Browse Organizations

Browse Organizations

The organization index is listed by entity name. Some organization in the list have a researcher note attached.
Name Note
A. A. Boak & Co. Ltd. Real Estate and Conveyancing
American Association for China Famine and Flood Relief 82 Washington Street, Chicago, Illinois, USA. Wirt W. Hallam, President.
Aarany Investments Limited
Aarany Investments Limited
Aarany Investments Limited
AARany Investments Limited
A & A Trading Company sec hd goods
Abacus International Developers Ltd.
Abbott, MacRae & Co. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Abbott & Hart-McHarg Barristers & Solicitors
Abbott, McRae & Co. Barristers & Solicitors
Abbott Macrae & Co.
Abbott, Hart-McHarg, Duncan & Rennie
A B C Junk Company
A.B.C. Packing Co. Ltd
Aberdeen Fish Company
Aberdeen Fish Company Limited
Aberdeen Fish Company
Abercrombie Construction Ltd.
Abott & Hart-McHarg
Amalgamated Building Workers of Canada J. McKinley, General Secretary.
A.B. Wenaus & Sons Ltd
Acadia Trust Company Limited
Acadia Trust Company Ltd
Accurate Metal Manufacturing & Sheet Metal Works
Ace Electric Service Company Limited
The Anglo Canadian Import Company
Advisory Committee on Japanese Properties in Greater Vancouver
Acklands Leasehold Properties Limited
Acklands Leasehold Properties Limited
Acklands Leasehold Properties Limited
Americal Civil Liberties Union
Acme Lock & Key Service
Acme Lock & Key Service
Acme Lock & Key Service
Acme Plumbing & Heating Service
Acme Importers And Exporters Limited
People involved in the organization include Takayuki Shikitani (debtor to the company), Kichinosuke Okumura (shareholder), Shotara Okumura (shareholder), T. Yamoda (bookkeeper).
Advisory Committee on the Protection of Canadian Interests in Enemy Territory and the Treatment of Enemy Interests in Canada
Advisory Committee on Rural Properties Judge David Whiteside; F.G. Shears; K.W. Wright; H.F. Green; Hal Mezies; Mayor W. Mott.
Active Trading Co. Ltd.
Active Trading Co. Ltd.
Alberta Conference of the United Church of Canada
Adam Smith Johnston, Barrister and Solicitor
Adanac Salvage Limited
Agricultural Department of British Columbia
ADministration and Trust Company
Anglican Diocese of New Westminster
A.D.T. Sales Ltd.
A. D. T. Sales Ltd
Advance Manufacturing Company Limited
Advance Manufacturing Company Limited was located at 935 Vernon Drive, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Jitaro Tanaka [also listed as Charles Jitaro Tanaka] of 105 West 20th Avenue, Vancouver, BC (shareholder), Sataro Tanaka of 117 West 6th Avenue, Vancouver, BC (shareholder), Kosaburo Uno (shareholder), Yukie Uno [possibly Yukio Uno] (shareholder), and Yoshiyuki Uno of 305 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver, BC (shareholder).
Advertisers Research Bureau Limited
A.E. Austin & Co. Limited
A.E. Austin & Co. Ltd.
A.E. Austin & Co. Limited.
A. E. Austin & Co. Real Estate and Insurance Brokers
A. E. Austin & Co.
A.E. Austin & Co. Estate Agents
A & E Best Home Builders Ltd
Afton Hotel
Afton Hotel
Afton Hotel
Afton Hotel
Afton Rooms
相星 洋服店 Aihoshi Youfuku Mise Aihoshi Western Clothing Store
A I M Engineering & Supply Company
A I M Forge Division Limited
A. I. M. Forge Division Ltd.
A.I.M. Steel Products Division Limited Steel: Mild, Alloy and Tool - Diamalloy Welding Electrodes - Manganese and Stainless Castings and Forgings.
A.I.M. Steel Limited
Alberta JCCA Chapter
Anglican Japanese Mission, Slocan City Slocan City, BC.
秋元 サイン Akimoto Sain Akimoto Signs
秋山 金物店 Akiyama Kanamonoten Akiyama 's Hardware Store
金物商KanamonoshouHardware Dealer
Aladdin Investors Ltd.
A. La Lande and Son
Alaska Jewellery MFG. Co. Ltd.
Alberta Pool Elevator Number 2
Alberta Wheat Pool
Alberta Wheat Pool
Albert & Lavallee
Albion Land Co. Limited
Albion Land Co. Limited
Albert College
Alesia Hotel
Alex Shoe Repairing
Alexander Apartments
Alexander Rooms
Alexander Warehouse Ltd.
Alexandra Community Activities
Alfred W. McLeod Limited
Alfred W. McLeod Ltd, The Insurance Men
Alfred Horie Construction Co. Ltd.
Alfred Horie Construction Company Limited
Allan & Lougheed, Barristers & Solicitors
Allco Hospital
Allco Hospital
Allco Hospital Camp
Allen-Segal Limited
A.L. Lewis, Esq. Barrister & Solicitor
Allied Metalcraft Limited fishing tackle manufacturers
Allied Salvage & Metals Ltd.
Aloi Investments Ltd.
Alouette Land Development Ltd
A. L. P. Hunter Barrister & Solicitor
Alter Rooms
Alter Rooms
Alter Rooms
Alter Rooms
Alpine Timber
Amano Transfer
Amano Transfer
Ambika Enterprises Ltd.
Ambika Enterprises Ltd.
Ambyll Holdings Inc.
Advance Manufacturing Co. There is information about capitalization and subscribed capital for this company. bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
A 1 Meat Market
American Can Company Limited Manufacturers of Plain and Lithograhed Tin Cans of Every Description See Classified Advertisements Canadian Manufacturers
American Can Co. Ltd.
American Can Co Limited Manufacturers of PLain and Lithographed Tin Cans of Every DescriptionSee Classified Advertisements Can Manufacturers
American Can Company Limited
American Oil Burnder Distributors Limited
American Can Company Limited
American Quarterly Review
American Timber Holding Co.
American Burner & Appliances Limited
American Oil Burners Distributors Limited
American Traders Co. LTD.
Amor Sales & Service
Anchor Fish
Anderson Realty LTD
Anderson Realty Ltd.
Anderson & Anderson Barristers & Solicitors
Anderwood Holdings Ltd
Angene & Miller, Barristers & Solicitors
Anglo Nippon Company
Anglican Clergy House
Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Limited
Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Ltd
Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Ltd
Anglo British Columbia Packing Company Ltd
Anglo-Nippon Company
Anglican Church of Canada
Anglican Church
Angler Internment Camp Department of National Defence - Army.
Anker's Market
A.N. MacIntosh Ltd
A. N. MacIntosh, Limited
A. N. MacIntosh Ltd.
Annie's Chili Parlor
Antar Enterprises Ltd.
Anthony's Limited
Army and Navy Veterans Association
Allied Occupation Army
靑木 旅舘 Aoki Ryokan Aoki Inn
Aquapel Cement Paint Limited manufacturers
新井 商店 Arai Shouten Arai Store
A. R. Booth & Co. Barristers & Solicitors
Arcade Dress Shop (The)
Arlor Properties Ltd.
Arlor Properties Limited
Armand's Barber Shop
Armand's Barber Shop
Armand's Barber Shop
Armstrong & Co
Armstrong & Co.
Armstrong & Company
Armstrong & Company
Armstrong & Hotson
Army, Navy & Air Force Veterans Unit 284 in Canada
Army Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada
Army Halls
Arrow Tent & Awning Co. Ltd
Arrow Tent & Awning Co. Ltd
Art Cleaners
A.R. Williams Machinery Western Limited
A.R. Williams Machinery Western Limited
A.R. Williams Machinery Western Limited
淺江 靴店 Asae Kutsu Mise Asae Shoe Store
Asae Brothers shoerepairs
朝日 紙凾 製造所 Asahi Kamikan Seizou Tokoro Asahi Paper box Manufacturing (Place)
朝日 グラージ Asahi Guraaji Asahi Garage
Asahi Garage
Asahi Paper Box Co. Manufacturers of Cardboard, Folding, Fancy, and Jewelry Boxes of All Kinds
Asahi Garage
Asahi Paper Box
Asahi Holdings Ltd.
Asal Remedies
Asal Remedies
Asal Remedies
靴工場主Kutsukou baou NushiShoe Craftsmen's Factory Owner/ Proprietor
Assoc.Cleaners bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Ascot Dairy
Ascot Dairy
Ascot Dairy
Ascot Dairy
Ashland Oil Canada Limited
Asiatic League
Asahina & Kojima
Associated Dairies Farm
Associated Dairies Farm
Associated Dairies Farm
Associated Publications Ltd
Associated Frozen Foods Limited
Associated Trading Corporation Limited mdrs agents
Associated Lighting Services Ltd.
Ashoka Society
Associated Cleaners And Dyers Limited
The Associated Cleaners & Dyers Limited was located at 1638 Third Avenue West, Vancouver, BC. People associated with this file include Giichiro Mizutani, Yoshi Nikaido, Take Akiyama (shareholder), Sanzo Shinbashi, Harry Miyasaki (shareholder), Jun Kumamoto (shareholder), Gensaburo Kumita (shareholder), Jisaburo Maeda, Tomio Sameshima (shareholder), and Shoichi Tobo (shareholder).
Astoria Hotels Limited
Astoria Hotels Limited
Astoria Hotel (1984) Ltd.
Astoria Hotels Limited
阿田木 造船所 Ataki Zousen-tokoro Ataki Shipyard
Atagi Boat Works bca_gr_0435_box_48_file_436.pdf
Atherton Realty Company Limited
Atlas Cartage Company
Atlas Printers Limited
Atlin Fisheries Limited
Atlin Fisheries Ltd
Atlin Fisheries Limited
Atlin Fisheries Limited office
A.T. Storrs LTD.
Attlke Lodge apartments
Attorney-General of Canada [Reference Case]
Attorney-General of Quebec
Avco Delta Realty Limited
A. W. Goodrich Co. Ltd.
Aylco Industries Ltd.
Babcock Fisheries Ltd.
Babcock Fisheries Ltd.
Babek Industries Ltd.
Babic Electric Ltd.
BAbic Electric Ltd.
Bab's Beauty Parlour
Bailey, Telford & Co., Ltd.
Baird & Baird, Barristers, etc.
Baker Forge Limited
Baker & Owen
Baker & Ellicott
Baker Forge Ltd.
Bakkr Forge Limited
Balkan Cafe
Balkan Rooms
Balkan Cafe
Balkan Cafe
Ballantyne Pier (National Harbours Board)
Ballantyne Pier
Ballantyne Pier
晩香坡 オート サービス Bankouba Ooto Saabisu Vancouver Auto Service This kanji 晩香坡 is repeated in the V section of the directory and seems to stand for Vancouver. However, presently in Japanese Vancouver has the reading "Bankuubaa" which is not how the kanji mentioned is read.
晩香坡 釦製造店 Bankouba Botan Seizou-Mise Vancouver Button Manufacturing (Store)
Bank of Montreal Main and Hastings
Bank of Montreal
Bank of Montreal
Bank of Montreal
Bank of Montreal
Bank of Montreal
Bank of Montreal
Bank of Montreal
Bank of Montreal
Bank of Montreal
Bank of Montreal
Bank of Hamilton
Bapco Paint Limited
Bapco Paint LTD.
Baptist Church
バラード べカリー baraado bekarii Burrard Bakery
Barnet Stevedoring Company Ltd
Bartlett Sheet Metal Works Limited
Bartlett Metal Products Ltd.
Bata Auto Service Limited
Baumgartel & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Baxter, McLellan & Savage Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Baxter, McLellan & Savage
Baxter & McLellan Barristers and Solicitors, Notaries, Etc.
Bayfield & Johnston Barristers & Solicitors
Baysprings Industries Ltd.
BBC Realty Ltd
British Canadian Allied Club
B.C. Archives 675 Belleville Street Victoria BC V8W 9W2
B C Auto Supply
B C Calendar & Advertising Company
British Columbia Commerical Fisheries Branch
British Columbia Coast Growers Association Mission, BC.
B.C. Council of Longshoremen
B. C. Coast Vegetable Co-operative Association
B. C. Coast Vegetable Marketing Board
B. C. Confectionery
B.C. Coast Vegetable Marketing Board
B.C. Coast Vegetable Marketing Board
B.C. Coast Vegetable Co-operative Association
B.C. Coast Vegetable Co-operative Association
Bc Cod Fishermens Cooperative Association
B.C. Cod Fishermen’s Cooperative Association was located at Quathiaski Cove, BC. The file contains a list of Japanese Canadian members of the association and a number of release forms signed by Japanese Canadian members. A note in the file indicates that half of the members of this organization were Japanese Canadians who were forcibly uprooted to the interior of BC.
British Columbia Department of Agriculture - Horticultural Branch
B.C. Distributors Company Limited
B. C. Distributors Company Limited
B.C. Department of Lands
BC Electric Railway Company Ltd
BC Electric Railway Company Ltd
BC Electric Railway Company Ltd
BC Electric Railway Company Ltd
BC Electric Railway Company
B.C. Farmer and Gardener
British Columbia Fruit Growers’ Association
British Columbia Fish Salteries Limited
B.C. Fuel Co Ltd
B.C. Gazette A newspaper publication based in Victoria BC.
BC Government Police
B C Government
BC Government Police
BC Government - Allco Infirmary
BC Government Police
B C Government Public Works
B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union
BC History Magazine
British Columbia Historical Quarterly A British Coolumbia specific historical publication.
British Columbia Immigration Board of Review
B C Japanese Club Ltd
B.C. Japanese Club bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
British Columbia Japanese Canadian Citizen Association Greenwood, British Columbia.
B.C. Land & Investment Agency Limited
British Columbia Lands Branch
British Columbia Land and Investment Agency Limited
313100 B.C. Ltd.
British Columbia. Mental Health Services
British Commonwealth Occupational Forces
British Columbia Packers Limited Tracing history of vessel S.N. (Starship Yards retrofit for BC Packers - legal dispute, boat stolen later, more details pending FOI) ; bca_ms_0448_box_4_file_bcpackers.pdf ; bca_ms_0448_box_3_file_macaulay_nicolls_maitland ; bca_ms_0448_box_4_file_japanese_fishing_fleet.pdf
B.C. Packers
BC Packers Ltd
BC Packers Ltd
B.C. Packers
B.C. Packers Ltd.
B.C. Packers
B.C. Packers
The British Columbia Packers Association
British Columbia Provincial Police
BC Products Bureau
B C Purchasers Association
Bc Purchasers Cooperative Association
Directors are Chujiro Wakabayashi and Seiichiro Nakamichi. They were located at 573 East Hastings Street, Vancouver BC. A list of shareholders include, Sannosuke Maikawa, Tomekichi Maikawa, Hatsutaro Nishimura, Union Fish Company, Y. Asano, Maikawa Limited, T. Maikawa Limited, and H. Nishimura. Another listed of associated members include, Chuya Wakabayashi, Tatsu Wakabayashi, Chujiro Wakabayashi, Tadao Wakabayashi, Chuzo Wakabayashi, and Chiyoko Ebata.
B C Rapid Transit Company Haney Garage Limited
B. C. Rooms
B C Rooms
British Columbia Railway
British Columbia Security Commission Connection with H.R. MacMillan - to investigate. bca_bc_security_commission_report_1942.pdfCreated to oversee the uprooting and removal of Japanese Canadians in the coastal area of British Columbia, socail programs, Hastings Park, and eventually the internment camps. It was administered by three men: Austin C. Taylor, Frederick J. Mead, and John Shirras.
BC Trollers Association
BC Telephone Co
B C Telephone Company
BC Telephone
BC Telephone Company
BC Telephone
BC Telephone Company
BC Telephone Company
B C Telephone Company
BC Telephone Company
BC 魚店 BC Sakana Mise BC Fish Store
Black Dragon Society
Beauty Cleaning & Pressing
Beauty Cleaners
Beaver Industries Limited
Beaver Industries Ltd.
Beaver Cannery
Becker & Company Ltd.
Becker & Company Ltd.
Becker, MacAlpine & Co, Barristers & Solicitors
Beedie Construction Co. Ltd.
Beedie Construction Co. Ltd.
Belleville Rooms
Bellville Rooms
Belleville Rooms
Belleville Rooms
Bell-Irving, Creery & Co. Ltd.
Belldee Holdings Ltd.
Belmont Rooms
Belmont Rooms
Belmont Rooms
Belmont Rooms
Belmont Rooms
Belt Line Brokerage
Belville Rooms This entry appears in the directory out of alphabetical order
Benny's Complete Auto Service
Benny Kwun Construction Ltd.
Benny Kwun Construction Ltd.
Benson Cleaners
Benson Cleaners
Benson Patter & Model Works
Berger, Oreck & Syberg-Olsen
Berglund Industrial Supply Company Limited
Berglund Industrial Supply Company Limited
Berman Holdings Ltd.
Berryland Fruit & Dairy Farm
Berryland Fruit & Dairy Farm
Berryland Fruit & Dairy Farm
Berryland Fruit & Dairy Farm
Bert's Place
Bertrand & Oliver
Better Cash & Carry
Burrard Fish Co. bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Belleville General Hospital
Burnett and Hodgsons Barristers and Solicitors
Bicwell Enterprises Ltd.
ビーシー 金物店 biishii Kanamonoten BC Hardware Store
ビーシー 購買組合 biishii koobaikumigoo BC Purchasing Union
Billingsgate Fish Limited
Billingsgate Fish Limited
Billar Resources Ltd.
Billjeanne Holdings Ltd.
Bill Yee & Co.
Billingsgate Fish Limited
Billingsgate Fish Limited
Bird & Bird, Barristers, etc.
Bird & Brydonjack Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
The Royal Commission on Japanese Claims See Japanese Property Claims Commission.
ビユテークリナ biyutee kurina Beaty Cleaner
Blain Boiler Works Limited
Blain Boiler Works Limited
Blain Boiler Works Limited
Blain Boiler Works Limited
Blaine & Company
Blain Boiler Works Ltd.
Blain Boiler Works Ltd.
Blain Boiler Works Limited
Blain Boiler Works Limited
Block Bros. Contractors Ltd
Block Bros Construction Ltd
Blossom Market
Blow S & Sons
Blue Eagle Cafe
Blue Bird Delicatessen
Blue Bird Cleaners
Blue Bird Delicatessen
Blundell Trading Company
British Navy Intelligence Service
Board of School Trustees, School District No. 42 Maple Ridge
Board of School Trustees, School District #42
Boeing A company that produces a variety of aircrafts.
Board of Home Missions United Church of Canada
Bolton Cafe
Bond & Sweet Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Bonnington Investments Ltd.
Booth & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Bureau of Provincial Information Is the Bureau of British Columbia.
Borgerson H A Ltd
Borgerson H A Ltd ship chandlers
Board of Review (Immigration)
Boucher & Sauer, Barristers and Solicitors
Bouck, Edwards & Kenny Barristers and Solicitors
Boughton & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Boughton, Anderson, Dunlee & Mortimer, Barristers & Solicito
Boultbee, Sweet & Co. Ltd.
Bourne, Lyall, Shier, Davenport & Spencer
Bourne & Desbrisay
Bourne & Desbrisay
Bourne, Lyall, Davenport & Herbert Barristers and Solicitors
Bourne & McDonald
Bourne & Company
Bowser, Reid & Wallbridge Solicitors Etc
Bowser & Wallbridge Solicitors, etc.
Bowser, Reid & Wallbridge Solicitors, Etc.
Bowser & Wallbridge Solicitors, Etc.
Boyle & Boyle, Barristers & Solicitors
Brackman-Ker Milling Co Ltd
Brackman-Ker Milling Company Limited
Brackman-Ker Milling Company Ltd
Brackman-Ker Milling Company Ltd
Brackman-Ker Milling Company Limited
Braidwood, Nuttall, MacKenzie, Brewer, Greyell & Company
Braidwood, Nuttall, MacKenzie, Brewer, Greyell & Co, Barrist
Brathom Holdings LTD
Brauer Construction Co. Ltd.
Bowser, Reid & Wallbridge This law firm was involved in a conveyance of property from Uni Fukushima to George Edward James Hanwell in 1919; The law firm that represented the respondent/plaintiff in the case ​British Columbia Land And Investment Agency v Harry H Ishitaka​ (1911), [1912] 45 SCR 302. More information needed.
Brunswick Cannery
British Columbia Fish Market grocer
British Columbia Hardware
British Columbia Japanese Club
British Columbia Purchasers Association Limited
British Columbia Rooms
British Sailors' Society
Britannia Shipyards
British ColumbiaElectricRailwayCompanyLimited
Brittania Mines
Britannia High School
British ColumbiaTelephoneCompany
British Sailors' Society
Britannia Shipyards
British Columbia Rooms
British Sailor's Society
Britannia Shipyards
British Columbia Electric Railway Company Limited
Britannia Shipyards
British American Oil Company Ltd
British Sailors' Society
British Columbia Electric Railway
British Sailors Society
British Columbia
British Columbia
British Columbia
British Columbia
British Columbia
British Columbia
British Columbia Land and Investment Agency, Limited
British Columbia Land and Investment Agency, Limited
British Columbia Land and Investment Agency, Limited
British Columbia Land and Investment Agency, Limited
British Columbia [Reference Case]
British Columbia Electric Railway Co
British Columbia
British Ropes (Canada) Limited
British Columbia Land and Investment Agency Limited
British Columbia Electric Company Limited
British Columbia Cooperative Wholesale Society
British Columbia Land and Investment Agency Limited
British Ropes (Canada) Limited
British Rebuilt Diesel Ltd.
