 318 Powell Street
AddrLine Telephone Marine 6435
OrgName食料品 小賣部
OrgNameShoku Ryouhin Kouri-bu
OrgNameGrocery and Retail Store
AddrLine (Japanese)パウエル 街 三二四
AddrLine (Japanese) 電話 マリン 六四三五
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese)Paueru Machi San Ni Yon
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese) Denwa Marin Roku Yon San Go
AddrLine 324 Powell Street
AddrLine Telephone Marine 6435
OrgNameChihou Hanbai-ten Shozaichi
OrgNameLocal Dealer Location
Settlement (Japanese)ハモンド
Settlement (Japanese)ミッション
Settlement (Japanese)チマイナス
AddrLine (Japanese) 電話 マリン 六四三五
Settlement (Romanized Japanese)Hamondo
Settlement (Romanized Japanese)Misshon
Settlement (Romanized Japanese)Chimainasu
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese) Denwa Marin Roku Yon San Go
AddrLine Telephone Marine 6435


Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.