British Sailors' Society (Canada)
British Sailors' Society (Canada)
British Sailors' Society (At Home and Abroad), Incorporated
British and Foreign Sailors Society Incorporated
British Columbia Maritime Employers Association
British Columbia Buildings Corporation
British Columbia Breweries 1918 Limited
British Columbia Breweries Limited
British America Paint Co. LTD.
British America Paint Co. LTD
British America Paint Co. LTD.
Baord of Review Regarding Japanese Immigration
Broadway Properties LTD.
Brooksbank Laboratories Ltd
Broughton & Company Barristers & Solicitors
Brown LumberCompany
Brown Lumber Company
Brown Lumber Company
Brown Lumber Company
Brown & Woodburn Barristers, etc.
Bruce Motor Cartage Limited
British Security Co-ordination
Bowman Storage Ltd.
Board of School Trustees in Vancouver
Bloedel, Stewart & Welch Ltd. J.H. Bloedel
Board of Trade, Trading with the Enemy Department
Buckerfield's Limited
Buckerfield's Limited
Buddhist Church Of Mission Bc
The Buddhist Church was located at 5th Avenue, Mission, BC. People involved in the organization include Hikojiro Miyagawa (president), Kayemon Shikaze (directors), Yoheiji Hinatsu (vice president), Denjiro Okabe (treasurer), Chiosaburo Nakamura (secretary), and members of the union who are listed in the file.
Buell, Ellis, Sargent & Russel, Barristers & Solicitors
Buell, Ellis & Sargent, Barristers and Solicitors
Buell Ellis Barristers and Solicitors
Bukyo Fujin Kai
Bukyo Fujin Kai means Buddhist Ladies’ Association or Buddhist Women’s Society in English. They received eighty-seven cents from Canadian Food Distributors when the latter went bankrupt. The file includes a list of creditors of Canadian Food Distributors.
Bull, Housser, & Tupper
Bull, Housser, Tupper, Ray, Guy & Merritt
Bull, Housser, Tupper, Ray, Carroll & Guy
Bulldog Bag Ltd.
Bull, Housser & Tupper
Bull, Housser, Tupper, Ray, Carroll & Guy
The Bulletin A journal published by the Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens' Association. (Source: oral_history_kita115_2017-06-17.xml).
Bungalow (The)
文化 商會 bunkaku shyoue Cultural Business Association English name is the best approximation of a translation.
Bunka Shokai drugs
文化商會 Bunka Shoukai Culture Company 地方の方は何んでも御手紙でChihou no Kataha Nan demo Otegami dePeople Living in Rural Areas Can Send Letter Requests to us!メールオーダ アプリシェーテッドMeeru Ooda ApurisheeteddoMail Orders Are Appreciated 神 經 戰 爭 に 打勝つ には 健康が第一Shinkei Sensou ni UchiKatsu Niha Kenkou ga DaiichiTo overcome one's nerves (Nervous War) being healthy is the fastest way.ウワー オフ ナーブ に ウチカつ には ヘルスが ファーストUwa- Ofu Naabu Ni Uchikatsu Niha Herusuga FaasutoTo overcome one's nerves (Nervous War) being healthy is the fastest way.美しい 御化粧は 品質の良い 化粧品でUtsukushii Okeshouha Hinshitsu No Yoi KeshouhindeTo have Beautiful Makeup, You Need High Quality Cosmeticsビュテフル メーキャップ は グル クワリテイ コスメテイックでByutefuru Meekyappu ha Guru Kuwaritei Kosumeteikkusu deTo have Beautiful Makeup, You Need High Quality Cosmeticsクスリ と 化粧品 なら 弊店でKursuri To Keshouhin Nara HeitendeFor Medicine and Cosmetics Come to Our Shop 1. 寫 眞機, フィルム 及 プリンテング 2. セーフテイ レーザー 及 クリッパー類 3. ステーショナリー 及 タバコ類 4. ワターマンペン 及 ゴム 製 ユタンポ類 5. ハミガキ 及 ハブラシ、小間物類一切 1. Shashinki, Firumu Oyobi Purintingu 2. Seefutei Reezaa Oyobi Kurippaa Rui 3. Suteeshonarii Oyobi Tabako Rui 4. Wataa Man Pen Oyobi Gomu Sei Yutannpo Rui 5. Hamigaki Oyobi Haburashi, Komamono Rui Issai 1. Cameras, Film, and Printing 2. Safety Razors and Clippers 3. Stationary and Different Types of Tobacco 4. Water Man Pens And Different Types of Rubber Made Hot Water Bottles 5. Tooth Paste and Tooth Brushes as well a Mix of Everyday Items (A Habadashery of Goods)
Bunka Shokai
Bunny's Photos
Burnett Cartage Company
Burns & Harry Stephens'
Burns & Company Ltd
Burnyeats B.C. Limited
Burquitlam Enterprises Ltd.
Burquitlam Enterprises Ltd.
Burrard Bakery Company
Burrard Coastwise Longshoreman's Association
Burrard Iron Works Limited
Burrard Rooms
Burrard Iron Works Ltd
Burrard Coastwise Longshoremen's Association
Burrard Iron Works Ltd
Burrard Rooms
Burrard Cartage Company Limited
Burrard Equipment Company Limited
Burrard Iron Works Limited
Burrard Fish Company Ltd
Burrard Iron Works Ltd.
Burrard Rooms
Burrard Equipment Company Limited
Burrard Iron Works Limited
Burrard Iron Works Limited
Burrard Equipment Company Limited
Burrard Fish Company Limited
The Burrard Fish Company Limited was located at Campbell Avenue, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the company include I. Sugiyama (president), and S. Fukuyama (director).
佛敎 會 Butsu kyoukai Buddhist Church
Butterfield, Hughes & Mawle
Canadian Business Magazine
Capilano Boat Works bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Calgary Herald
CAledonia & British Columbia Mortgage Company Limited
Caledonian Insurance Company
Calkins & Burke Limited
Calkins & Burke Limited
Calm Rooms
Calm Rooms
Calm Rooms
Calm Rooms
Calvary Cross Chapel
Cambridge Craft Company Ltd
Camdak Enterprises Ltd.
Camosun College
Camp & Mill Workers Federal Labour Union Number 31 Vancouver Vicinity
Campbell & Albert
Camp & Mill Workers Federal Labour Union Number 31
Campney & Murphy
Campbell, Brazier & Fisher
Campbell & Albert, Barrister, Solicitors, etc.
Campbell & Albert, Barristers Etc.
Campbell & Lester, Barristers & Solicitors
Campney & Murphy, Barristers & Solicitors
Campbell, Donegani & Wood, Barristers & Solicitors
Campbell, Meredith & Meredith
Campbell River Museum
Campney, Owen & Murphy
Campell & Dudley Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Campbell & Singer Barristers Solicitors, etc.
Campbell Meredith & Beckett Barristers etc.
Camp And Mill Workers Federal Labour Union
The Camp and Mill Workers’ Federal Labor Union No. 31 Vancouver and Vicinity also owned and controlled The Daily People newspaper. People involved in the organization include Taneji Sada (president), Atsmu Kamino (1st vice-president), Ichiro Matsushita (2nd vice-president), Takaichi Umezuki (secretary), Kijuro Inouye (treasurer), and members of the union who are listed in the file.
Canadian Fishing Co.
Canadian Government
Canadian Pacific Railway
Canada Daily News
Canadian Fishing Co Limited (The) Fresh, Frozen, Salt and Smoked Fish, Mild Cured Salmon, Canned Salmon, Fish Meal and Oil, Ice and Cold Storage
Canadian Fruit Ripening Company Limited
Canadian Japanese Association
Canadian Fisheries Department Canned Salmon Inspection Laboratory
Canadian Salt Herring Exporters Limited
Canadian Post Office Department Postal Station B
Canadian Transport Department National Harbours Board
Canadian Japanese Association
Canadian Legion (BESL) --- Japanese No 9
Canadian Salt Herring Exporters Limited
Canadian Seafarers Association
Canadian Waterfront Workers Association
Canadian Waterfront Workers Association Cigar Stand
Canadian Government
Canadian National Railway
Canadian Government
Canadian Pacific Railway
Canadian Fishing Co. Ltd. (The)
CanadianGovernment Department National Harbours Board
Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Canadian Government - Postmaster
Canadian Government
Canadian Pacific Railway
Canadian Aid to Russia
Canadian Fishing Co Ltd (The) Fresh, Frosen, Salt and Smoked Fish, Mild Cured Salmon, Canned Salmon, Fish Meal and Oil, Ice and Cold Storage
Canadian Fruit Ripening Company Ltd
Canadian Government National Defense Department 6th Field Company RCE (R)
Canadian Government Post Office DepartmentPostal Station B
Canadian Government Transport Department National Harbours Board
Canadian Japanese Association
Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Canadian National Steamship Company Limited
Canadian Fishing Co Limited (The) Fresh, Frozen, Salt and Smoked Fish, Mild Cured Salmon, Canned Salmon, Fish Meal and Oil, Ice and Cold Storage
Canadian Seafarers' Association
Canadian Government - Postmaster
Canadian Government - Postmaster
Canadian Legion
Canadian Pacific Railway Company
Canadian Bank of Commerce, The
Canadian Government - Postmaster
Canadian National Telegraphs
Canadian Camera Specialties Limited
Canadian Fishing Company Limited (The)
Canadian Fruit Ripening Company Limited
Canadian Colliers Limited
Canadian Navy
Canadian Government Fisheries Department Canned Fish Inspection Lab
Canadian Government Transport Department National Harbours Board
Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Canadian National Railway
Canadian National Steamship Company Limited
Canadian North West Junk Company
Canadian Government
Canadian Legion
Canadian Pacific Railway
Canada Daily News.
Canadian Fishing Company (The), Ltd.
Canadian Institute of Physical Culture
Canadian Japanese Association
Canadian National Steamships Wharf Office
Canadian Government - Postmaster
Canadian American Shipping Company, Limited
Canadian American Shipping Company, Limited
Canadian American Shipping Company, Limited
Canadian American Shipping Company, Limited
Canadian American Shipping Company, Limited
Canada Mio Company Limited
Canadian Camera Specialties Limited
Canada Trust Company
CAnadian Camera Specialties Limited
Canart Leasing Ltd
Canadian National Railway Company
Canadian Credit Men's Trust Association Limited
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Canadian Mortgage Association
Canadian Mortgage Association
Canasia Enterprises Limited
Canadian Pacific Railway Company
Canada Pork & Sausage Company Limited
Canada Pork & Sausage Company Limited
Canada Permanent Trust Company
Canadian Freehold Properties LTD.
Canadian Seafarers' Building Corporation Ltd.
Canada Mio Company Limited
Canadian Salt Herring Exporters Limited
People people associated this file include Kishizo Kimura.
Canada Nichiren Buddhist Church Society
Canada Nichiren Buddhist Church Society was located on 733 Keefer Street, Vancouver BC. The president was S. Sugaki.
Canada Koryo Seinen Kai
It is also listed in the file as the Canada Koryo Shinwa-Kai and Canada Glorious Young Men’s Association. It was located at 143 Dunlevy Avenue, Vancouver, BC.
Canadian Saltery Company Limited
The Canadian Saltery Fisheries Company Limited was located at North Galiano Island, BC. People involved in the company include I. Sugiyama (president), and S. Fukuyama (director).
Canadian Japanese Association
The Canadian Japanese Association was incorporated in April 1909. It was located at Port Essington, BC and had an office at 329 Gore Avenue, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Bunji Hisaoka (president), Toyoshi Kawata (secretary), Jenichi William Kinoshita (treasurer), Sakae Arikado, Ryukichi Miyake, and Eikichi Kagetsu (former president and later on acting president).
Canada Mio Sonjinkai
Canadia Mio Sojinkai was located at the south east corner of Moncton Street and 3rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC. People associated with this file include Iwakazu Yamamoto (president), Toshio Nakano (vice president), Mitsujiro Hamaguchi (treasurer), Kashiro Akai (auditor), Tamejiro Naruo (auditor), Iwao Yamamoto (auditor), Tokujrio Murao (auditor), and Matsunosuke Shinde (treasurer).
Canadian National Revenue Agency
Canton Cafe (Chinese)
Carl Rooms
Carl Rooms
Carl Rooms
Carl Rooms
Carl Rooms
Carpenter, W.R. (Canada) Ltd Manufacturers of Cocoanut and Linseed Oils and Oil Cake
Carrall Cleaners
Carter CC & Son Ltd
Carter & Co. Solicitors
Cath-Mar Japanese Mission
Cath-Mar Sailors Club
Catholic Japanese Mission
Catholic Sailors' Club
Catholic Sailors Club
Cathay Investments Ltd
CAthay Investments Ltd
Catholic Church of Canada
Canada Trust A popular banking company in Canada
Baptist Union of Western Canada
Chinese Benevolent Association
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Campbell, Brazier, Fisher, McMaster & Johnson Barristers and Solicitors A.T.R. Campbell; C.W. Brazier; A.W. Fisher; R.J. McMaster; A.J.F. Johnson.675 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC.
C. Barrett-Lennard & Co.
Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees
Christian Community and Brotherhood of Reformed Doukhobors
C. C. Carter & Sons Ltd
Special Cabinet Committee on Claims by Japanese Evacuees
Censorship Co-ordination Committee, Press Censorship
Consolidated Cod Fisheries Association
Congress of Canadian Federated Charted Associations
Co-operative Commonwealth Federation
Cabinet Committee on Immigration Policy
Co-operative Committee on Japanese Canadians Toronto, ON.Also listed as "Cooperative Committeee on Japanese Canadians."
Cabinet Committee on Japanese Problems The Cabinet Committee on Japanese Claims was amalgamated with the Committee on Japanese Problems, which was later renamed to the Cabinet Committee on Japanese Questions.
Cabinet Committee on Japanese Questions
Canamoku Company, Limited bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Canadian Civil Liberties Union, Vancouver Branch Dr. G.G. Sedgewick, Honorary Chairman; Professor Hunter Lewis, Chairman; Dr. W.L. MacDonald, Vice-Chairman; Dr. S.A. Jennings, Vice-Chairman; Garfield A. King, Counsel; Robert Christie, Treasurer; D.C. Macnair, Executive Secretary; Eric P. Nicol, Corresponding Secretary. 533 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC. 3827 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC.
County Court of Nanaimo
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
The Consultative Committee on Problems of Wartime Citizenship
Clement Consulting Services Ltd.
Chiba Cake Shop Matsuko Chiba and Inoshichi Chiba.
Canadian Committee, World Federation of Democratic Youth
Citizenship Defense Committee Shuichi Sasaki, Chairman; Saburo Shinobu, Vice-Chairman; Ryotaro Nobuoka, Treasurer; Kunio Hidaka, Executive Secretary. 39 Grant Street, Toronto, ON.
Citizens' Defence Committee Immediate Action Committee.
Canada Daily News
C.D. Schultz & Company Limited
Ceekel Holdings Ltd.
Celtic Cannery Located in Vancouver British Columbia
Central Creameries (British Columbia) Limited
Central Creameries (British Columbia) Limited
Central Transfer Co Ltd
Central Creameries (B.C.) Limited
Central Fruit Distributors Limited
Central Valley Investments Ltd.
Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation
Central Records Ltd.
Central Creameries (B.C.) Limited
Central Creameries (B.C.) Limited
C F D Kokin
C.F.D Kokin was the petty cash organization of Canadian Food Distributors. The file includes a list of creditors of the company.
Canadian Friends' Service Committee Friends' House, 113 Maitland Street, Toronto, Ontario.
Consulate General of Japan
Consulate General of Spain
Consulate General of Switzerland in Canada
茶木 魚 店 Chaki Sakana Mise Chaki's Fish Store 鮮魚 精肉 野菜 食料品 一切Sen-sakana Sei-niku Yasai Shokuryouhin issaiFresh Fish Excellent Meat and Vegetables Grocery AbsolutelyThere are two locations given in this ad: one is the owners home and the other is the business location. The home location has @type home. Lastly, the characters 食料品 一切 translate to Grocery Absolutely, which I feel is a type of Japanese idiom that does not completely translate to English.
Chappall's Boat Works Ltd
Chapman Brothers
Charleson & Sage Brokers
Charterhouse Properties Limited
Chee Duck Gen Tong Society
Chee Dack Gen Tong Society
Chemainus Towing Co Limited
Chemical Products (Vancouver) Limited
Chemainus Towing Co Ltd
Chemical Products (Vancouver) Ltd
Chemainus Towing Company Ltd
Chemainus Superior School
Chemainus Valley Museum
Chen King Society
Chertkow, Thomas, Walley, & Berg
Cherniack & Cherniack
Chess Investments Ltd.
千葉 豆腐屋 chiba Toufu-ya Chiba's Bean Cake/ Tofu Store Cross Referenced this address with the English Directory and found that instead of 206 1/2 the address was listed with the description 'rear' and it was a bean cakes shop.
Chidori Restaurant
Chin Laundry
Chinese Presbyterian Church
Chong Hing Wah Kee Company Limited
Chow Yin Enterprises Limited
Chow Yin Enterprises Limited
Chow Yin Enterprises Limited
Church of the Holy Cross Anglican Japanese Mission
Church of the Holy Cross Anglican Japanese Mission
Church Realty, Ltd
茶木 魚店 Chyaki Sakana Mise Chaki's Fish Store
Canadian Immigration Office
Canadian Immigration Office Vancouver H.L. Keenleyside, Chairman of the Board of Review.
City Hall Employees' Association
City of Vancouver
City of Regina
City of Vancouver
City of Vancouver Public Housing Corporation
City of Vancouver
City of Vancouver
Civic Employees' Union Local 28
Civic Federation of Vancouver
Canadian Japanese Construction Corps
Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
California Joint Immigration Committee
Carmi Japanese United Church United Church of Canada
Clappison Brothers
Clappison Brothers
Clappison Brothers
Clappison Brothers Limited
Clappison Brothers
Clarke & Jones
Clarke-Wallace LOL No 1715 meets 3rd Tuesday
Clark, Wilson & Company Barristers and Solicitors
Clarmar Parking Ltd.
Clark, Wilson & Hunter, Barristers & Solicitors
Clark, Wilson & Company
Clark, Wilson & Company
Clarmar Parking Ltd
Classy Shoe Renovations
Clay, MacFarlane, Ellis & Popham
Clayoquot Cannery Mentioned in Dorothy Arnet's oral history.
Canadian Legion of the British Empire Services League
Clever Maid Manfuacturing Co
Clever Maid Manufacturing Company
The Canadian Japanese Association was incorporated in April 1909. It was located at Port Essington, BC and had an office at 329 Gore Avenue, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Bunji Hisaoka (president), Toyoshi Kawata (secretary), Jenichi William Kinoshita (treasurer), Sakae Arikado, Ryukichi Miyake, and Eikichi Kagetsu (former president and later on acting president).
Cliff M R Tugboat Company Limited
Cameron Lake Logging Co.Ltd. bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf; bca_gr_1526_reel_b05272_file_15786.pdf
Canadian Liaison Mission Tokyo, Japan.
C.L. Packing Company, Limited
Club Billiards
Club Utopia
Crux, McMaster & Sturdy A.G. Duncan Crux, G.F. McMaster, and David A. Sturdy.
Canada Mio Company Limited
C.M.E Construction Ltd
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 Canada's national museum of immigration.
Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. S. G. Blaylock, President
Canada Mio Sonjinkai Iwao Miyashia, President.
Canada Mio Villagers Association
Camp and Mill Workers' Federal Labor Union No. 31 Vancouver and Vicinity
Canadian National Railway-Vancouver
C N Supply Store
Coast Cap Company
Coast Scow Company Limited
Coast Scow Company Limited
Coastal Producers Co-op
Coast Scow Company Limited
Coast Navigation Company Limited
Coast Growers Produce
Coast Growers Produce company was located at 251 East Georgia Street, Vancouver BC. Business owner is Genshichi Takahashi. List of debtors include T. Inouye, Toshio Kikuts, Yasuzo Kojima, Allan Lua, Kichizo Nishimura, Masao Yamashita, Kaoui Takasaki, Yoshio Yamashita, Teizo Yamamoto, Hajime Doi, and Mrs. A. Lowe.
Special Committee on Orientals in British Columbia Lead by A.W. Sparling. Also known as the Sparling Committee and the Standing Committee on Orientals in British Columbia.
Vancouver County Court
Committee on Doukhobor Affairs
Committee on Export Problems H.R. MacMillan Export Company
Coffee Shop
Coffee Shop
Coffee Shop (The) Moore & Beribner Company Limited Second organization listed in brackets of the entry for the first.
C. O. Lalonde & Sons Real Estate, Farms, Mines & Timber
Coliseum Holdings Ltd
Collins Garage Limited
Collins U Drive Limited
Collins Garage & U Drive
Collector of Taxes for the City of Vancouver
Collector of the Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Collector of the Corporation of the Township of Richmond
Collector for the City of Vancouver
Collector of Taxes for the City of Vancouver
Colonial Trust Company
Columbia Printing Ink & Roller Company Limited
Columbia Cold Storage Company BC Fish & Packing Company
Columbia Printing Ink & Roller Company Limited
Columbia Meat & Provision Co. Ltd.
Columbia Leasing Co. LTD.
Committee on Minority Groups
Commodore Towing Co Limited
Commodore Towing Co
Commodore Tug Company Limited
Commonwealth Traders Limited
Commercial Lumber Company Limited
Commodore Towing Company Ltd
Comox Valley Echo
Comox Creamery
Comparelli & Collings, Barristers & Solicitors
Confederation Life Association
COnfederation Life Association
COnfederation Life Association
Confederation Life Association
Consolidated Farmers' Co-operative Association
Consolidated Brokers Limited
Continental Daily News Tairiku Nippo Sha, Ltd.
Continental Daily News
Continental Daily News (Tairiku Nippo Sha Ltd)
Continental Daily News, Tairiku Nippo Sha Ltd., Props., (Japanese Daily Newspaper.)
Colonial Office
Cook, Roberts & Whittaker, Barristers & Solicitors
Co-operative Committee on Japanese Canadians
Co-operative Committee on Japanese Canadians
Co-operative Committee on Japanese Canadians et al
Co-operative Trust Company of Canada
Copp's Shoe Store
Cora's Beauty Salon
Cordova Grocery
Cordova House
Cordova House
Cordova Grocery
Cordova House
Cordova Grocery
Cordova House rooms
Cordova Lands (1954) Ltd.
Corner and M. Furuya Company Limited
Corporation of the City of Kaslo
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Corporation of the District of Maple Ridge
Corporation of the Township of Richmond
Corporation of the Township of Richmond
Correct Shoe Renew
Cosmopolitan Tailors & Dressmakers
Cottrell, G.H. Limited Ship Cottrell's with Confidence
Cottrell, G.H. Ltd. "Ship Cottrell's with Confidence."
Cotton & Zunti
Country Freight Lines
Country Freight Line
Country Freight Lines
County of Vancouver
City of Victoria
Cowan, MacDonald, Parkes & Kennedy
Cowan, Kappele & McEvoy, Solicitors
Cowan & Reid. Solicitors. Etc.
Civilian Protection Committee W.C. Mainwaring, chairman.
C.P Leckie & Co. C.P. Leckie
Conservative Party of Canada
Canadian Pacific Railway
The Canadian Pacific Railway Company A historic Canadian Railroad company that began in 1881.
C.P.R. Land Department
Canadian Pacific Veterans World War II Association
Craig, Bourne & McDonald Barristers and Solicitors
Crane & Lodor Rental Service Limited
Crane & Smith
Crane, Smith, Doust & Desfosses
Citizens' Rehabilitation Council of Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Haney, BC.H.C.N. Harris, Secretary.
Crease & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Credit Bureau of Maple Ridge
Credit Foncier Franco-Canadien
CRedit Foncier Franco-Canadien
Credit Foncier Franco-Canadien
Credit Foncier Franco-Canadien
Crescent Beach Transfer Office
Crescent Rooms
Crescent Beach Transfer
Crescent Rooms
Crescent Beach Transfer Office
Crescent Rooms
Crescent Rooms
Crown Hotel bca_gr_0419_box_236_file_97
Croped Holdings Ltd.
Croped Holdings Ltd.
Crown Fish Market FIsh Market Ltd
Crux, Spring & Crux
Civil Rights Union
Crux & McMaster
Crux Spring & Crux Solicitors
Cowichan Saltery Company Limited Renzo Suzumoto, Secretary.Cowichan, BC.Bird Commission case file number 1404. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_74_file_1404.)
Coulthard, Sutherland & Co., Ltd.
Canadian Society for German Culture
Canadian Salt Herring Exporters Limited bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Committee on the Treatment of Aliens and Alien Property Interdepartmental committee composed of the following people: E.H. Coleman, Under Secretary of State; J.E. Read, Department of External Affairs; J.F. MacNeill, Department of Justice; Inspector C. Rivett-Carnac, RCMP; F.C. Blair, Department of Mines and Resources; W.C. Clark, Department of Finance; Colonel Maurice Pope, Department of National Defence; D.J. Shuttleworth, Department of the Secretary of State. (Source: lac_mg30-e148_volume_08_file_52)
Canadian Transport Co.
Clayoquot Tofino Heritage Society A museum located in Tofino “dedicated to the exploration, preservation and interpretation of the rich and diverse heritage of the west coast.” Sourced from
Cudahy Packing Company
Cudahy Packing Company Limited Martin & Robertson Limited
Cumberland Japanese Mission The United Church of Canada
Cumberland News
Office of the Custodian of Enemy Property
Cut Right Barber Shop
Cut Right Barber Shop
Cut Right Barber Shop
Cut Rate Second Hand Shop
Corporation of the Village of New Denver
Cameron, Weldon & Brewin
Canadian War Crimes Liaison Detachment
Cabinet War Committee Also known as the War Committee of the Cabinet.
Child Welfare Division, British Columbia
Canadian White Pine Company
D. A. Chertkow Barrister & Solicitor
Davis & Company
Dai Cheong Ltd.
第一區 漁協 Daiichiku Ryoukyou First District Fishing Cooperation
Daily People newspaper
Daily People
Dalriada Holdings Ltd.
Davenport Rooms
David Boatworks
David Boatworks M David
Davison Brothers
Davis, Pugh, Davis, Hossie & Ralston
Davis, Marshall, MacNeill & Pugh Barristers, Solicitors, Etc
Davis, Hossie, Campbell, Brazier, Barristers and Solicitors
Davis & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Davis & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Davis & Co. Barristers &c.
Davis & Company Barristers & Solicitors
DAvis & Co. Barristers & Solicitors
DAvis, Marshall, MacNeill & Pugh
Davis, Pugh, Davis, Hossie, Ralston & Lett
David & Kwai Jade Arts Ltd.
Davis, Marshall, McNeill & Pugh
Davis Marshall McNeill & Pugh
DaviS, Marshall, MacNeill & Pugh
Davis, Pugh, Davis, Hossie & Lett Barristers and Solicitors
Davis, Marshall & McNeill
Davis, Marshall & MacNeill, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
David Spencer Limited
David Spencer Limited
Davis & Co. Barristers & Solicitors
Davis, Marshall, MacNeill & Pugh
Dayan & Levitt, Barristers & Solicitors
D. Berman Corporation Ltd.
Deep Bay Logging Company Limited There is information about capitalization and subscribed capital for this company. See People spreadsheet, under Kagetsu and H.R. MacMillan. bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf ; bca_gr_0817_box_13_file_22.pdf ; bca_gr_0817_box_13_file_23.pdf; bca_gr_1526_reel_b05346_file_6517.pdfBird Commission case file number 1388. Custodian file number 13524. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_73_file_1388-6.)
Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Immigration Branch
Duncan Chamber of Commerce
Defence Council
D. Donaghy
Deacon, Deacon & Wilson Solicitors
Department of Education, British Columbia
D. E. Brown, Hope & Macaulay, Limited
Decalcomania (Western) Limited
Decker & Korpiranta
Deep Bay Logging Co Limited
Deep Bay Logging Company Ltd
Deep Bay Logging Company Limited
Deep Bay Logging Company Limited was a logging company that was located at Fanny Bay, BC. People involved in the organization include Eikichi Kagetsu (owner, majority shareholder, and director), Tsurataro Kagetsu (shareholder), Sadanori Kikuchi (shareholder), Sawaichi Irazawa (shareholder), and Manji Ushizawa (shareholder).
D & E Grocery
Dehm Holdings Ltd.
Dehm Holdings Ltd.
デイプベイ 木材株式會 社 Deipubei Mokuzai Kabushiki Gaisha Deep Bay Lumber Corporation
Delass Beauty Salon
Delta Cafe
Delta Flour Mills Ltd
Delta Glucose Refinery Ltd
Department of Finance
Department of National Revenue
DeRouge Development Company
Devon Estate Limited
Department of Immigration and Colonization Later, the Department of Citizenship and Immigration.
Diamond Jim Enterprises Ltd
Diamond J. Trading Company Limited
Diamond J. Trading Company Limited
Dicksam Limited
Dicksam Limited
Dickson & Hara Barristers & Solicitors
Department of Indian and Inuit Affairs
Director of Environmental Health
Director of Soldier Settlement of Canada
Director of the Veteran's Land Act
Division of Vital Statistics
Dixon Palmer Refrigerating Engineers Company
D.J.T. Graham & Co., Barristers & Solicitors
Department of Labour, Japanese Division
D. McDonald Ltd.
Department of National War Services See Department of National War Services, Directorate of Censorship.
Department of Agriculture
Dominion of Canada Income Tax
Department of External Affairs
Department of Education
Department of Finance Canada See Department of Treasury.
Department of Health and Welfare
Department of Justice Canada
ドクトル 堀近夫 dokutoru Hori Chikabu Doctor Chikabu Hori
Department of Labour
Department of Lands and Forests
Domestic Heating Limited
Domestic Oil Burners Limited
Dominion Oyster & Fish Company Limited
Dominion Drag Saw Company Ltd
Dominion Fire Insurance Co
Dominion Fire Insurance Co
Dominion Fire Insurance Co
Dominion Fire Insurance Co
Dominion Life Assurance Company
Dominion Trust Co. Ltd. Real Estate
Dominion Trust Company Limited
Dominion Trust Company
Dominion Trust Company
Department of Mines and Resources, Immigration Branch See Department of Mines and Resources, Indian Affairs Branch.
Department of Munitions and Supply
Domvan Enterprise, Inc.
District of Mission Mission, BC.
Donada Industries Ltd.
Donaghy & Donaghy
Department of National Defence
Donovan Investments Ltd.
Dominions Office British Dominions Office
Department of Public Works
Department of Public Welfare Edmonton, AB. A.A. Mackenzie, Deputy Minister.
Department of Railways, The Government of the Province of British Columbia
Department of the Secretary of State of Canada
Department of Treasury
Double Happiness Foods Ltd.
同付屬 病院 Doufuzoku Byouin Japanese Hospital Because the kanji with the meaning 'the same' is present in the name and this entry shares the same postal box with the previous entry, I determined that this entry was associated with either the Japanese association or simply with the Japanese community.
Douglas, Symes & Brissenden, Barristers & Solicitors
Douglas Hawkes Ltd.
Douglas, Symes & Brissenden Barristers & Solicitors
同 支店 Dou shiten This entry represents the same store as the previous entry, but in a different location. To determine that this store was the same store as the previous entry I searched this entry's address in the English (BC Yukon) directory.
同 瀧本 製材所 Dou Takimoto Seizaitokoro Same as Prvious Entry Takimoto Yoshirou Sawmill (Yard)This symbol 同 was written in the directory in the position where surnames are usually located and it means the same, so I interpreted this as meaning that the person from the previous entry owns or is associated with this business. Also I am not sure of the meaning of Yard that is attached with this entry
Department of Veterans Affairs Ian Mackenzie, Minister of Veterans Affairs. Walter S. Woods, Deputy Minister of Veterans Affairs.See Soldier Settlement and Veterans' Land Act and Veterans' Land Act Administration.
Dow, Fraser & Company Limited
Department of Pensions and National Health Ian Alistair Mackenzie was Minister of Pensions and National Health from 19 September 1939 to 04 July 1944 under Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King.
Department of Public Printing and Stationery
Drake Industries Limited
Drake Industries Limited
Drake Enterprises Ltd.
Drake Ventures Ltd.
Drake Ventures Ltd.
Drake Holdings Ltd.
Drake Holdings Ltd.
Drost & Mussallem
D.S.W. Farms Ltd.
Dumoulin, Black, Brazier & Hall, Barristers & Solicitors
Duncan, Wasson & Ross, Barristers & Solicitors
Duncan, Wasson & Ross, Barristers &c.
Dunhill Development Ltd
Dunlevy Rooms
Dunlevy Rooms
Dunlevy Motors & U Drive Limited
Dunlevy Rooms
Dunn's Sharp-Edge Service
D. W. F. McDonald, Esq., Barrister & Solicitor
East End Taxi
Easter Rooms
Easthope Sales & Services
Easthope Sales & Service
East End Taxi
Easthope Sales & Services
Easthope Sales & Service
East End Educational Enterprises
East End Taxi
East Coast FIsh Company Ltd
East End Chili
Easter Rooms
East End Branch
Eastwind Trading Ltd.
Eastside Investments Ltd.
East India Carpets LTD.
East India Trading LTD.
East Coast Trollers Association
The East Coast Troller’s Association was part of the Amalgamated Association of Fisherman of British Columbia. People associated with this file include Masahichi Yamashita (president), Mataichiro Doi (vice president), and Mitsujiro Noguchi (secretary of the Amalgamated Association of Fisherman of British Columbia).
Eaton's Paint
Eaton's Paint
Eaton's Paint
Eaton's Paint
食料品 店Shokuryou hintenGrocery Store
Ebata I Company
(E) Belanger & Brasard In the directory, this entry is listed as follows: (E) & Brasard (E) rooms 788 Powell. I am not sure what the bracketed E's are meant to indicate, so this entry should be considered further.
Ebenezer Lodge
Ebenezer LOL No 1589 meets 2nd and 4th Mondays
戎崎 益藏 Ebisuki Ekizou Ebisuki Goods Warehouse
蛭崎 商店 Ebisaki shoumise Ebisaki Company
Ebisuzaki Co drygoods
M. Ebisuzaki Company Limited drygoods Original partners: Masutaro Ebisuzaki, Hide Ebisuzaki, and Teiji Morishita. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_74_file_1405.)
蛭崎 商店 Ebizaki Shouten Ebizaki's Shop 食料品 和洋雜貨Shokuryouhin Wayou ZakkaGrocery Japanese and Western Goods
E.B. Morgan & Co. LTD.
Exchequer Court of Canada
Economy Box Co. Ltd.
Economy Box Co Ltd
Economy Sausage Company
Economy Box Company Limited
Economy Sausage Company Ltd.
Economy Sausage Company Ltd.
Embassy of Canada to the United States
枝村 時計 店 Edamura Tokei Mise Edamura Watch Store Under the English directory listing this store is referenced as a jewellery store.
E. D. Armstrong Ltd.
Eddie, H.M. & Sons LTD
Edwards, McNair & Russell
Edwards, Kenny & Bray, Barristers & Solicitors
E.E. Rand & Fowler Limited
Eighth Avenue Jewellery
Eirikson Husband & Chipperfield, Barristers and Solicitors
Eirikson, Husband & Fowler, Barristers & Solicitors
Eirikson & Husband, Barristers and Solicitors
Ekolite Limited
Evacuation Losses Compensation Committee
Eldon Anderson Construction Co. Ltd
Eldy Holdings Ltd.
Eldy Holdings Ltd.
Elgin Investments Ltd.
Elgin Investments Limited
Elgin Investments Limited
Ellett Copper & Brass Company (The)
Ellis, Dryer & McTaggart Barristers and Solicitors
Ellis, Dryer & McTaggart Barristers and Solicitors
Ellis, Dryer & McTaggart
Ellis & Dryer, Barristers &c
Ellington & Stewart, Notaries Public
Ellis, Brown & Creagh
Elmwood Enterprises LTD.
E & M Enterprises Ltd.
Emoto J
Empire Fumigating Co Limited
Empire Fumigating Co Ltd second address refers to the office location
Empire Shoe Repairs
Empire Stevedoring Company Limited
Empire Stevedoring Company Limited
Empire Stevedoring Company Limited
Empire Stevedoring Company Limited
Empress Cafe
Empress Hotel (New) 60 Rooms with Private Baths. Fireproof, Strictly Modern. Rates at Moderate Prices.
Empress Shoe Repairs
Empress Studio
Empress Hotel (New)
Empress Shoe Repairs
Empress Hotel (New) 60 Rooms woth Private Baths. Fireproof, Strictly Modern. Rates at Moderate Prices.The 'new' in the name suggests this property may be involved with the internment process.
Empress Shoe Repairs
Empress Hotel
Empress Shoe Repairs
Empress Hotel
Empress Shoe Repairs
Empress Holdings Ltd.
Empress Hastings Hotel Ltd.
Empress Manufacturing Company Limited
エムプレス 洋食 emupuresu youshoku Empress Western Food (Cafe/ Cafeteria)
Endacott & Percival Real Estate & Fire Insurance
English Cafe
English Electric Company of Canada Limited
English Cafe
Eniskillen LOL No 1615 meets 2nd and 4th Fridays
Enniskilin Lodge No 1516
Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway
Embassy of Canada to Japan
Empire of Japan
Empire Parliamentary Association, United Kingdom Branch
E.P. Davis & Company Barristers, Solicitors Etc.
Equipment Sales & Rentals
Erickson & Hughes, Barristers & Solicitors
Ernie's Ice Cream Shop
Ernie's Ice Cream Shop
Ernie's Ice Cream
Ernie's Ice Cream
Esmond Confectionery bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Eustace Smith Ltd.
Essondale Hospital
Esquire Men's Wear Limited
Eureka Rooms
Eureka Rooms
Eureka Rooms
Eureka Rooms
Eureka Rooms
Europe Pool Room
Europe Pool Room
Evans, Coleman & Evans Limited
E.W. Cradock
Excelsior Lumber & Shingle Company Limited
Excelsior Lumber & Shingle Co. Ltd.
Exeter Construction Ltd.
Export Sales Company Limited
Export Sales Company Limited was located at 11227 Standard Bank Building, Vancouver, BC. In the 1940s it sold goods including newsprint paper to companies in Singapore, England, and Batavia [now Jakarta].
Foreign Affairs Association of Japan
Frederick Albert Acland Ottawa, ON.
Fairview Buddhist Temple
Fairhall Realty
Fairview Nippon Go Gakko Maintenance Association
The Fairview Nippon Go-Gakko [Fairview Japanese Language School] was located at 154 West 5th Avenue, Vancouver, BC. People involved with this organization include Kiichi Okura (trustee; laundry and dry cleaning), Hanshichi Murabashi (trustee; grocer), Yoshiko Miyazaki (trustee), Sato Maarubashi (trustee), and Katsu Okura (trustee). The file contains a list of names of the directors of the Maintenance Association for 1941.
Fairview Buddhist Church
The Fairview Buddhist Church was located at 715 West 7th Avenue, Vancouver BC. The building operated as a Buddhist Church, school and library, and housed the minister Reverend Ryuchi Hirahara. List of officers Seikichi Nishikawa, Tosaburo Yamamoto, Tobei Hayashi, Sanjiro Nishimura, Chushichi Ebata, Sataru Tanaka, Hikobei Mori, Sutekichi Nishikawa, Kiyomatsu Kobayashi, Seitaro Nishikawa, and Hanshichi Marubashi.
Facist Italy
Famous Music Company
Farmer's Products Distributing Company
Farmers Products Distribution Company Limited
Farmers’ Products Distribution Company Limited was located at 3291 West Broadway, Vancouver, BC and or 573 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Seiichiro Nakanichi [possibly Seiichiro Nakamichi] (director and shareholder), Tadao Wakabayashi (secretary), Chujiro Wakabayashi (liquidator), Kikujiro Tanaka, Hayato Kono (signing officer), Haruo Ichikawa (signing officer), Kuneo Matsumoto [also listed as Kini Matsumoto], Nobuo Omae.
Farris, Farris, Vaughan, Taggart, Wills & Murphy
Farris, Vaughn, Wills & Murphy Barristers & Solicitors
Farris, Vaughan, Wills & Murphy Barristers & Solicitors
Fashion Dressmaking School
Fashion Dressmaking School
Fuji Chop Suey Ltd. bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
F.D.G. Property Management Ltd.
Far Eastern Commission Washington, DC
Federation Hall Lunch Counter
Federal Government of Canada
Fer-Mac Construction Ltd
Fernridge LumberCompany
Fernridge Lumber Company
The Fernridge Lumber Company was located at Alouette Lake, Haney, BC. People associated with this file include Yojiro Takimoto (sole owner and operator).
Fetterly Radio Electric
Frederick Field & Co.
Federal Fisheries and Oceans
4H Club
Findlater William Company
Finn Construction Company
First United Church Powell Street Mission
First United
First United Church
First United Church Community House
First United Church Community House Kindergarten
First Baptist Church
Fisher's Dry Goods
Fisherman Publishing Society
Department of Fisheries
Fisher & Gates
Fisher & Gates, Barristers & Solicitors
Provincial Department of Fisheries
Fairview Japanese Church United Church of Canada
F.J. Hart & Co. Ltd.
Fleck Brothers Limited
Fleck Bros. Limited
Fleck Bros Ltd
Fleming George G & Company Limited
Fleming Estates Ltd.
Fluid Holdings Ltd.
Flying Tiger
Francis Millerd & Company Limited Francis Millerd
Farris, McAlpine, Stultz, Bull & Farris The firm that represented the defendant/respondent in ​Ponyicki v Sawayama​, [1943] SCR 197. More information needed.
Canada's New Democratic Party
Foggo's Hardware & Home Furnishings
Foodland Market
Foreign Office British Foreign Office
Forbes Nielsen Perrick Hallgren, Barristers & Solicitors
Forbes Nielsen Lambert MacCallum, Barristers & Solicitors
Foreman Developments Ltd
Foresthill Development & Investment Co. Ltd
Foreman Developments Ltd.
Fort Developments Ltd
Fort Developments Ltd.
Foursquare Gospel Lighthouse
Foursquare Gospel Lighthouse
Foxxco Limited
Franciscan Sisters of Atonement Catholic Japanese Mission (Kindergarten)
Frank's Shoe Renew
Franciscan Sisters of Atonement
Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement
Francis Fay Hotel
Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement
Fraser Valley Union Library
Fraser Valley Union Library
Fraser Box Co
Fraser Valley Union Library
Fraser Box Company
Fraser Valley Union Library
Fraser and Company Barristers & Solicitors
Fraser & Blakney Barristers, Solicitors Etc
Fraser & Blakney
Fraser, Paine & Edmonds
Fraser & Blakney Barristers Solicitors, Etc.
Fraser Box Co. Limited
Fellowship of Reconciliation - Canadian Section
Fred's Barber Shop
Fred's Barber Shop
Fred's Barber Shop
Fredrick Jackson Ltd
Fred C Ltd
Fred G. Walmsley Co. Real Estate, Insurance, Etc.
Fred C. Myers Limited
Fred C. Myers Limited
Fred C. Myers Limited
Fred Mcnair Shingle Company
The file contains a memorandum noting that F.W. Smith told the Office of the Custodian that he was concerned that Japanese Canadians were being interned “without considering the interests of his company.”
Free Methodist Church Japanese Mission
Freeman, Freeman, Silvers & Koffman Barristers & Solicitors
Freeman, Freeman & Silvers Barristers and Solicitors
Freeman, Andree & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Freeman, Peterson, Stark & Fowler
Freeman & Company
Freybe Sausage MFG. Ltd.
Freybe Bros. MFG. LTD.
Front Street Meat Market (N.W.) Ltd.
Furuya Trading Company Ltd.
Fujiya & Company
富士 チャプスイ Fuji chyapusui Fuji Chop Suey
藤原 寫 眞 舘 Fujiwara Shyashin-kan Fujiwara's Photo Studio
藤岡 金藏 Fujioka Kinkura Fujioka Goods Warehouse
Fuji Chop Suey House
Fuji Chop Suey House
富土 チャプスイ Fuji Chapusui Fuji Chop Suey 料理 御那支Ryouri OnasasouCuisine Honourably Sustained御宴會 に どらぞ 御會席 に どらぞOenkai ni Dorazo Okaiseki ni DorazoEnjoy Our Banquet Enjoy our Business Occasions
Fujita and Company
Fujita and Company
Fuji Chop Suey Limited
Steveston Fujis Baseball Team
Fuji Ski Club
Fuji Ski Club was a ski club on Grouse Mountain. People involved in the organization include Toshio Ohori (owner).
福島 牛乳 店 Fukushima Gyuunyuu Mise Fukushima Milk Store
福井 商店 Fukui Shoumise Fukui Company
福 助 Fukujyo Fukujou Restaurant I decided that this business was most likely a restaurant because other business entries in this directory that were listed without a description typically were restaurants or cafes.
福島 一雄 Fukushima Kazuo Fukushima Meats アソシエーテッド ミルク 配達Asoshieeteddo Miruku HaitatsuAssociate Milk Delivery
タキシー業TakishiigyouTaxi CompanyIn modern Japanese the word for Taxi ihas the spelling タクシー or in roman letters Takushii. Despite the difference in spelling I am confident that this is a taxi company.
ミルク屋Miruku-yaMilk Store
Fuller WatsonLimited
Fuller Watson Limited
Fuller Watson Ltd
Fuller-Watson Limited
Fuller & Watson Limited
Fulton Rooms S. Shimizu, owner.
古屋 商店 Furuya Shoumise Furuya Company
Furuya, M. Co. Ltd. Importers of Japanese Merchandise and Products. Exporters of Canadian Products. Wholesale and Retail.Rice Mill and Warehouse: 992 Powell. (See Class. Advt. Importers)
古屋 商店 Furuya Shouten M. Furuya Co. Ltd. 精米所及倉庫 Seimaijo Kyuu Souko Rice mills and Exporting Warehouses 男女 着類日用雜貨一切 Danjo Ki-rui nichiyou Zakka Issai Men and Women's Clothing Available Daily (that are Exceptional) 食料品 小賣部 Shoku Ryouhin Kouri-bu Grocery and Retail Store 地方販賣店所在地 Chihou Hanbai-ten Shozaichi Local Dealer Location 各部へ中繼 Kakubu he chuukeiThe Phone Number (Marine 6435) will connect you with the store you specifically want to contact.良い品をれ安くyoi-hin wo reyasukuGreat goods made cheap日加食料雜貨直輸出入Nikka Shokuryou Zakka Choku YushutsunyuuJapanese Canadian Grocery with Direct Imports and ExportsIn English this ad has three phone numbers, where as in Japanese it only mentions Marine 6435. There was a lot of information crammed into this ad.
Furuya Company Limited
The documents in this case file pertain to business dealings between the Furuya Company Limited and the Nippon Club organization.
双葉 魚店 Futaha Sakana-mise Futaha Fish Store
Fuyo Chockiku Kai
Fuyo Chochiku Kai, also known as Fuyo Savings Society, was a financial savings group. Individuals involved include Shokichi Mochizuki and Hyosaku Iwasaki. The file also includes several lists of Japanese Canadians who were members of the group between 1941 and 1944.
Fraser Valley Council of the Farmers' Brotherhood
Fraser Valley Japanese Language School
Fraser Valley Japanese United Church Maple Ridge and Mission City, BC.
Fishing Vessel Owners’ Association
Gardenia Cleaners bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Guardian Assurance Co. Limited
G. A. Hankey and Company, Limited
Gardner & Swan
Gardom & Volrich
Gardom & Volrich Barristers & Solicitors
Gardom & Volrich
Garfield A. King
George A. Touche & Co.
Gaymar Holding Co. Ltd.
Gazette, The Published Weekly on Thursday. Commercial Printing. Phone Haney 125.
Gazette, The
Gazette, The (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows)
Gazette, The (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows)
Greenwood Board of Trade
Green Cove Salteries Limited Located in Green Cove, BC
G.D.M. Enterprises Ltd.
G.D.M. Enterprises Ltd.
G.E. Crippen & Associates Ltd.
Gem Theatre
Gem Theatre
Gem Theatre
General PaperCompany
General Paper Company
General Testing Laboratories Ltd.
General Paint Corporation of Canada Limited
Geo. E. Ternan Mink Ltd.
George Cradock & Company (British Columbia) Limited
George Weston Limited
Gerards LTD.
Gerrard Company Limited
Gerrard Company Limited
Gerrard Company Ltd
G. & G. Hotels Ltd.
Good Hope Cannery
Giardi's Holdings Ltd.
Girls' College of Practical Arts
Greenwood Japanese Canadian Committee
Glades (The)
G. Lim & Sons Holdings Ltd.
Government of Alberta
Government of Austraia
語 學校 Go Gakkou Japanese Language School The Japanese description was supplied from the BC Yukon 1941 Directory.
語 學校 Go Gakkou Japanese Language School
Government of Japan
Golden Slipper Cafe
Golden Slipper Cafe
Goldstream Investment Company Ltd.
Government of Manitoba.
Goodlad & Goodlad Brokers
Goodlad & Goodlad Real Estate Brokers
Goran Holdings Ltd.
Gordon Storage & Distributing Ltd
Gordy's Radio Service
Gordon Storage & Distributing Ltd.
Gordon Storage & Distributing Ltd.
Gordon Storage & Distributing Ltd.
Gordon Kane Co. Ltd.
Gordon Kane Co. Ltd.
Gore Avenue Wharf Limited
Gore Rooms
Gore Avenue Wharf Ltd
Gore Avenue Wharf Limited
Gore Avenue Wharf Ltd
Gore Avenue Wharf Ltd
Government of Saskatchewan
合同 敎 會 Goudou Kyoukai United Church
Government of the United Kingdom
Gow Brothers Confectionery
Graceway Properties Ltd.
Graf Construction Ltd.
Grainlers Holding Society
Grainlers' Holding Society
Grand Rooms
Grand Rooms
Grand Rooms
Granville Island Welding Shop
Grand Rooms
Grand Rooms
Granforth Holdings Ltd
Granby Mining Company
Gray, Green & Hughes Barristers & Solicitors
Great West Packing Company Limited
Great West Packing Company Ltd
Great West Packing Company Ltd
Great West Packing Company Ltd
Great West Packing Company Ltd
Great Lakes Mortgage Co. Ltd
Great Pacific Contracting Ltd.
Green Cove Salteries Limited
Greenaway Truck Lines
Green Valley Renecca Lodge No 46
Greenwood Development Ltd.
Grenadier Developments Ltd.
Griffith & Lee Limited
Griffin, Montgomery & Smith
Griffiths, McLelland, Brahan, Dickerson & Howard
Grossman Holland & Co.
Grossman, Lamb & Holland, Barristers &c.
Growers' Box SupplyCompany
G.S. Teja Ltd.
G.S. TEja Ltd.
Guaranty Trust Company of Canada
Guild, Yule & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
(Guild Yule) & Co.
Gulf of Georgia Cannery(Canadian Fishing Company Ltd.)
Gulf of Georgia Cannery Canadian Fishing Company Ltd
Gulf of Georgia Cannery Canada Fishing Company Ltd
Gulf of Georgia Cannery Canadian Fishing Company Ltd
Gulf of Georgia Cannery Canada Fishing & Cold Storage Company
Gulf Oil Canada Limited
Gundry (Pacific) Ltd
グリンコーブ漁業會 社 GurinKoobu Gyogyoukaisha Green Cove Fishing Corporation
Greater Vancouver Japanese Canadian Citizens' Association 249-6688 Southoaks Cresecent Burnaby BC V5E 4M7
Greater Vancouver Youth Council
Gwillim, Crisp & MacKay
Gwillim, Crisp & Mackay Barristers &c.
G. W. Ribchester & Son Limited
G. W. Ribchester & Son Limited
G. W. Ribchester & Son Limited
Hadley & Abbott
Haney Agricultural Association
Haddon Hotel
Haddon Hotel Beer Parlor
Haddon Hotel
Haddon Hotel
Haddon Hotel
Haddon Hotel Company Limited
Haddon Hotel Company Limited
Haggart Transportation Company
Haldene & Campell Barristers & Solicitors
Hall No 1
Hal Menzies Ltd. Notary Public
Hal Menzies Ltd.
Hal Menzies Ltd.
Hal Menzies Ltd
Halwood Timber LTD.
濱 商店 Hama Shoumise Hama Company
濱岸 事務所 Hamakishi Jimu tokoro Hamakishi Offices
濱口 光次郞 店 Hamaguchi Mitsujiro Mise Hamaguchi Mitsujiro Grocery Store Grocery supplied from BC Yukon 1941 Directory.
濱口 藥店 Hamaguchi Kusuriten Hamaguchi Drug Store
濱口 商店 Hamaguchi Shouten Hamaguchi Store
濱田 チエ床 Hamada Chie shou Hamda Tatami StoreI am not sure what Chie or Che refers to and the kanji used refers to the floor or tatami. It is possibly referring to a flooring store.
Hamilton Read & Paterson Barristers & Soicitors
Hanbonel Corporation LTD.
Hancox & Gowan, Barristers, Etc.
半田 旅舘 Handa Ryokan Handa Inn The initial kanji (半) appears slightly different in the directory.
HaneyBeauty Parlour
HaneyBuilders Supplies
HaneyHammond Motor FreightLimited
Haney Beauty Parlor
Haney Builders Supplies
Haney Cafe
Haney Garage Limited
Haney Hammond Motor Freight Limited
Haney Permanent Wave Shop
Haney Tailors
Haney Taxi
Haney Variety Store
Haney Beauty Parlour
Haney Builders Supplies
Haney Cafe
Haney Garage Ltd
Haney Hammond Motor Freight Ltd
Haney Lumber & Fuel Company
Haney Permanent Wave Shop
Haney Tailors
Haney Taxi
Haney Variety Store
Haney Blacksmith & Welding
Haney Box Company Limited Haney, BC. Also called Haney Box & Lumber Company Limited.Bird Commission case file number 1385. Custodian file number 12844. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_70_file_1385.)
Haney Builders Supplies
Haney Cafe
Haney Cleaners & Dyers
Haney Confectionery
Haney 5¢ 20¢ and 15¢ Store
Haney Garage Limited
Haney Hammond Motor Freight Limited
Haney Home Service Bureau
Haney Lumber & Fuel Company
Haney Meat Market
Haney Music & Art Store
Haney Photographic Studio
Haney Radio Electric
Haney Real Estate Limited
Haney Tailors
Haney Taxi
Haney Tractor Equipment
Haney Fruit Ranchers' Association 14th Avenue & Dewdney Truck Road, Haney, BC.Also, "Haney Fruit Ranchers Association" and "Haney Fruit Rancher's Association."Bird Commission case number 1397. Custodian file 8659. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_74_file_1397).
Haney Garage Limited
Haney Hotel
Haney Novelty Shop
Haney Real Estate Ltd
Haney Realty Ltd.
Haney-Hammond Motor Freight Limited
Haney Real Estate Limited
Haney Realty Ltd
Haney & Hill
Haney & Moore Barristers etc.
Haney Mills Limited Bird Commission case file number 1386. Custodian file number 15609. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_70_file_1386.)
Haney Mills Limited
Haney Mills Limited was incorporated on 25 June 1942. It is also referred to as the Takimoto Sawmill in correspondence contained in the file. It was located at Stave Falls, BC. People involved in the organization include H.R. Butler (director), Alan M. Russell (director), and Yojiro Takimoto (shareholder and owner of the land on which the mill operated).
Haney Box Company Limited
Haney Box Company Limited was a box company that manufactured produce boxes for tomatoes, strawberries, and raspberries; it was forcibly liquidated. Its predecessor was Growers’ Box Supply Company Limited; the file states that all shareholders of this predecessor “were of Japanese race”. The file notes that Growers’ Box Supply Company Limited was incorporated in 1941 and that the Haney Box Company Limited was incorporated on 04 July 1942. It was located on 17th Avenue, Haney, BC. Its listed seized assets include real estate, six houses and buildings, a box factory, and nine greenhouses. Its other listed seized property includes greenhouse fixtures and equipment; garden tools; cooking equipment; business inventory; manufacturing equipment; office supplies and equipment; and vehicles, cars and trucks. The majority shareholder was a woman named Tazu Oka; the other listed Japanese Canadian shareholders were Shiro Oka, S. Tanaka, Masamoto Tanaka, Magoichi Odamura, Toshio Odamura, Takuma Oka, Kurahachi Yoshino, Mitsuru Go.
Haney Fruit Rancher's Association
The Haney Fruit Rancher’s Association was located at Rural Route No.1, Haney, BC. People associated with the association include Uso Hirowatari (president), Rikizo Yoneyama (Vice President), Yoshitaro Horiuchi (Secretary), Tokutaro Tsuyuki (treasurer), Yoishiro Odaguchi (auditors), and Yazaemon Tamura (auditors).
Hanson Hardware
Hanson Hardware & Furniture Company
Hanson's Ltd
Harbour Navigation Company Limited
Harbour Cafe
Harbour Navigation Co Ltd
Harbour Cafe
Harbour Navigation Company Limited
Harbour Cafe
Harbour Navigation Company Ltd
Harbour Navigation Company Ltd
Harbour Store
Hardie's Mobile Catering Limited
Hardies Mobile Catering Limited
Hardies Mobile Catering Ltd.
Harmony Investments LTD.
Harmony Investments Ltd
Harmony Investments Ltd
Harmony Investments Ltd.
Harman, Sloan & McKenzie
H.A. Roberts Ltd.
Harowitz, Tick and Rodgers, Barristers & Solicitors
Haro Properties Ltd.
Haro Properties Ltd.
Harowitz, Tick and Rodger
Harry's Cleaners
Harris & Bull Solicitors, Etc.
Harris & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Harris, Bull & Mason Barristers, Solicitors, Etc
Harris Bull Mason & Wilson Barristers &c.
Harry A. Johnston Co. Real Estate, Insurance
HArris, Bull & Mason Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Harry Eyers Enterprises Ltd.
Harris Bull Mason & Wilson, Barristers &c.
Harris Bull Wilson & Bull, Barristers &c.
Harris & Bull Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
Harris, Bull & Mason Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Harris Bull Hannington & Mason
Hartney Sheet Metal Works
Hamilton Sanitarium
長谷川 商店 Hasegawa Shoumise Hasegawa Company
Hastings Cleaners
Hastings Plumbing Works
Hastings Shoe Repairing
Hastings Taxi
Hastings Cleaners
Hastings Confectionary
Hastings Taxi
Hastings Cleaners
Hastings Hardware Ltd
Hastings Sawmill
Hastings Hotel
Hastings Dye Works
Hata Rooms
ハヤミ ラジオ 販賣修繕 Hayami Rajio Hanbaishuzen Hayami Radio Repair Services In the ad ジ is represented by チ with the dakuten markings.
林家 Hayashi-ya Hayashi Home Business In the English Directory this business is listed as a cafe, but the kanji does not give a specific reference to the type of business.
Hayashiya Cafe
ハヤミラヂオ Hayami Rajio Hayami Radio ラヂオ 修繕販賣 Rajio Shozen-HanbaiRadio Sales and RepairsThe text within the note appears at the beginning of the ad.
Hayashiya Restaurant
Haydn Orchestra It is difficult to tell if this address is for 341 or 841.
Haywood Bros. & Co
Hazel's Beauty Salon
H B Stone Works
H. C. Becker Holdings Limited
Hooker Chemicals Limited
H. D. K. Company Limited
Vancouver Health Department
Hean, Wylie and Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Heatley Avenue Wharf Limited
Heatley Hotel
Heatley Machine Works
Heatley Avenue Wharf Limited
Heatley Machine Works Limited
Heatley Trading Company Rinkichi Tagashira
Heately Avenue Wharf Ltd
Heatley Hotel
Heatley Machine Works Ltd
Hem Sung restaurant (r present for renter or resides)
Henry's Grill
Henry Westman C.
Herbco Investments Ltd.
Herbco Investments Ltd.
Her Majesty the Queen in Right of British Columbia
Her Majesty the Queen In Right of the Province
Her Majesty the Queen
H.G. Helgerson, Limited. Also known as "Helgersons Ltd."
一富美 Hifumi The type of business is not indicated in the Japanese directory but in the English one the establishment is noted as being a cafe.
Hifumi Restaurant
Higano Plumbing & Heating Ltd
Highland Grocery
Highland Grocery
Highland Grocery
Highland Grocery
Highland Grocery
Highbury Developments Ltd.
日 の 出 Hi no De Day Out Cafe In the English Directory the recorder entered Hinode as Hinoday, and it is from the English Directory that the knowledge that this entry is a cafe was supplied.
日 の 丸 Hinomaru Day's Round up Cafe Knowledge that this entry was a cafe was obtained from the English Directory.
Hinoday Cafe
Hinomaru Cafe
廣 瀨 靴店 Hirose Kutsuten Hirase Shoe Store
久永 治療院 Hisanaga Jiryouin Hisanaga Clinic In the English directory this individual is listed with the occupation of massage while here the kanji 治療院 represents a clinic (calm, healing, institution) which possibly indicates that this individual practices so-called Eastern Medicine (possibly accupuncture).
久永治療院: 鍼灸マッサージ Hisanaga Chiryouin: Shinyuo Massaaji Hisanaga Clinic: Acupuncture Massage 日本人唯一の日本及びビーシー州公認Nihonjin Tadaichi no Nihon Oyobi Biishiishuu KouninThe Only Japanese Person with Japanese and British Columbian Official Certification The preceding information in the note is written first in the directory.
His Majesty the King represented by Soldier Settlement Board
His Majesty the King
Hitching Post Ltd
Hi-To Fisheries Ltd.
Haney Japanese Educational Auxiliary
H. & K. Holdings Ltd.
H. & K. Holdings Ltd.
Home Missions Committee Board of Home Missions, United Church of Canada.
H.R. MacMillan Export Co. See People spreadsheet, under Kagetsu and H.R. MacMillan.
H. M. Nugent Canvas Ltd.
Hobson & Co., Ltd. General Agents
Hompa Buddhist Temple Eikichi Kagetsu, PresidentSee NNM, Kagetsu fonds, and UBC-RBSC, ubc-rbsc_arc-1407_box_29.
House of Commons of Canada
ホテルウオールど Hoeru Uoorudo Hotel World Hotel World 日本人街の中心に在り 設備第一Nihonjin Machi no Chuushin ni AriLocated in the heart of Japan Town, and with the best facilities available!
Hogarth, Oliver and Hughes, Barristers and Solicitors
Hogarth, Oliver, Hughes & Drabik
Hogg & Menzie
Holborn Hotel
Holborn Rooms
Holborn Rooms
Holborn Hotel
Holbon Rooms
Holden Company Ltd (The)
Holiday Industries Ltd.
Holiday Industries Ltd.
Hollywood Cleaners
Hollywood Studio
Holstein-Friesian Association of Can
Holy Cross Japanese Anglican Mission
Home Garage
Home Apple Pie Cafe
Home Confectionery
Home Meats & Groceries
Home Radio Engineers
Home OilCompany of British Columbia Ltd
Home Garage
Home Oil C=Company of BC Ltd
Home Garage
Home Apple Pie Cafe
Home Oil Company of BC Ltd
Home Oil Distributors Ltd
Home Confectionery
Home Funeral Chapel (1959) Ltd.
Home Oil Distributors Limited
Hompa Buddhist Temple
Hompa Buddhist Temple
Hompa Young Buddhists Association
The Young Men’s Buddhist Association was previously named the Young Men’s Buddhist Association before it merged with the Young Women’s Buddhists’ Association which was attached to the Hompa Buddhist Church. It was located at 549 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC. People involved in this organization include Harry Kondo [also listed as Shota Kondo or Harry Shota Kondo] (previous executive member), Yoshikazu Nishimura (president in 1942), Kazuko Kagawa (vice president), Kiyoshi Suga (general secretary), Tamaye Shintani (treasurer), Toshio Mori (Sunday school supervisor), Tazo Nose (recording secretary), and Michiko Konishita [also listed as Michiko Harada] (recording secretary).
Hompa Ymba Athletic Club
The Hompa Y.M.B.A. Athletic Club was created through the merging of the Hompa Young Buddhists’ Association and the Young Men’s Club. It was also named the Hompa Young Men’s Buddhist Association. People involved in the organization include Yoshikazu Nishimura (president).
Hong Wo & Cogeneral store
Hong Wo & Company
Hong Wo & Company
Hong Wo & Company
Hood Bros. Real Estate
Hood, Joe & Chong, Barristers & Solicitors
Hood, Joe, & Chong
Hood Bros. Estate and Insurance Agents, Notaries Public
Hood Bros. Estate, Insurance and Financial Brokers
Hope, Graveley & Co., Limited
Hope Standard
堀 與 商店 Hori Yo Shoumise Yo Hori Company
Horne, Coupar, MacMinn & Roberts
Horne, Taylor & Co. Ltd.
Hostel and Labor Bureau
Hotel Patricia 200 Outside Rooms. $1.00 Up. Best $1.00 Day Hotel In City.
Hotel Empress
Hotel Patricia
Hotel Patricia 200 Outside Rooms, Fully Modern. Rates: Single, $1.00-$2.50; Double $ 1.50-$3.00. (2 blocks east of Main St.) Phones HA-1615 amd 1616
Hotel Empress
Hotel Empress
Hotel Patricia
Hotel Patricia 200 Outside Rooms. $1.00 Up; Best $1 Day Hotel In Town.
Houghton, Gray & Jensen, Barristers & Solicitors
Housing and Blighted Areas Committee
Housing Committee of Vancouver
Hotel Vancouver
Howe Sound Fisheries Ltd
Howe Sound Fisheries, Ltd.
Howe Sound Fisheries Ltd
Howe Sound Fisheries, Ltd.
Howe Sound Fisheries Ltd
Howe Sound Fisheries, Ltd.
Howe Sound Fisheries Ltd
Howe Sound Fisheries, Ltd.
Howe Sound Fisheries Ltd
Howe Sound Fisheries, Ltd.
Howell Investments Ltd.
Howe Brothers Investments Ltd.
Howe Brothers Investments Ltd.
Howe Sound Fisheries Company Limited
The Howe Sound Fisheries Company Limited was located at Campbell Avenue, Vancouver, BC and North Galiano Island, BC. People involved in the company include I. Sugiyama (president), and S. Fukuyama (director).
Hoy's Radio Electric
Hoy's Brokerage
Highland Surprise Gold Mines Limited
H.T. Devine & Company
H. T. Devine Co. Limited.
Hubb Motors
Hudson Furniture Company
Hudson Bay Insurance Co
Hughes & MacKenzie Notary Public Real Estate Insurance
Humphreys & Merrifield, Barristers & Solicitors
Humphreys & Merrifield
Hungarian Democratic Club
Hunter & Hunter Barristers & Solicitors
Hamilton Younger Nisei Organization
Inter-Departmental Advisory Committee on Agriculture Land Settlement
Immediate Action Committee of Victoria
Ian Cameron & Co., Barristers etc.
Ian Cameron & Co., Barristers & Solicitors
The Imperial Bank of Canada
International Brotherhood Pulp, Sulphite and Paper Mill Workers of the United States, Canada and Newfoundland
International Brotherhood Pulp, Sulphite, and Paper Mill Workers - Japanese Section, Ocean Falls Local No. 312
Interdepartmental Committee on Enemy Interest in Canada and Canadian Interest in Enemy Occupied Territory
市野 商店 Ichino Shoumise Ichino Company
市野 商店 Ichino Shouten Ichino Store
International Committee of the Red Cross It is known in French as Comité international de la Croix-Rouge.
Ideal Iron Works Limited
Ideal Iron Works Ltd
Ideal Iron Works Limited
Ideal Grocery
Ideal Furniture Manufacturing Company
Ideal Iron Works Ltd
Ideal Iron Works Limited
Ideal Cone Company
Ideal Holdings Ltd
Ideal Holdings, Ltd.
Ideal Dry Wall Ltd
Ideal Iron Works Limited
Ideal Iron Works, Limited
井手 事務所 Ide Jimu-tokoro Ide Offices
イースト ホテル Iisuto Hoteru East Hotel ランドん ホテル Randon Hoteru London Hotel ランチョウ ホテル Ranchou Hoteru Ranch Hotel
碇 商店 Ikari Shouten Ikari Store
Ikeda Copper and Silver Mine
Ikeda Family
生田 商店 Ikuta Shoumise Ikuta Company
Imada Company
Imperial Cannery
Imperial OilLimited
Imperial Hotel
Imperial Cannery (B C Packers Ltd)
Imperial Oil
Imperial Oil Limited
Imperial Hotel
Imperial Hotel Beer Parlour
Imperial Service Station
Imperial Cannery BC Packers Ltd
Imperial Oil
Imperial Oil Ltd
Imperial Hotel Beer Parlour
Imperial Hotel
Imperial Oil
Imperial Cannery BC Packers Ltd
Imperial Oil
Imperial Oil Ltd
Imperial Cannery BC Packers Ltd
Imperial Motors
Imperial Oil Ltd
Imperial Oil Limited
Imperial Hotel
Imperial Hotel Beer Parlour
Imperial Wood & Coal Company
Imperial Cannery BC Packers Ltd
Imperial Oil
Imperial Oil Limited
Imperial Grain and Milling Company Limited
Imperial Grain and Milling Company Limited
Imperial Oil Limited
Imperial Cannery
Import And Domestic Silk Company
The Import and Domestic Silk Company imported and sold silk and other products from Japan to retailers and wholesalers. Originally named The Nikko Company, the business was renamed to Import and Domestic Silk Company on 21 October 1940. It was located at 543 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC and was owned equally by Ippei Nishio, Tomitaro Nishio, and Sokichi Ito. The file contains a list of names of previous partners in the business.
Ina Holdings Ltd.
稻本 治療院 Inamoto Jiryouin Inamoto's Clinic 牛嶋式神力無双術療法Ushitou shikigami rikimusoujyutsunoriI am unable to piece it together properly but it suggests that the clinic provides a type of spiritual healing or therapy.
稻本 運送舍 Inamoto Unsou-sha Inamoto Moving Facilities (Transfer) In the English Directory this address is associated with a transfer company and the kanji employed means carrying, transport, escort and send.
Inamoto Transfer Company
Independent Supply Co Limited transfer
Independent Meat & Grocery
Independent Meat & Grocery
Independent Towing Company
Independent Towing Company was located at Eburne, BC. The file includes lists of names and addresses of Japanese Canadian accounts held by the business.
Industrial Research Limited
Industrial Departments
Ing Suey Sun Tong Association
International Longshoremen's Association Local 38-163
International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union Canadian Regional Office Local 501 Local 507
International Association of Fire Fighters Number 18
International Association of Fire Fighters Local Number 18
International Brokerage
International Supply Co. Ltd
International Camera Imports Limited
INTernational Camera Imports Limited
International Plastics Ltd.
International Plastics Ltd.
Interstyle Warehousing Ltd.
International Supply Co. Ltd.
Intra Land Corporation Ltd.
Inverness Cannery
Investment Corporation of Canada Limited
Investa International Ltd
Investa International Ltd.
International Order of the Daughters of the Empire
Indian, Oriental, and Marine Committee
Ionian Leader
IP Enterprises Ltd.
IP Enterprises Ltd.
IP Enterprises Ltd.
一ぷく Ipuku Ipuku Cafe Cafe was supplied from the English Directory.
Ipuku Cafe
石井 事務所 Ishii Jimu-tokoro Ishisei Offices
石原 齒科醫院 Ishihara Shika iin Ishihara Dental Clinic
Island Builders' Supplies
Island Plumbing & Heating
磯谷 運送店 Isogai Unsou-mise Isogai Moving Store (Transfer) In the English Directory this listing is associated with a transfer company and the kanji employed means carrying, transport, escort and send.
Isogai Transfer
Isshin Kai
Isshin-Kai was also known as Woodfibre Japanese Association and is also listed in the file as Ishinkai-Kaikei. It was located at Woodfibre, BC. People involved in the organization include Robert Kadoguchi [also listed as Robert Yasuhara Kadoguchi, Bob Kadoguchi, and Bob Yasuhara Kadoguchi] (secretary).
I S Tailors
Itakuma Manufacturing Company
Ivy Developments Ltd.
I.W.A.-C.I.O. Resolution: Asks politicians to stop using "Japanese question" as a "political football" to obscure larger issues: bca_ms_0009_box_1_file_2
Iwamoto S Company
岩田 裁縫工塲 Iwata Saihoukoujou Iwata Sewing Factory 晩香坡ボタン 製造工塲 Bankouba Botan Seizou Koujou Vacouver Button Manufacturing Plant
Jackson Rooms
Jackson Rooms
Jackson Rooms
Jack's Grill
Jackson Rooms
Jackson Avenue Service Station
Jackham Hold Co. Ltd.
Jackham Holding Co. Ltd.
Jackson Holdings Ltd.
Jackson Holdings Ltd.
Jackson Investments LTD.
Japanese Clinic Was owned by the United Church of Canada, who sold the property to Dr. F.S. Chu.
Jacobs G F & Co real estate
Jacobs G F & Co
Jacobs G F & Company
Jackson Commission
James Richardson & Sons, Limited
Jamie's Upholstery
Japan & Canada Trust Savings Co
Japanese Brokerage real estate
Japanese Canadian Amusement Society
Japanese Hall
Vancouver Japanese Language School 1672 W 1 and 715 W 7Tsutae Sato, Principal
Japanese Merchants Association
Vancouver Japanese United Church United Church of Canada
Japanese Welfare Society
Japanese Fishermen's Association
Japanese Brokerage Agency.
Japanese Buddhist Mission
Japanese Gymnasium
Japanese Hall
Japanese Ladies' Association
Japanese Merchants' Association
Japanese Language School 1672 W 1 and 715 W 7
Japanese R C Mission
Japanese United Church
Japanese Traders' Club of Canada
Japanese Canadian Society of Greater Vanco...
Japanese Repatriation League
Japanese Union Paper
Japanese School House
The Japanese School House’s property was located at 318 Boyne Street, New Westminster, BC. People associated with this file include Eijiro Onishi (declarant and trustee), Suyejiro Tsuchida [also listed as Suejiro Tsuchida] (trustee), and Mitsugi Yamashita (president and trustee).
Japanese Canadian Youth Organization
The Japanese Canadian Youth Organization had a bank account in Prince Rupert, BC. People associated with this file include Itu Kanaya (signing officer) and Roy Yoshida (signing officer).
Japanese Merchants Association
Japanese Merchant’s Association was incorproated in 1910. It was located at 139 Dunlevy Avenue, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Toragoro Nimi (vice president).
Japan And Canada Trust Savings Company
The file contains lists of clients of the Japan and Canada Trust Savings Company and summaries of their accounts.
Japanese Buddhist Church
The Japanese Buddhist Church was located at 120 10th Street, New Westminster, BC. People associated with this file include Shintaro Toda (registered owner), Hirokichi Kobayashi (registered owner), Kohei Nishiyama (registered owner), Kanpei Omoto (registered owner), and Hyosaburo Takeda (registered owner).
Japanese School Maintainers Association
The Japanese School Maintainers Association. An association located at Power Line Road, Hammond, BC. People involved in the association include Tetsuzo Takashima (president), Senji Sano (vice-president), Sansuke Kawamoto (chairman), Sanao Yoshioka (recording secretary), Isamu Ishikawa (corresponding secretary).
Japanese United Church Vancouver
The Japanese United Church Vancouver was located at 500 Powell Street, Vancouver, BC.
Japanese Canadian Citizens League
This file is for the Japanese Canadian Citizens’ League.
Japanese Buddhist Church
J. Bruno & Son Limited
Japan-Canada Association
National Japanese Canadian Citizens Association
Japanese Canadian Citizens' Council 215 E. Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC.
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre Toronto ON
Japanese Canadian Committee for Democracy George Tanaka, Chairman and National Executive Secretary. 84 Gerrard St. E., Toronto, ON.
Japanese Canadian Citizens' League
JCCP Redress Committee
Japanese Central Committee of Slocan District
Japanese Central Council
Judicial Committee of the Privy Council
Japan & Canada Trust bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
J D Sweid & Company Ltd
J.D. Sweid & Co. Ltd
Japanese Exclusion League of California
Jensen & Hamilton, Barristers & Solicitors
Jervis Innet Canning Company Limited
Jestley Kirstiuk, Barristers & Solicitors
Jestley Morrison Eckardt Goldie & Ainsworth
Japanese Fishermen’s Benevolent Society
Japanese Farm Labourers' Association Grand Forks, BC.
Japanese Fishing Vessel Disposal Committee File 10_Report of the JFVDC.pdf; rg_23_vol_2292_file_general_disposal_folder_1.pdf ; rg_23_vol_2292_file_general_disposal_folder_2.pdf ; rg_23_vol_2292_file_jfvdc_folder_3.pdf ; rg_23_vol_2292_file_jfvdc_folder_4.pdf ; rg_23_vol_2292_file_jfvdc_folder_5.pdf ; rg_23_vol_2292_file_jfvdc_folder_5.pdf ; rg_23_vol_2292_file_jfvdc_folder_5.pdf ; bca_ms_0448_box_3_file_japanese_fishing_disposal_committee.pdf ;
J. Grauer & Sons Limited
J. Griffin & Co. Ltd.
Jha & McLean, Barristers & Solicitors
J. Hanbury & Co. Limited
J. Hanbury & Co. Limited
J. Hori & Co.
J.H. Todd & Sons Limited
J. H. Todd & Sons Ltd.
J. H. Todd & Sons Ltd
J. H. Todd & Sons Ltd.
J. H. Todd & Sons Ltd.
Jimmie's Cafe
J. J. Banfield Real Estate, Insurance and Loans
J.J. Frantz Construction Company Limited
J. Kasho & Co. There is information about capitalization and subscribed capital for this company. bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf;
J.K. Cooper LTD., Real Estate & Insurance
J.K. Cooper Ltd.
Japanese Liaison Committee Operated in conjunction with the British Columbia Security Commission. (Source: lac_rg36-27_volume_16_file_612.)
Japanese Lands Public Accounts Committee
Japanese Language School, Royal Canadian Army
J. Mason & Co. Real Estate Agents, Conveyancers, etc.
J.M.P. Realty Projects Ltd
Jo Ann's Ladies Wear
Joe Chong & Yee, Barristers & Solicitors
Joe's Cafe
Johnston National Storage Limited
Johnston Brothers & Byrnell
Johnston Brothers & Byrnell
Johnny's Barber Shop
Johnny's Cleaners & Dryers
Johnson, McCrea & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
John & George Robertson, Solicitors
Johnston & Graf Developments Ltd
John E. Milne, Esq. Barrister and Solicitor
John Dean Limited
John Brewster & Co Real Estate Brokers
Jo Holdings Limited
Jo Holdings Limited
Jones & Grant
Jose's Beauty Salon
Joyce Ventures Ltd.
Joyen Investments Ltd.
Japan Pacific Associaiton
Japanese Property Claims Commission Known officially as the Royal Commission to Investigate Complaints of Canadian Citizens of Japanese Origin who Resided in British Columbia in 1941, That Their Real and Personal Property had been Disposed of by the Custodian of Enemy Property at Prices Less than the Fair Market Value.
Japanese Property Claims Sub-Commission
J P Doutax & Co
Japanese Public Justice Assocation Also known as Kosei-Kai.
Japanese Property Owners Association Norris & MacLennan
Johnson, Reeve and Watson D.W. Reeve
Japanese Red Cross Society
Japanese Repatriation Group Greenwood, BC.
J.R.S. Holdings Ltd.
J.R.S. Holdings Ltd.
Japanese Students' Club, University of British Columbia
J Swan Gurdies Fishing Supplies
Japan Society of Vancouver
J.T. Devlin & Co. LTD.
J.T. Devlin & Co. LTD.
June's Confectionary & Groceries Names as they appear in this listing conflict with their listings as individuals ie. Chu appears as their last name in that instance
J. W. Mills & Son Limited
J. W. Mills & Son Limited
J. W. Mills & Son Limited
Jaimie's Whaling Station Located in the building and on the site of the former family home of Edward Arnet, whose grandfather, John Eik, worked with Japanese Canadians in Tofino. The site was some times rented to Japanese Canadians.
女子 技藝 學校 Jyoko Gigei Gakkou Girl's Arts School
株式會 社: セーフテー グラージ Kabushiki Gaisha: Seefutee Guraaji Kagushiki Company: Safety Garage 自動車 附屬品 一切Jidousha Fuzokuhin IssaiCarrying All Kinds of Car Parts
Kagetsu & Company Limited There is information about capitalization and subscribed capital for this company. See People spreadsheet, under Kagetsu.
花月 商會 Kagetsu Shoukai Kagetsu Firm
影山 齒科醫院 Kageyama Shikai-in Kageyama Dental Clinic 科 means course, department, or section and 齒 means cog or tooth, which leads me to believe that this is a dental school. The knowledge of this place performing dental work was obtained from the English directory.
Kagetsu & Co Limited logging
影山齒科 醫院 Kageyama Shika Iin Kageyama Dental Clinic
花月 商會 Kagetsu Shoukai Kagetsu Company 木材輸出業 Mokuzai Yushutsu-gyouLumber Exporting Company
Kagetsu & Company Ltd
Kagetsu And Company Limited
Kagetsu and Company Limited was incorporated on 30 November 1922. It exported lumber and logs. People associated with this file include Eikichi Kagetsu (principal shareholder) and Tomekichi Maikawa (shareholder).
Kaslo High School
海産物 問屋 嘉祥 商會 Kaisanbutsu Tonya Kajou Shoukai Seafood Wholesale Kajou Company
かきもち Kakimochi Thin-cut Baked Mochi 江戸流花あられ製造元Edo-ryuu Hana-Arare SeizoumotoTokyo-Style Flower-Roasted Mochi MaufacturerFor this entry Edo refers to Tokyo.
鎌倉 灸點 所 Kamakura Kyuuten-tokoro Kamakura Moxibustion (Moxa Cautery) Place This place most likely performs a type of eastern medicine that requires pin-point burning of the skin to cause irritation. This is Moxibustion or Moxa Cautery.
鎌倉灸點所 Kamakura Kyuuten-jyo Kamakura Moxa-treatment Facility 先祖 傳 萊 名灸 男女諸病一切: 並びに 按摩, 按腹及骨つぎ, 筋違ひ, 子供かんの灸 Senzo Denraimeikyuu Danjyo Shobyouissai: Narabini anma, Anpuku Oyobi Honetsugi,Suji Chigaihi, Kodomokannokyuu Continuing the ancient and famous practice of Moxa for both men and women against several diseases: Also Available Japanese Style and Ventral Massages, as well as bonesetting, releasing of cramps, sprains, and muscle strains, and we are able to do children as well.
カマボコ店 Kamaboko-ten Fish Paste Store カマボコ製造販賣 Kamaboko Seizou HanbaiMaking and Selling Fish PasteThere is a symbol with the ad but I am unable to determine its significance to the store. Possibly just a marking for this specific store and brand.
Kamara Construction Co Ltd
上西 旅舘 Kaminishi Ryokan Kaminishi Japanese Style-Inn
Kamo Japanese Restaurant Ltd
加奈陀 鹽鰊 會 社 kanada shionishin kaisha Canadian Salt Herring Business
加奈陀 新聞社 kanada shinbunsha Canadian Newspaper Company
加奈陀 鹽 鰊 輸出 販賣 株式 會 社 Kanada Shio Nishin Yushutsu Hanbai Shushiki Kaisha Canadian Salt Herring Exporters Ltd.
加奈陀 サン 生命 保險 中野事務所 Kanada San Seimei Hoken Nakano Jimusho Canada Sun Life Insurance Nakano Office Sun Life Assurance Corporation of Canada
加來 大工 Karai Daiku Karai Carpentry 大工 means carpenter, but because it appeared in an ad, in the English orgName I stated it as carpentry.
嘉祥 商店 Kashou Shoumise Kashou Company
Kasho J & Co Limited salt fish packers
カソリック  教會 kasoritsuku kyoe Catholic Church or Establishment
かすが 菓子 店 Kasuga Kashi Mise Kasuga Sweets Shop
Kasuga Confectionery
かすが菓子店 Kasuga Kashi-ten Kasuga Candy/ Snack Store
加藤 靴店 Katou Kutsu-Mise Katou Shoe Store In the Englisn Directory Katou is spelled Kato.
加藤 靴店 Katou Kutsu-ten Katou's Shoe Store
葛原 齒科 醫院 Katsuhara Shikaiin Katsuhara Dental Clinic
河合 時計 店 Kawai Tokei Mise Kawai Watch Store
河野 裁縫店 Kawano saihou-mise Kawano Sewing Store
川出 製箱所 Kawade Seihako-tokoro Kawade Box Manufacturing Plant
Kawade Box Co. Night Phone HI 6084-L
河瀨 農園 Kawaze Nouen Kawaze Plantation ビーシー州 ルール島Biishii-shuu Ruuru-shimaProvince of B.C. Lulu IslandI looked up a location for this place and there is a Lulu Island located in Richmond. I am not sure if they are the same places though.
川出 製箱 會 社 Kawade Seihako Gaisha Kawade Box Company 各種製箱業Kakushu Seihako-gyouManufacturing All Types of Boxes
Kawade Box Company
Kawade Box Company. People involved in this organization include Shinichi Kawade (owner) and Erigo Hiraga. The file includes a list of Japanese Canadian employees and creditors of the company.
Kamloops Board of Trade Kamloops, BC.
Kishi Boatworks
K & Co press shipping agents
Keen's Confectionery
Kelly Engine & Manufacturing Company
Kelly, Douglas & Company, Limited
Kelly, Douglas & Company, Limited
Kelly, Douglas & Company Limited
Kelly, Douglas & Company Limited
Kemp Agencies Ltd
Kemp Manufacturing Company Ltd
Kemp & Co. Limited N. Kemp
Kent C & Company
Kerk's Transfer
Kerk's Transfer
K G F Enterprises Ltd.
K G F Enterprises Ltd.
歸道 舘 Kidou Kan Return-Way Hall Unsure of what type of building is represented by 歸道舘.
Kidokwan Dojo physicalculturephys usually stands for physician but in this situation that translation did not seem rational
Killam & Beck
Killam & Shakespeare Barristers and Solicitors
Killam & Farris Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
木村 ルームス Kimura Ruumusu Kimura Rooms
木村 商店 Kimura Shouten Kimura Store
King Rooms
King Rooms
King Rooms
King Rooms
King Rooms
Kinka Kyowa Kwai
Kinka Kyowa Kwai is described in the file by W.A. Hotson of the Montreal Trust Company as a benevolent association. People involved in the organization include E. Kitagawa (executive member).
Kino Taxi
Kirkland & Rose (I & A) Ltd.
Kirkland & Rose Ltd.
Kishi Brothers
喜多 裁縫 店 Kita Saihou Mise Kita Sowing Shop
喜多 婦人 裁縫 學校 Kita Fujin Saihou Gakkou Kita's Women's Sewing School
Kitsilano Japanese Lanugage Association
The Kitsilano Japanese Language Association was located at 1672 West 1st Avenue, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Toshiaki Sumi (president), B. Nishizaki (vice president), M. Hayakawa (secretary), T. Yamada (treasurer), T. Yakura (secretary), M. Moritsugu (chairman), K. Tehara (vice chairman), and members of the union who are listed in the file.
Kitsilano Buddhist Mission
The Kitsilano Buddhist Mission was a branch of the Hompa Buddhist Temple. It was located at 1684 West 1st Avenue, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Yasukichi Kobori (president), Bunsaburo Nishizaki of 1673 West 2nd Avenue, Vancouver, BC (vice president) and Kanjiro Yachida (caretaker). The file contains a list of Japanese Canadian members and executive members of the organization, along with their addresses before and after they were forcibly uprooted.
Kitto & Kitto, Notaries Public
Kitsilano Japanese Language Association
Ku Klux Klan
Ker & Ker Ltd. Realty
K.K. Reid Limited
K.K. Reid Ltd, Real Estate and Insurance, Notary Public
Klemtu Cannery
Knight & King
Knox Cafe
神戸 グラージ Kobe Guraaji Kobe Garage
Historic Joy Kogawa House Also referred to as the Kogawa House, the childhood home of author Joy Kogawa has been preserved and become a historic site.
古原 手袋 製造所 Kohara Tebukuro Seizou-tokoro Kohara Glove Manufacturing (Place) 所 means place, but I feel the translation is more accurate with simply manufacturing. To ensure precision I have included the literal translation of this character in parenthesis.
古原 手袋製造所 Kohara Tebukuro Seizoujyo Kohara Glove Factory
こまつ Komatsu Komatsu Restaurant Komatsu was listed on its own, and in other cases, these entries were typically restaurants or cafes. Thus, I have indicated this entry as a restaurant.
Komeya Company
Komura Brothers Limited generalstore
香村商店 Komura Shouten Komura Stores Komura Brothers Limited 雜貨 食料品 直輸入商Zakka Shokuhin Chokuyu NyuushouMiscellaneous Goods and Groceries Direct Import Store最良品を最も安 御客本位の薄利多賣 Sairyouhin wo Mottomo YasuThe Best Items At The Best Prices For Our Customers We Have the Lowest Interest Rates (Or, The Best Savings for Our Customers)
Komura Brothers
Komura Bros. Limited
Komura Brothers Limited generalstore
近藤 藥店 Kondou Kusuri-Mise Kondo Medicine Store (Pharmacy)
Kondo Co drugs
近藤店 Kondou-ten Kondou Store 特計賣 藥 Tokukei Bai KusuriSpecific Drug Dispensation特に日本品は直接御洋文が 御便利で御座ります。Tokuni Nihonhin ha Chokusetsu GoHirofumi ga GoBenri de Go SuwarimasuWe will take exta care to order Japanese goods for you. 總てご用命は直接弊店へSubete Goyoumei ha Chokusetsu Heiten heFor All Our Available Orders Please Come Directly To Our Store和洋藥品 化粧品 めがね  日本 雜貨 理髪用品一切 カメラ 附屬品 材料 佛具 佛前用品 時計 ワタマン萬年筆 パーカー萬年筆  シェーファー萬年筆 K.D.S. 齒 ブラシ 發 賣元Wayou Yakuhin Keshouhin Megane Nihon Zakka Rihatsu Youhin Issai Kamera Fuzokuhin Zairyou Hotoke-gu Hotokezen Youhin Tokei Wataman Mannenhitsu Paakaaa Mannenhitsu Sheefaa Mannenhitsu K.D.S Ha Burashi Hatsubai-motoJapanese And Western Medicines, Makeup, and Glasses Miscellaneous Goods From Japan and Items Needed For Cutting Hair all in great variety. Cameras, Accessories, and Materials. Buddhist Supplies Licensed Selling Agency For Watches, Water Man Fountain Pens, Parker Fountain Pens, Schaefer Fountain Pens, and K.D.S. Toothbrushes. 價 實質實 Atai jisshitsumiReal Prices 藥近藤Kusuri KondouKondou DrugsThere is an image of a man holding a sign that has this printed on it.This last entry was hard to read due to the quality of the page in the pdf. It made certain things illegible.
Kosher Chicken Killing Station
香村 商店 Koumura Shoumise Koumura Company In the telephone number I added the parenthesis to indicate more clearly that it is a phone number.
Kroll, Mair & Winfield Barristers and Solicitors
K.S. Yang Associates Ltd.
K. Takahashi & Co. Ltd.
K. Takahashi & Co. Ltd.
K Takahashi And Company Limited
K. Takahashi & Company Limited was a logging company located at Call Creek, BC. People involved in the organization include Kinji Takahashi of 476 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC (shareholder), Jutaro Tokunaga of 620 Semlin Drive, Vancouver, BC (shareholder and bookeeper), Kuni Takahashi (shareholder and wife of Kinji Takahashi), and Chitose Uchida (shareholder).
Kyuquot Trollers Co-operative Association
K. Takahashi & Company A company based in Vancourver owned by Kinji Takahashi.
Kaslo United Church
久芳 商店 Kuyoshi Shouten Kuyoshi Store
Kwong Wing Laundry
Kwong Ley Chong & Company
Kwong Man Sang Company Limited
Legislative Assembly of British Columbia
LaCroix, Stewart, Siddall & Taylor, Barristers & Solicitors
LaCroix and Stewart
Library and Archives Canada Commonly known as LAC. Formerly known as the Dominion Archives, Public Archives of Canada, and National Archives of Canada.
Ladner Downs Ladner & Gregory
Ladner Downs Ladner Locke, Clarke & Lennox
Ladner Downs and Co.
Ladner & Southin, Barristers & Solicitors
Ladner Downs Barristers & Solicitors
Lai's Enterprises Ltd.
Lai's Enterprises Ltd.
Lawson & Lundell
Liberal Assication Nominating Convention
Lancer of Canada Limited
Land Registry Office
Lando Milsom & Frydenlund, Barristers & Solicitors
Lando, Milsom & Frydenlund
Langford & McArthur Brokers
Langham Cultural Society
Lanning Apartments
Lanning Pool Hall
Lanning Apartments
Lanning Pool Hall
Lanning Apartments
Lanning Pool Hall
Lanning Apartments
Lanning Pool Hall
Larsen's Grocery
Larsen's Grocery
Larsen's Grocery
Larsen's Grocery
Latimer Ltd
Law Department, City Hall
Law Department, the Corporation of the Township of Richmond
Law Department, City Hall
Lawrence & Shaw, Barristers & Solicitors
Lawrence Shumyla Construction Ltd
Lawrence & Shaw, Barristers & Solicitors
Lawrence & Shaw Barristers
Lawrence Shaw McFarlane & Stewart
Lawson, Lundell, Lawson & McIntosh
Lemon Creek Action Group
Lux Cleaning Dyeing & Repairing Shop. Located at 3185 Oak Street in Vancouver BC.
Lemon Creek High School
Lemon Creek Japanese Committee
Lord Chancellor's Office, Clerk of the Crown
Lead Shoe Repair New
Leaf Pattern Works
Leal's Market
LeBlanc and McGuire
Lecovin, Allan, Fahlman & Lougheed, Barristers & Solicitors
Lee Bros. Development Ltd.
Leedham, Walker & Lavallee Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
Leedham, Walker & Thomas, Barristers & Solicitors
Lee's Transport
Leggatt & Lesyk, Barristers and Solicitors
Lekiu Poultry Ltd
Lekiu Importing Co. Ltd.
Lennie & Clark
Len's Service
Len's Service
Len's Service
Lepetich & Gorseth Holdings Ltd.
Lester & Leggatt, Barristers & Solicitors
Lester & Vernon, Barristers & Solicitors
Lester & Vernon, Barristers & Solicitors
Lester & Leggatt, Barristers & Solicitors
Lester & Vernon, Barristers & Solicitors
Lester & Leggatt
Lester & Leggatt Barristers & Solicitors
Lester & Leggatt Barristers & Solicitors
Lester, Walker & Lavallee, Barristers & Solicitors
Lester & Vernon, Barristers & Solicitors
Lew & Wong, Solicitors
Lew & Wong Barristers & Solicitors
Leybar Estates Ltd.
League for Peace and Democracy
Leonard Frank Photos Commissioned by the British Columbia Security Commission for a series of photographs of the Hastings Park clearing station (see lac_rg25_volume_2975_file_3363-b-40). Was located in Vancouver, BC.
L.H. Ratner Construction LTD.
Liberal Party of Canada
Liberty Furniture HouseLimited
Liberty Furniture House Limited
Liberty Furniture House Ltd
Lillooet Elementary School
Lignum Ltd
Lillooet High School
Lily Cleaners & Dryers
Limco Estates Ltd.
Limco Estates Ltd.
Lindsay's Pleasure Craft
Linley, Duignan & Co, Barristers & Solicitors
Lin On Co-operative Association
Lin On Co-operative Association
Lion Rooms
Lion Hotel
Lion Hotel
Lion Hotel
Lion Lumber Co.
Lipton T J Limited
LiptonThomas Ltd
Lisson, McConnan & Bion, Barristers and Solicitors
Lisson, McConnan, Bion & O'Connor, Barristers & Solicitors
Langara Island Trollers Association
Litho Trades Services Ltd
Livingston Produce Company Ltd
Livingston Produce Company Limited
Livingston Produce Company Limited
Lake Logging Company
Locke, Lane, Guild & Sheppard
Ladies’ Orange Benevolent Association
LOcke, Lane, Guild & Sheppard Barristers
Locke, Lane, Guild & Sheppard, Barristers, etc.
Locke, Lane, Guild & Sheppard
Locke Lane Guild & Sheppard
Loewen & Harvey Limited.
Loewen, Harvey & Preston, Limited
Loewen, Harvey & Humble, Limited.
Loewen, Harvey & Preston, Ltd.
Loewen, Harvey & Humble Limited
Loewen, Harvey and Preston Limited
Landscapes of Injustice
Loyal Order of the Moose
London & British North America Co., Ltd.
London & British North America Co., Ltd.
London and British North America Company Ltd.
Longshoremen Old Times Reading Room
Long & Long, Barrister & Solicitors
Long & Long, Barristers & Solicitors
Long Beach Shellfish Co. Ltd.
Long Beach Shellfish Co. Ltd.
Long Beach Shellfish Co. Ltd.
Long Beach Shellfish Co. Ltd.
Long Beach Holdings Ltd.
Long Beach Shell-Fish Co. Ltd.
League of Nations
Law Quarterly Review
The Law Society of British Columbia
Law Society of Saskatchewan
Land Title and Survey Authority of British Columbia
Lucas & Lucas Barristers and Solicitors
Luce Holdings Ltd
Luhr Jensen & Sons Ltd
Lung Jen Benevolent Society
Lun Yick Cafe
Macaulay, Nicolls, Maitland & Co. Ltd.
Macaulay & Nicolls
Macaulay, Nicolls & Maitland Financial and Insurance Agents
Macaulay, Nicolls, Maitland & Co. LTD.
Macdonald, Russell & Kowarsky
MacGill & Grant Barristers, Etc.
MacInnes & Arnold
Mackinnon & Pearce, Barristers & Solicitors
Mitsui & Co. Ltd. Seiichiro Kashio
MacMillan Bloedel Limited
MacNeill, Bird, MacDonald & Bayfield Barristers & Solicitors
MacNeill & Bird Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
MacNeill, Bird, Macdonald & Bayfield
MacQuarrie, Hobkirk & McCurdy, Barristers & Solicitors
MacQuarrie, Hobkirk & McCurdy, Barristers & Solicitors
MacQuarrie, Hobkirk, McCurdy & Schumann, Barristers & Solici
MacQuarrie, Hobkirk, McCurdy & Hazlewood
MacQuarrie, Hobkirk, McCurdy & Hazlewood, Barristers & Solic
Macrae, Montgomery & Clyne
Macrae, Montgomery & Clyne
MacRae, Duncan & Clyne
MacRae, Montgomery, MacRae, Hill & Cunningham
Mac's Service
前川 魚店 Maekawa Gyoten Maekawa Fish Store Maikawa Limited 鮮魚 精肉 蒲鉾 新菜Sengyo Seiniku Kamaboko ShinsaiFresh Fish, Fresh Meat, Fish Paste, and Fresh Vegetables 各汽船御用達. 日本郵船指定: 御用商Kakukisen goyoutatsu. Nihon Yuusenshitei. GoyoushouSupplying Every Steam Boat of the Government of Japan, Specially Designated to supply the Postal Service of Japan: Government Endorsed StoreI am not clear if this business is selling to the government, or whether it is being supported by the Japanese Government at the time. The phrase Goyou is described as a purveyor, but I am not quite sure how it is being used in this case.
前川商店 Maekawa Shouten Maekawa Stores T. Maikawa Stores Limited 洋服 お召物類 食料品等 すべて品は豊富で優秀Youfuku Omeshimonorui Shokuryouhin Nado Subete Shina ha Houfude YuushuuCarrying An Assortment of Clothing Items Inclduing Western Style Clothes as well as as Abundance of Groceries最も買ひよい便利な店ごして皆様に ご贔屓を 賜って居ますMottomo Kahiyoi Benrina Mise Goshite Minasamani Go Hiiki wo TamawatteimasuOur stores are known as the most convenient and with the best prices around.
Mae Mill Coffee Shop
Magneto Sales & Service Ltd.
Mahon McFarland & Procter, Limited
Mahon, McFarland & Mahon, Ltd. Lty.
MAhon, McFarland & Mahon, Ltd. Lty.
Mahon, McFarland & Procter, Ltd.
前川 魚店 Maikawa Sakana-Mise Maikawa Fish Store The nanori reading of 前 is used.
前川 商店 Maikawa Shoumise Maikawa Company
Maikawa Limited fish, meat and grocerBird Commission case file number 1126. Custodian file number 13565. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_57_file_1126)
Maikawa, T., Stores Limited General Merchandise, Dry Goods, Men's and Ladien' Wear, Rice Mills and Grocers. Logging, Mining and Cannery Supplies.Ladien' should probably be Ladies'
Maikawa T Stores
Maikawa T Stores Ltd
Main Electric
Mainland Boiler Works
Main Electric
Main and Hastings
Main Electric
Mainland Boiler Works
Main and Hastings
Mainland Boiler Works
Mainland Construction Company
Mainland Produce
Main Studio
Mainland Boiler Works Boiler Makers and Marine Repairs
Mainland Foundry Limited
Maitland Maitland & Hutcheson
Maitland & Maitland, Barristers, etc.
Mansell's General Store
Maple RidgeBakery
Maple RidgeCo-op Produce Exchange fruit andvegetable
Maple RidgeJunior Board of Trade
Maple RidgeLumberCompanyLimited
Maple Ridge Municipality School Board
Maple Ridge-Pitt MeadowsFairAssociation
Maple Leaf Pattern Works
Maple Ridge Bakery
Maple Ridge Co-op Produce Exchange
Maple Ridge Junior Board of Trade
Maple Ridge Lumber Company Limited
Maple Ridge Municipality
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Fair Association
Maple Ridge Bakery
Maple Ridge Co-op Produce Exchange
Maple Ridge Junior Board of Trade
Maple Ridge Lumber Company Ltd
Maple Ridge Municipality
Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows Fair Association
Maple Ridge Bakery
Maple Ridge Board of Trade
Maple Ridge Bus Service
Maple Ridge Lumber Company Ltd
Maple Ridge Motors Ltd
Maple Ridge Municipality--Council--
Maple Ridge Realty
Maple Ridge Taxi
Maple Ridge Agricultural Association
Maple Ridge Co-operative Produce Exchange
Maple Ridge Lumber Company Limited
Maple Ridge Municipality
Maple Ridge Lodge No 32
Maple Ridge Realty
Maple Ridge Community Credit Union
Maple Investments Ltd
Maple Ridge Elderly Citizens Housing Society
Maple Leaf Iron Works Ltd.
Maple Leaf Iron Works Limited
Maple Ridge Cooperative Produce Exchange
Marathon Realty Company Limited
Marchant and Gillis, Barristers and Solicitors
Marchant, Gillis & McIntosh, Barristers and Solicitors
Marine Rooms
Marine Rooms
Marine Garage
Maritime Systems Ltd.
Maritime Systems Ltd.
Mariposa Holdings Ltd.
Marks Bros electric contractors
Mark T. Ando & Associates Ltd.
Marpole Richmond Review
Marpole Japanese Language School
Marpole-Richmond Review
Marr & Hyde, Barristers & Solicitors
Martin & Robertson Limited
Martin & Robertson Ltd.
Martyn & Maloney
Martyn Lumber Company Limited
Martyn & Maloney
Martin & Shannon, Real Estate
Martin Craig & Bourne
Martin & Robertson Limited
Martin and Robertson Limited
Martinson & Co.
丸忠 運送店 Maruchuu Unsou-Mise Maruchuu Transfer (Company) In the English Directory this company is listed as Transfer, and 運送 means to transport and send. From this I gathered that this was a transfer company.
丸越 運送店 Marukoshi Unsou-Mise Marukoshi Transfer Company In the English Directory this company is listed as Transfer, and 運送 means to transport and send. From this I gathered that this was a transfer company
◯ 万 Maru-man Maruman Restaurant Restaurant was supplied from the English Directory.
◯ 万 ランチ Maruman Ranchi Maruman Ranch
Maruchu Transfer
Marukoshi Transfer
Maruman Restaurant
丸越運送店 Marugoshi Unsouten Marugoshi Delivery Service 越KoshiWith this ad there is a large image of the kanji 越 in a cicle. I felt it was important to have this noted in the directory.
丸忠運送社 Marutada Unsou-sha Marutada Delivery Company 忠TadaThe kanji symbol is printed on the top within a circle.
Maruchu Transfer Co
Maruman Restaurant
Mary's Ready-To-Wear
眞砂 床 Masago Shou Masago Flooring The kanji 床 refers to floor but I am not sure what it is referring to. It is possible this is a flooring or tatami store.
Marine Services Director of Marine Services J.G. Macphail.
Masonic Lodge
Mason Holding Ltd
松宮 食料品店 Matsumiya Shokuryouhin-mise Matsumiya Grocery Store
松宮 野瀨 洋服店 Matsumiya Nose Youfuku-mise Matsumiya and Nose Western Style Clothing Store
松本 果物店 Matsumoto Kudamono-mise Matsumoto Fruit Store
松山 商會 Matsuyama Shoukai Matsuyama Firm
Matsumiya S Co grocer
Matsumiya & Nose Limited men's furnishings
Matsuyama, T. & Co. Limited Importers and Exporters of Salt Fish, Fishing Netting, Rice, Etc.
松宮野瀨 洋服店 Matsumiya Nose Youfuku-ten Matsumiya Nose Western Clothing Store 日本人向特別仕立のスーツ並にオバコートNihonjin Muke Tokubetsu Jitateno Suutsu Narabini ObakoutoSpecialy Tailored Suits and Overcoats for Japanese People どなた様にも ピッタリお合ひするスタイルや サイズを 豊富に 取揃へて居りますDonata Sama nimo Pittari Oai Hisuru Sutairu ya Saizuwo Houfuni Torisorohete OrimasuWe have an abundance of items in different styles and sizes that can fit anyone.
Matsqui Buisnesses
松山 商會 Matsuyama Shoukai Matsuyama Company T. Matsuyama & Company Limited 海産物 漁網各種 輸出入商Kaisanbutsu Gyomou Kakushu YushutsunyuushouExporting and Importing Seafood and Fishing Goods of All Kinds
Matsumiya & Nose Ltd men's clothing
Matsui & Company
Matsui & Company
Matsui & Company
Matsumiya And Nose Limited
Matsumiya and Nose Limited worked in mens clothing and furnishings. They operated out of 229 Powell Street, Vancouver BC. Mr. S. Nose was the business’ landlord.
Matthews, Ellis & Bremner Limited
M.A. Tuck and Company Limited
Mauna Loa Towers Ltd.
Maureen St. Cyr
Maw Investments Ltd.
Max Osten, Esq. Barrister and Solicitor
Mayall & Shaw, Barristers, &c.
Mayers Stockton & Smith
Mayli Rooms Names as they appear in this listing conflict with their listings as individuals ie. Mah appears as their last name in that instance
Mayli Rooms
Mayo Brothers Timber Company
Mayo Brothers Timber Company was a logging company that was located at Paldi, BC. It was the successor to Mayo Lumber Company Limited. People involved in the organization include Mayo Singh (shareholder), Kishan Singh (shareholder), Dharm Singh (shareholder), A.S. Dodd (shareholder), and Basant Singh (shareholder).
McMahon and Burns Limited
McCabe & Irvine, Barristers & Solicitors
McColl-Frontenac Oil Company Limited
McCrossan. Schultz & Harper Barristers, Solicitors, &c.
McCrossan Campbell & Meredith
McDonald Supply Ltd
McDonald Fabricating Ltd.
McGivern, McGivern & Alexander, Barristers & Solicitors
McGill University
McInnes & Washington
McKeen & Wilson Limited
McKeen & Wilson Ltd.
McKee's Mens Furnishings
McKimm & Stevenson, Barristers & Solicitors
McLean & Heyworth
McLellan, Savage & White Barristers and Solicitors
McLellan, Savage & White Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
McLellan, Savage & White Barristers and Solicitors
McLellan & Savage Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
McLellan, Savage & White Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
McMaster and Company, Barristers & Solicitors
McMaster and Company Barristers and Solicitors
McPhillips & Wood
MCQuarrie, Martin, Cassady & Macgowan
McQuarrie, Hunter & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
McQuarrie, Hunter, Fisher, MacKinnon, Gates, Pettenuzzo & Pe
McQuarrie & Selkirk, Barristers & Solicitors
McShasta Cafe
Morishita Dry-Goods
McDermott Motors Ltd.
Mee Hoi Bros. Company Ltd.
Mee Lung Jan Wing Kee & Co fruit and produce
メーン 男物店 Meen Otokomono-mise Main Men's Apparel Shop
明佛律寺 佛敎 會 Meihotokeritsuji Futsukyoukai Meihotoke Buddhist Temple
Melton Real Estate (BC) Ltd.
Men's Social Department
Menzies, Hal
メプルリジ 共同販賣組合 Mepuriji Kyoudou Hanbai Kumiai Maple Ridge Marketing Union The ji character (ジ) in the original entry was represented by チ with the ton tons.
Merchants Cartage Co. Limited
Merchants Cartage Co. Ltd
Meredith, Marshall, McConnell & Scott
Meredith, Marshall, McConnell & Scott
Meredith, Meredith, & McConnell Barristers & Solicitors
Meredith, Marshall, McConnell & Scott
Meredith & Company Barristers & Solicitors
目さまし Mesamashi Mesamashi Cafe Cafe was supplied from the English Directory
Mesamashi Cafe
Messrs. Rankin & Company
Messrs. Hood and Joe
Messrs. Ladner & Southin
Messrs Lester & Leggatt Barrister & Solicitors
Messrs. Moseley & Company
Messrs. Rankin & Company
Messrs. Dohm & Boyd Barristers and Solicitors
Messrs. Hood and Joe
Messrs. Duncan, Wasson & Ross, Barristers and Solicitors
Messrs. Ridley, Macrae & Tobin
Messrs. Ladner Downs Ladner Locke Clark & Lenox
Metalspray of BC Limited
Metalspray of BC Ltd
Metalspray of British Columbia Ltd
Metalspray of British Columbia Ltd
M. Furuya Co. Limited
M. FUruya Co. Limited
M. Furuya
Mid-Chung Holding Company Ltd
Mid-Town Motors Ltd.
ミカド タキシ Mikado Takushi Mikado Taxi Company
ミカド 運送社 Mikado Unsou-sha Mikado Transfer Company
ミカド 運送舍 Mikado Unsou-sha Mikado Transfer Company
Mikado Taxi
Mikado Transfer
Mikado Transfer
ミカド 運送社 Mikado Unsousha Mikado Delivery Company
Mikado Taxi
Mikado Transfer
Mikado Transfer
Mikado Young Men's Society Koendan
The Mikado Young Men’s Society Koendan was located at 154 West 5th Avenue, Vancouver, BC. People associated with this society include George Kikuichi Tamura (treasurer).
Miki family
Mills Warehousing Limited
Mills Holdings Ltd.
Mills Holdings Ltd.
Millward, Robinson & Fetterly Barristers & Solicitors
Milne, Carmichael & Corbould, Barristers and Solicitors
Milner Japanese Community Hall
People associated with this file include Banjiro Eto.
南出 商店 Minamide Shouten Minami Store
Ming Sun Reading Room
Ming's Confectionary
Ming Holdings Ltd.
Ming Holdings Ltd.
Ming Sun Reading Room (1970) Ltd.
Ming Sun Reading Room (1970) Ltd.
Ming Sun Reading Room Company Ltd.
Ming Sun Reading Room Ltd.
民衆社 Minshuu-sha The People's Company The Daily People Newspaper The meanings of the kanji employed in this entry are nation and people; great numbers, masses, and populace; and company, respectively. Cross-referencing with the English Directory, there are two residents at that address and one of them is the Daily People newspaper. The other was a workers' union. It seems more likely that this address refers to the newspaper.
Min's Cafe
Minshu Co-operative Union
Mira Investments Ltd.
Mission City Japanese Congregation United Church
People associated with this file include Minoru Kudo (secretary),
Mission Japanese Cooperative Association
The Mission Japanese Co-Operative Association was located at 7th Street, Mission, BC.
Mission Japanese Farmers Association
The Mission Japanese Farmers’ Association was located at P. O. Box 798 Mission City, BC. There was a school building and a one storey frame shingle roofed building. The Committee consisted of the following members; Shinge Kunimoto, Bunjiro Sakon, Ichijiro Uyemura, and Minoru Kudo.
Mitchell J J & Sons
Mitchell Press Limited
Mitsui Bank
ミウチアル 生命保險 會 社 Miuchiaru Seimei Hoken Gaisha Miuchiaru Life Insurance Company 日本人代理Nihonjin DairiJapanese Agent
宮崎 醫院 Miyazaki i-in Dr. Miyazaki's Office
宮崎 商店 Miyazaki Shoumise Miyazaki Company
宮崎 豆腐店 Miyazaki Toufu-mise Miyazaki Tofu Shop 鶏肉 並 二卵販賣 Niwatoriniku hei ni tamago hanbaiSale on or selling chicken with two eggs.
宮崎 ハリー Miyazaki Harii Miyazaki Harry Cleaners The knowledge that this company was a cleaners was obtained from the English Directory.
三宅 齒科醫院 Miyake Shikai-iin Miyake Dental Clinic
宮下 商店 Miyashita Shoumise Miyashita Company
Miyashita & Ikeda
Miyashita & Ikeda
宮崎洋服店 Miyazaki Youfuku-ten Miyazaki Western Clothes Store 洋服仕立並にクリーニングYoufukujitatenarabini KuriininguWestern Clothing Tailoring and Cleaning
宮下 裁縫店 Miyashita Saihouten Miyashita Sewing Store
水原 事務所 Mizuhara jimu-tokoro Mizuhara Offices
Marpole Japanese Language Association
Marpole Japanese Language School Maintenance Association
Mission City Japanese Mission United Church of Canada
Maple Leaf Cultural Association
M&M Boat Works
M Nishiguchi Company Limited
M. Nishiguchi Company Limited was a grocery store located at 837 Columbia Street, New Westminster, BC. Shareholders to the business include, Mr. Asaziro Nishiguchi, Mr. Magojiro Nishiguchi, and Mr. Kahei Nishiguchi.
Matsumiya & Nose Ltd. bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdfMasuo Matsumiya and Seihachi Nose.
Maculay, Nicolls, Maitland & Co. Ltd.
Monarchy of Canada
Model Cleaners
Modern Motors Ltd
Modern Motors Limited
Modern Motors Ltd.
Modern Motors Ltd
Modern Silk Company
Modern Barber Shop
Modern Business Machines Corp. Ltd.
Mode O Day Dress Limited
Mode-o-Day Dress Limited was located at 413 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Haruko Iwata, Kinichi Iwata, and Nancy Watts [file indicates that this may be Haruko Iwata using a different name] (majority shareholder).
Moir, Standfield & Basford, Barristers & Solicitors
Molgat Holdings Ltd.
Moller Enterprises Ltd.
Mom's Cafe
Monarch Meat & Grocery
Moncton Confectionery & Cafe
モンとリオル 銀行 Montorioru Ginkou Bank of Montreal
Montreal Trust Company
Montreal Trust Company
Montreal Trust Company
Montrose Limited
Montrose Limited
Montreal Gazette A newspaper publication for the City of Montreal.
Monticola Developments Ltd.
Monticola Developments Ltd.
Moore Scribner Co Ltd
Moose Transfer
Morden & Thornton Real Estate and Insurance Agents
Morfeld Holdings Ltd.
Morfeld Holdings Ltd.
Morfeld Holdings Ltd.
森下 裁縫店 Morita Saihou-ten Morita Sewing Shop
森下 裁縫店 Morishita Saihouten Morishita Sewing Store
Morris & Sons
Morris & Sons
Morris & Sons
Morris Brothers Sheet Metal
Morris Electric
Morris & Sons
Mortgage Company of Canada
Mortgage Company of Canada
Moseley & Company
Moseley Campbell Froh & May, Barristers & Solicitors
Moseley & Mulholland, Barristers & Solicitors
Moseley & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Moseley Campbell and Froh, Barristers & Solicitors
Montreal Star
Mouat Brothers Company Limited
Monarchy of the United Kingdom
Mount Shasta Cafe
Mount View Hotel
Mount Shasta Cafe
Mountain View Hotel
Mount Shasta Cafe
Mountain Park Farm Ltd.
Mount Beecher Lodge Limited
M.P.F. Holdings LTD.
Mio Public Hall
M R Cliff & British Columbia Mills Towing Company Limited
Department of Mines and Resources, Indian Affairs Branch See D.M. MacKay, Indian Commissioner for British Columbia.
Maple Ridge Japanese Church United Church of Canada
Mrs. Lois G. Spurr, Barrister & Solicitor
Mssrs Lester & Leggatt Barristers & Solicitors
Matsuyama, T Company Ltd. bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Misono Trading &Company
MTS a government job Harry Hamade's influential workplace. (oral_history_hama102_2015-11-19)
向井 商會 Mukai Shoukai Mukai Company 海産物輸出業Kaisanbutsu YushutsugyouSeafood Export Company漁業GyogyouFishery
向井 商店 Mukai shouten Mukai Store
向井 商店 Mukosei Shoumise Mukosei Company
武藏屋 菓子店 Mukuraya Kashi-mise Mukuraya Candy Store
Mulhern Investments Limited
Murphy & Murphy Denis Murphy, Jr. and Paul D. Murphy.430-33 Rogers Building, 470 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC.
Munro & Pritchard Barristers & Solicitors
村田 プレス Murata Puresu Murata Press Cleaners Cleaners was supplied from the English Directory.
村上 寫 眞 舘: エムプレス 寫 眞 舘 Murakami Shashin-kan: Emupuresu Shashin-kan Murakami Photography Studio: Empress Photograhy Studio 結婚寫 眞..... 特別設備ト臺紙ノ 特製 集合及ビ葬式 パノラマ機 個人寫シト家族......獨特 ノ技術ト背景 ノ配合Kekkon Shashin.... Tokubestu setsubi to Daishi no Tokusei/ Shuugo Oyobi Soushiki.... Panorama-ki/ Kojin Utsushi to Kazoku .... Dokutoku no Gijutsu to Haikei no Hai GoWedding Photos.... Special Set-up and And Paper Screens/ Group and Funeral Photos .... Panorama Cameras/ Personal and Family Photos .... Mixing Original Technology and Backgrounds子供寫 眞 ハ 當舘ノ特色!!Kodomo Shashin ha Toukanno TokuiroFor Children Photos Special Colours
Murphy & Morgan Holdings Ltd.
武藏屋 Musashi-ya Musashi Store 生菓子 及びせんべい: 祝菓子並二祝餅特製Namagashi Oyobisenbei: Iwaigashi Narabini Iwai Mochi TokuseiFresh Japanese Sweets and Rice Crackers: Specially Made Sweets and Sticky Rice Cakes for Parties and Celebrations
Musical Instrument Repair Shop It is unclear whether this address is 543 or 513
Musical Instrument Repair Shop
Musical Instrument Repair Shop
Musical Instrument Repair Shop
Mussallem Realty Limited
Muth R & Sons Machine Shop
Mutrie & Brown Agts
Mutual Holdings Ltd
Mutual Brokerage Company Limited
MUtual Brokerage Company Limited
My Valet Cleaning and Dye Works
M. W. M. Construction Ltd.
M. W. M. Construction Ltd.
Mzst Shop
名畑 タキシー Nabata Takishii Nabata Taxi Company
名畑 靴店 Nabata Kutsu-Mise Nabata Shoe Store
名畑 運送 Nabata Unsou Nabata Transfer
Nabata Taxi
Nabata Transfer
永見 菓子店 Nagami Kashi-mise Nagami Candy Store
Nakatsu Grocery bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
名畑 靴店 Nahata Kutsu-ten Nahata Shoe Store 男女子供靴一切Danjyo Kodomo IssaiCarrying All Types of Men's, Women's, and Children's Shoes.
名畑運送社 Nahata Unsousha Nahata Delivery Company 運送 並に 薪炭 販賣 Unsou Narabini Shintan HanbaiDeliveries and Fuel Sales薪炭 (Shintan): Refers to either wood and charcoal or fuel.
National Association of Japanese Canadians Also known as the NAJC.
中村 裁縫所 Nakamura Saihou-tokoro Nakamura Sowing
中村 花屋 Nakamura Hana-ya Nakamura Flower Shop
中山 義一 事務所 Nakayama Giichi Jimu-tokoro Nakayama Giichi Offices
中野 保險 Nakano Hoken Nakano Insurance
仲 商店 Naka Shoumise Naka Company
中出 造船所 Nakada Zousenshou Nakada Shipyard
中釜 魚店 Nakakama Sakana-mise Nakakama Fish Store
中村花屋 Nakamura Hanaya Nakamura Flower Shop 花輪 花束 - 特別勉强 Hanawa Hanabata - Tokubetsu BenkyouWreaths and Bouquets, and Special Lessons Regarding Arrangements
中島 商店 Nakashima Shouten Nakashima Store
中野 魚店 Nakano Gyoten Nakano Fish Store
中釜 魚店 Nakakama Gyoten Nakakama Fish Store
Nakade Boat Works
Nakamachi Family
The family includes Yukino Nakamachi (wife of Gunji, mother of Akiko, Nobuo, Mary, Yoshio, and Kimio), Gunji Nakamachi (husband of Yukino, father of Akiko, Nobuo, Mary, Yoshio, and Kimio), Akiko Nakamachi (daughter of Yukino and Gunji), Nobuo Nakamachi (son of Yukino and Gunji), Mary Nakamachi (daughter of Yukino and Gunji), Yoshio Nakamachi (son of Yukino and Gunji), and Kimio Nakamachi (son of Yukino and Gunji). Yukino was a housewife, Gunji was a self-employed photographer, and Akiko was a nurse employed by St. Paul’s Hospital. The family lived at 2584 Oxford Street, Vancouver, BC. The Office of the Custodian form is signed by Gunji, Yukino, and Akiko while the index cards indicate that this file number was assigned to Akiko.
Nam Young Tong Association
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
Nanaimo Shipyards Ltd.
(Naney & Moore) Barristers etc
Nanton Holdings Ltd.
鳴石 キネマ Nariishi Kinema Nariishi Cinema
鳴瀨 運送舍 Naruse Unsou-sha Naruse Boarding House These kanji 運送舍 refer to transfering, shipping, escorting, and an inn, respectively, and in the English Directory the address has the description of rooms. This is why this place has been deemed a Boarding House.
National Harbours Board Also located at First Narrows Signal Station and Brockton Point Lighthouse, and the phone is a private exchange connecting all departments.
National Harbours Board
National Harbours Board
National Typewriter & Equipment Co
National Trust Company, Limited
National Trust Company Limited
National Finance Company
National Finance Company Ltd
National Finance Company Limited
National Finance Company Limited
National Biscuit & Confection Company Limited
National Parking Ltd.
夏原 製麺所 Natsuhara Seimen-tokoro Natsuhara Noodle Manufacturing Place
夏原 製麺所 Natsuhara Seimenjyo Natsuhara Noodle Factory 各種 麺類 製造 卸商Kakushu Menrui Seizou OroshishouManufacturer and Wholesaler of All Varieties of Noodles
Nazi Germany
Native Brotherhood of British Columbia
North Burnaby Junior Board of Trade
Northern B.C. Resident Fishermen's Association
Nichiren Buddhist Church Society of Canada Located at 733 Keefer Street, Vancouver, BC. S. Suzuki, president. Nichiren Buddhist Church of North America headquarters located at 2800 E. 3rd Street, Los Angeles, California, USA.
Nanaimo Community Archives
Nationalized Canadian Citizens' League Also known as the Nationalized Canadian Citizens' Committee.
National Conference of Japanese Canadian Organizations
Nikko Co-Operative Trade Association
Native Daughters of British Columbia
New Denver Elementary School
New Denver Sanatorium
New Denver Youth Centre
Neighbourhood Services Association of Greater Vancouver
Nelson Brothers Sawmill
Nelson Brothers Fisheries Limited
Nemo Enterprises Ltd
New Canadian
Newcomer Cafe
二ユ カナデアン Niyu Kanadean New Canadian Newspaper Newspaper supplied from English Directory.
New England Fish Co
New England Fish Co
New England Fish Co
New England Fish Co
New Empress Holdings Limited
New Fish Market grocery and fishSee Kikujiro Tanaka.
New Pier Cafe
New Pier Cafe
New Pier Cafe
New Pier Cafe
New Pier Cafe
The New Pier Cafe was located on 220-224 Main Street, Vancouver BC. It was operating as a store cafe, registered to William White. Trustees and beneficial owners include Teru Hiraishi, Shizuo Muraki, Kitaro Hiraishi, Kimi Hiraishi, Shizuko Muraki, and Hideo Muraki.
New World Agencies
New World Hotel
New Westminster Japanese Language School Society
The New Westminster Japanese Language School Society was located at 815 Agnes Street, New Westminster, BC. People involved with the school include Koichiro Okihiro (secretary), Takajiro Baba (trustees), and T. Ohashi (trustees).
National Film Board Canada
Nikkei Fishermen's Project Committee
N.H. Armstrong Ltd
N. H. Armstrong Ltd.
N. H. Armstrong Ltd.
National Harbours Board, Vancouver Harbour
National Interchurch Advisory Committee on Resettlement of Japanese Canadians 100 Adelaide Street West, Room 801, Toronto, Ontario.
Nicholson & Sons
日 英 商會 Ni Ei Shoukai Japan-Anglo Firm
Nifty Noodles Ltd
Nigel Investments Ltd.
日本人 ホール Nihonjin Hooru Japanese Community Hall
日本人 會 Nihon-jin Kai Japanese Association In the English Directory this is listed as the Canadian-Japanese Association, but it is signified as only the Japanese Association in this directory.
日本 運送社 Nihon Unsou-sha Japan Transfer Company This business does not appear in the Engish Directory.
日本人 合同 教會 Nihon-jin Kaddou Kyoukai Japanese United Church
日本 運送舍 Nihon Unshou-sha Japan Transfer Company
日本人 團体 Nihonjin Dantai Japanese Association (Fishermen's) In the BC Yukon Directory for Steveston in 1941 I found only one Association with a title that included Japanese, and it had the additional description of being associated with fishermen.
新見商會 Niimi Shougai Niimi Firm 内外 賣 藥; 醫療用器具; 化粧品 眼鏡 類各種Naigai Baiyaku; Iryou Youkigu; Keshouhin Megane RuikakushuSelling Domestic and Foreign Medicines; Carrying Medical Instruments; Carrying All Kinds of Cosmetics and Glassesシェファー 萬年筆, コダック 寫 眞機: 特約店Shefaa Mannenhitsu, Kodakku Shashin-ki: Tokuyaku-tenSchaefer Fountain Pens and Kodak Cameras Distributer
日加 貯畜 NiKa Chochiku Japanese and Canadian Savings The knowledge that this institution provides a place to hold one's savings came from cross referencing with the English Directory. Similarly from cross referencing, NiKa is a shortened form of Japan and Canada in Japanese.
Nikkei Internment Memorial Centre Sometimes referred to as "Nikkei Centre,."
日加 貯蓄 Nikka Chochiku Japan And Canada Savings 日加 合同 貯蓄 會 社 Nikka Goudou Chochiku Gaisha Japan and Canada Trust Savings Company Japan and Canada Trust Savings Company Point of Delivery 130I am not sure what P.O.D. stands for regarding this entry. However, researching some meanings of P.O.D. led me to Point of Delivery and this may be the case. I think it might need to be confirmed and double checked though.貯蓄預金Chochiku YokinSavings Accounts 當座預金TouzayokinChequing Accounts公債 賣買Kousai BaibaiBuying and Selling of Public BondsThere is a photo of the building on this page as well.
Nikkei Voice National Japanese Canadian newspaper based out of Toronto.
ニコ ニコ Niko Niko Niko Niko Cafe Cafe supplied from the English Directory.
Niko Niko Cafe restaurant
Niko Restaurant
新見 商會 Nimi Shoukai Nimi Firm
Nimi & Co drugs
日本 オート Nippon ooto Japan Auto Nihon and Nippon both mean Japan, and the kanji 日本 can be used to represent both readings. However, Nippon is used to stress more sentiment and pride regarding Japan.
日本 倶樂部 Nippon Kagakubu Japan Club
日本 グラージ Nippon Guraaji Japan Garage In the directory the character チ appears instead of the character シ. The dakuten are still present though.
Nippon Apartments
Nippon Auto Supply
Nippon Club
Nippon Garage
Nippon Transfer
Nippon Transfer
Nippon Apartments
Nippon Rooms
日本 オート サプライ Nippon Outo Sapurai Nippon Auto Supply Nippon Auto Supply Limited 自動車 附屬品 並に 修繕Jidousha Fuzokuhin Narabini ShuuzenAutomobile Parts and Repairs
日本 運送社 Nippon Unsouten Nippon Delivery Company
Nippon Auto Supply Co garage
Nippon Garage
Nippon Transfer
Nippon Kinyu Sha, Limited
Nippon Auto Supply Ltd
Nippon Silk Company renamed to Silk-O-Lina. Known associates: Mr. Kitagawa and Bob Hori. (Source: oral_history_hori55_2016-06-16.xml).
Nippon Kyoritsu Go Gakko
Nippon Kyoritsu Go-Gakko is the Japanese School of Languages Maintenance Association and it was located at 439-475 Alexander Street, Vancouver, BC. People associated with this file include: M. Ishiwara (president), Tadasu Ide (vice president), Yoshio Nakazawa (treasurer), and Tsutae Sato (secretary). The file lists the first initial, surname, and address of other Japanese Canadians involved in the association.
Nippon Auto Supply
The Nippon Auto Supply Company was located at 298 Alexander Street, Vancouver BC. Shareholders include Sadakichi Maikawa (director), Kazuyoshi Maikawa (secretary), Hideo Maikawa, and Takeo Maikawa.
西村 商店 Nishimura Shoumise Nishimura Company
西畑 ブリキ店 Nishihata Buriki-mise Nishihata's Metal Store In the English Directory this person is associated with metal working.
西澤 商店 Nishizawa Shoumise Nishizawa Company
西澤 商店 Nishizawa Shouten Nishizawa Store 雑貨 料品食 輸入商Zakka Ryouhinshoku YunyuushouMiscellaneous Foods and Goods Import Store
西川商店 Nishikawa Shouten Nishikawa Store 煙草 並二飲料水Tabako Narabini InryousuiCigarettes and Drinks
M. Nishiguchi Company, Limited A. Nishiguchi, President.Also, "N. Nishiguchi Company, Limited" or "Nishiguchi Company, Limited."Bird Commission case file number 1399. Custodian file number 11519. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_74_file_1399.)
Niven Holding Co. Ltd.
二ユ カナデアン Niyu Kanadean New Canadian Newspaper Newspaper supplied from English Directory.
二ユ ピア カフェ Niyu Pia Kafe New Pier Cafe
二ユー フイシ マーケット Niyuu Fuishi Maaketto New Fish Market
National Japanese Canadian Citizens League
Norris & MacLennan Barristers and Solicitors See T.G. Norris and J.A. MacLennan.
Nisei Mass Evacuation Group
Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre
No2 District Fishermens Association
The No. 2 District Fishermen’s Association operated out of Port Essington, BC. It was incorporated on 22 January 1940. It also incorporated the Skeena Japanese Fishermen’s Association, located at Prince Rupert, BC. People associated with this file include Sukeeman Arakawa (president), Kunisaburo Miwa (vice president, also president of the Skeena Jaapanese Fishermen’s Association), Tomekichi Mio (treasurer), and George Genzo Kitagawa (secretary).
Nootka Saltery Limited
The Yahais Packing Company Limited was incorporated in 1926 and re-organized into the Nootka Saltery Limited in 1938.
Nordman & Way, Barristers & Solicitors
Nor-Don Construction Co. Ltd
Norquist & Shantz, Barrister & Solicitor
Norquist & Shantz, Barristers & Solicitors
Norquist & Shantz, Barristers & Solicitors
Norris & MacLennan, Barristers at Law
Norris & MacLennan Barristers, Solicitors
North Shore Navigation Company Limited
Northern Alberta Dairy Pool Limited
North Fraser Co-op Association
Northern Fishermens Cold Storage Co Ltd
Northwest Radio & Electric
Northern Fruit Company
Northern Fruit Company
North West Trust Company Ltd
North Fraser Investments Ltd.
North Fraser Investments Ltd.
North West Sack Company Limited
Northwest Sack Company Limited
Northern Securities Limited
Northland Machinery Supply Company
Northland Machinery Supply Company Limited
Norwegian American Line
Nottingham & Harris, Barristers & Solicitors
農産物 販賣商會 Noubu-mono Hanbaishoukai Farmers' Products Selling Company In the directory this character, 産, has a different font that results in a slightly different appearance. The two small vertical lines that connect the top horizontal lines cross in the directory.
N. Ross Armstrong Ltd
N. Ross Armstrong Ltd.
Native Sons of British Columbia
Nippon Suisan Kaisha Limited A company in Japan that sold marine products.
N.S. McNeill Trading Company
North Shore Packing Company Limited Foot of St. Andrew's Avenue, North Vancouver, BC.
Number One District Fishermens Association
No. 1 District Fishermen’s Association was located at P.O. Box 54, No. 1 Road, Steveston, BC. People associated with this file include Mitsujiro Noguchi (secretary), Y. Kochi (president), U. Nishimoto (vice-president), I. Hirata (vice-president), T. Katsumi (treasurer), T. Koyanagi (auditor), Y. Kanda (auditor), Y. Akune (auditor), K. Mori (auditor), and J. Tasaka (auditor).
NuMode Dress Company
New Westminster Board of Trade Also see Post-War Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Committee.
The North West Fire Insurance Company
New Westminster Japanese Mission United Church of Canada
National War Labour Board
New Westminster Land Registry Office New Westminster, BC.E.S. Stokes, Registrar.
Department of National War Services, Directorate of Censorship
Nyack, Kool & Persad
Nyack & Persad, Barristers & Solicitors
Nyack & Persad, Barristers & Solicitors
ニューペア カフェー Nyuu Pea Kafee New Pair Cafe
Odlum Brown Investments Ltd.
Okanagan Buddhist Society Kelowna, BC.
Oceanic Cannery
Ocean View Rooms
Ocean View Rooms
Ocean View Rooms
Ocean Marine Supply Ltd.
Ocean Marine Supply Ltd.
Ocean Timber Co. There is information about capitalization and subscribed capital for this company. See People spreadsheet, under Kagetsu.
Odd Fellows (Independent Order Of) Friendship Rebekah Lodge No 52
Odd Fellows (Independent Order Of) Hastings Lodge No 29
Odd Fellows (Independent Order Of) Theta Rho Girls Adanac No 2
Odd Felllows (Independent Order Of) Friendship Rebekah Lodge No 52
Odd Fellows (Independent Order Of) Hastings Lodge No 49
Odd Fellows (Independent Order Of) Theta Rho Girls Adanac No 2
Odd Fellows (Independent Order of)
Odd Fellows (Independent Order of)-
Odeon Theatre
No. 1 District Fishermen's Association M. Noguchi. Yoshio Kochi.Bird Commission case file number 1312. Custodian file number 4651. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_66_file_1312.)
Office of the Director of Soldier Settlement
Office of the Attorney General
Oriental Festival and Bazaar Society
Official Administrator for the County of Westminster
Official Administrator County of Vancouver
Official Administrator, County of Vancouver, Vancouver
Official Administrator, County of Vancouver
OFficial Administrator County of Vancouver
Ocean Fisheries Limited Bird Commission case file number 1310. Custodian file number E.113. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_66_file_1310.)
Ocean Falls United Church United Church of Canada
Office of the High Commissioner for Canada in South Africa See E. D'Arcy McGreer.
Office of the High Commissioner for Canada in Great Britain London, England.See Vincent Massey, High Commissioner.
O'Halloran & Harvey Law firm that represented the appellant/defendant in ​Samejima v The King​, [1932] SCR 640, [1932] 4 DLR 246.
Ohio Rooms
Ohori Holding Co. Ltd.
Oike Family
近江屋 商店 Oimita Shouten Oumiya Store
Ontario JCCA Ken Hori, Chairman.
Oka Kai
Oka Kai was a club that, according to a letter in the file, had about fifty members. People associated with this organization include Toshio Nakano (president), Hisakichi Tanaka (treasurer), and Yoshikazu Oura.
Okanagan Products Limited
People associated with this file include Kesahiro Iwashita (president, majority shareholder).
沖見 商店 Okimi Shoumise Okimi Company
O K Shoe Repairing
O K Shoe Repairing
O K Shoe Repairing
O K Shoe Repairing
奥村 事務所 Okumura Jimu-tokoro Okumura Offices
奥村 繁彦 事務所 Okumura Kiyoshi Jimusho Okumura Kiyoshi Offices 土地 家屋並に 各種 ビジネス 賣買Tochi Kaoku Narabini Kakushu Bijinesu BaibaiSelling Land, Homes, and All Kinds of Businesses登記 公證 手續き及び地券證に 關する 一切の調査Touki Koushou tstsuzuki Oyobi Chikenshou Kansuru Issai no ChousaiWe are able to provide services property certificates and public notice registration各種英文契約 證書 作製 並に 對白人交渉 其他萬事懇切に 御相談に應じますKakushu Eibun Keiyaku Tousho Sakusei Narabini Taihakujin Koushou Sonotabanji Konsai ni Gosoudan ni Oujimasu.We deal with all English contracts and ones against Caucasians as well. We are prepared to deal with all types of contracts.
Old Empress Hotel
Olden Developments Ltd
Oliver, Waldock & Blane, Barristers & Solicitors
Olson M.O. Iron Works Marine, Mill, Logging and General Blacksmithing, Machine Works, Logging and Land Clearing Tools. (See Advertisement Page 104)
Olympia Hotel
Olympia Hotel
Olympia Hotel
Olympia Hotel
Olympia Holdings Ltd
Olympia Holdings Ltd
近江屋 商店 Omiya Shoumise Omiya Company
Omiya Company
Omiya Company
Omlya Co
Omori Bros macaronimanufacturers
同 上 ona ue same as above
705421 Ontario Inc.
Onward Enterprises Ltd.
大内雄 Oodaiyuu Unclear ドミニオン 生命 保険Dominion Seimei HokenDominion Life Insurance
大江 商店 Ooe Shouten Ooe Store
Office of Game Commission
大堀渡 商店 Oohorito Shoumise Highland Company Grocer In the English Directory Highland Grocery is located at this address, and it seems likely that this is the case for the Japanese directory as well because 大堀渡 has kanji that means big, canal, and cross.
大出 商會 Ooide Shoukai Ooide Company 海産物 漁業Kaisanbutsu GyogyouMarine and Fishing Products
大倉 洗濯所 Ookura Sentaku-tokoro Ookura's Laundromat The top portion of 濯 (the backwards threes) in the directory have angled middle lines.
大倉 洗濯所 Ookura Sentakujo Ookura Laundromat
Office of the Provincial Secretary Government of the Province of British Columbia
Office of the Premier, British Columbia
Ontario Provincial Federation of Japanese Canadian Clubs
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Vancouver County No 1 meets quarterly
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Vancouver Royal Scarlet Chapter meet at call of chairman
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Ebenezer Lodge No 1589 meets 2nd and 4th Mondays
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Eniskillen Lodge No 1615 meets 2nd and 4th Fridays
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Prince Edward Island No 2350 meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Vancouver Imperial No 1560 meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Star of the West RRP No 544 meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays
Orange Lodges- LOL Lodges- Vancouver RRP No 82 meets 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
Orange Lodges- LOBA Lodges- Perseverance No 582 meets 1st and 3rd Mondays
Orange Rooms
Orange Lodges LOL Lodges— Not sure what this denotes, appears at top of list
Orange Lodges Royal Black Knights of Ireland—
Orange Rooms
Orange Lodges Vancouver County No 1
Orange Lodges Vancouver Royal Scarlet Chapter
Orange Lodges Ebenezer Lodge No 1589
Orange Lodges Enniskilin Lodge No 1615
Orange Lodges Prince Edward Island No 2359
Orange Lodges Prince of Wales No 3118
Orange Lodges Vancouver Imperial No 1560
Orange Lodges Star of the West RBP No 544
Orange Lodges Vancouver RBP no 802
Orange Rooms
Orange Hall
Orange Rooms
Orange Lodges
Orange Rooms
Order of Eastern Star - Mizpah Chapter No 36
Oriental Exclusion Association
Orloff's Limited
Orwell Apartments rooms
板熊 かぼまて (or かまぼて) 店 Itakuma Kabomate (or Kamabote) Mise Itakuma (Not Determined) Store
Osborn's Ltd
Ottawa Journal
Ottobile Holdings Ltd.
The Outlook
Ovaltine Cafe
Ovaltine Cafe
Ovaltine Cafe
Overseas Food Importers Distributors Ltd.
Overseas Food Importers Distributors Ltd.
Overseas Food Importers Distributors Ltd.
OVerseas Food Importers Distributors Ltd.
Overseas Food Importers Distributors Ltd.
Overseas Food Importers & Distributors Ltd.
Owen, Bird
Oylin Kong Shaw Benevolent Association
小澤 靴店 Ozawa Kutsu Mise Ozawa Shoe Store
パーロマ 美粧院 Paaroma Bishouin Palomar Beauty Shop
Pacific Barber Shop
Pacific Fish Freezing Company Limited
Pacific Meat Company Limited
Pacific Vitamins
Pacific Barber Shop
Pacific Fish Freezing Co Limited
Pacific Pool Room
Pacific Vitamins
Pacific Cycle Company
Pacific Metal Company
Pacific Brewers' Agents Ltd
Pacific Sea Products Exporters Ltd
Pacific Coast Cannery BC Fish & Packing Company
Pacific Co-operative Union
Pacific Forklift Sales Ltd.
Pacific Tractor & Equipment Limited
Pacific Tractor & Equipment Limited
Pacific Produce Company Limited
PAcific Produce Company Limited
Pacific Produce Company Limited
Pacific Produce Company Limited
Pacific Garment Factory Ltd.
Pacific Bottling Works, Limited
Pacific Meat Company Limited
Pacific Bottle B.C. Ltd.
Pacific Apartments Limited
Pacific Fraser Coopperative Union
The Pacific Fraser Co-operative Union was a co-operative of Japanese Canadian hot house rhubarb growers. It was located at Mission City, BC. People involved in the organization include Masanobu Inaba (creditor).
Public Accounts Committee Also known as the Cabinet Committee on Public Accounts.
Palm Koffee Bar & Pool Room
Palmer Holding Company Limited
Palomar Beauty Shop
Palomar Beauty Shop
Palomar Beauty Shop
Panama Rooms
Panama Rooms
Panama Rooms
Panama Rooms
Panda Cabs
Pandia & Jung
Paradise Inn
Paramount Salvage Company Limited
Paramount Salvage Company Limited
Paragon Equipment Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Par Enterprises Ltd.
Par Enterprises Ltd.
Parks & McDonald Block
Parks & McDonald Block
Parks & McDonald Block
Parks General Store
Parks & McDonald Block
Parker Estates Limited
Patricia Hotel
Patrica Lunch
Patricia Wood & Coal
Patricia Hotel
Patricia Hotel I am unsure whether this address is 408 or 403
Patricia Wood & Coal
Patricia Wood & Coal
Patricia Hotel
Patricia U Drive
Patricia Park Annex Ltd.
Patricia Park Annex Ltd.
Patterson Boiler Works Limited
Patterson Boiler Works Ltd
Patterson Boiler Works Ltd.
Patterson Boiler Works Ltd.
Patterson Boiler Works Ltd.
Patterson Boiler Works Ltd.
Patterson Iron Works Ltd.
Patterson Boiler Works Ltd.
Patterson Boiler Works Ltd.
Patterson Iron Works Ltd.
パウエル 出張所 Paueru Shutsuchou-Tokoro Powell Branch of Empress Studios Empress Studies was supplied from the English Directory.
パウエル べカリ Paueru Bekari Powell Bakery
パウエル 藥店 Paueru Kusuri-mise Powell Medicine Shop or Pharmacy
Presbyterian Church of Canada
Pacific Coast Fisherman's Union
P.C. Gibbens & Company Ltd.
P. C. GIbbens & Co. Ltd.
P. C. Gibbens & Company Ltd.
P.C. Gibbens & Company Ltd.
P.C. Gibbens & Co. Ltd
Privy Council Office of Canada
Pacific Co-Operative Union Mission City, BC.Mission Community Archives, PCU fonds (minutes)
Privy Council of the United Kingdom
Pacific Co-operation Union in Mission
Peacock Agencies
Peacock Agencies LTD.
Peart's Stove Repairs
Pearlman & Lindholm, Barristers & Solicitors
Peerless Rentals Ltd.
PEerless Rentals Ltd.
Pekin Restaurant
Pemberton Realty
Pemberton Realty Corporation Limited Financial Agents
Pemberton Realty Corporation Limited
Penner Brothers
Pepple Enterprises Ltd.
Perfection Automotive Engineering Ltd.
Permanent Wave Shop
Permanent Wave Shop
Permastone Products of B.C. Ltd.
Petawawa Internment Camp
Peter W. Brown Law Office
Peterson, Stark & Fowler Barristers & Solicitors
Peterson and Anderson Barristers and Solicitors
Pacific Fisherman's Union
P.F. Wells
Popover Holdings Ltd Company may or may not be significant; one of the major developers that developed Maple Ridge in the 1970s. Benefitted financially from properties once owned by Japanese Canadians.
Phoenix Cannery (Anglo BC Packaging)
Phoenix Cannery Anglo BC Packing
Phoenix Cannery Anglo BC Paking
Phoenix Cannery Anglo BC Packing
Phoenix Contracting Co.
Pacific Coast International Association of Law Enforcement
Pine Rooms
Pine Rooms
Pine Rooms
Pion Building Wrecker
Pioneer Harrock Box Company
Pioneer Halloch Box Company
The Pioneer Halloch Box Company was a trade name used by Denkichi Machida who also owned Taiyo Printing Company Limited [file 13104]. People involved in the organization include Take Machida (shareholder), Taakeo Machida (shareholder), Torakichi Machida (shareholder), Shinichi Maeba (shareholder), Isamu Shimura (previous shareholder), and Haruo Machida (previous shareholder).
Pireem Estates LTD.
Pireem Estates LTD.
Pitt Meadows Japanese Farmers Association
People related to this file include Senjuro Saito and Kinjay Himatsu who owned the property on which the Pitt Meadows Japanese Meeting Hall stood at Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC.
Popoff Japanese National Committee See Popoff.
Placer Development Limited
Planer Service of British Columbia
Pitt Meadows Japanese Farmers Association Also known as the Pitt Meadows Japanese Farmers' Association.
Office of the Prime Minister of Canada
Portland Oregon Department of Finance
Police Mutual Benefit Association of Vancouver
Police Credit Union
Police Federal Association
Police Mutual Benevolent Association of Vancouver
Police Department Headquarters
Police Department A Division
Polly's Shop
Pooley, Luxton & Pooley Barristers-at-Law and Solicitors
Popover Holdings Co Ltd
Port Haney Brick Co Ltd
Port Haney Waterworks Ltd
Port Haney Brick Company Limited
Port Haney Waterworks Limited
Port Haney Brick Company Ltd
Port Haney Brick Company Limited
Portable Equipment Ltd
Port Haney Brick Company Limited
Port Haney Theatre
Port Haney Waterworks Limited
Post Office: Station B
POST OFFICES (Vancouver) Station B—
Post Offices (Vancouver) This entry does not indicate whether the Post Offices are on East or West Hastings Street
Post-War Housing Committee
Post Office (Vancouver) Station B
POST OFFICE DEPT— Postal Station B—
Powell Bakery
Powell Drug Co
Powell Fish Company Limited
Powell Rooms
Powell Street Japanese United Church
Powell Bakery
Powell Drug Co
Powell Rooms
Powell Street United Church
Powell Drug Co
Powell Rooms
Powell Street United Church
Powell Drug Company
Powell Garage Company
Powell Market
Powell Produce Company
Powell Rooms
Powell Bakery
Powell Drug Co
Powell Rooms
Powell Taxi
Power Suction Service Co. LTD.
Powell Lumber And Fuel Company
Powell Lumber and Fuel Company Limited was located at McGillivray Falls, BC [now known as McGillivray, BC]. People associated with this file include Seitaro Yamaoka (shareholder), Asakichi Nakamura (shareholder), Sueji Kumagai (shareholder), and Nobuichi Yamaoka (sales manager).
Prairie Homes Ltd.
Pratt & Campbell, Barristers & Solicitors
Province of British Columbia
P.R. Brown & Sons Limited
Preiswerck, K.J. Limited
Pressed Metal Products Limited
Preston Mann Towing Co Limited
Pressed Metal Products Limited
Pressed Metal Products Ltd
Press-Rite Cleaners
Presbyterian Church
Pressed Metal Products Limited
Preston Mann Towing Co Limited
Pressed Metal Products Limited
Price, Stevenson & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Princess Grocery
Princess Lunch
Prince Edward Island No 2359
Princess Lunch
Princess Grocery
Princess Lunch
Princess Book Shop
Princess Grocery
Prince David Lodge No 101
Princess Enterprises Ltd
Prince Rupert Japanese Association
The Prince Rupert Japanese Association consisted of fifty members at the time of its closure on 10 December 1941. Its three trustees were Hirokichi Yamanaka [also listed as H.K. Yamanaka], Heisaku Mochida [possibly Hirao Mochida], and Tom Shotaro Shimizu [also, Shotaro Tom Shimizu]. Its other listed officers were Yaozo Kanaya, Kichie Sakamoto, Tomojiro Kadonaga, Takeshi Yamamoto, Yutaka Suyehiro, and Kunisaburo Miwa. Its listed seized assets include real estate in Prince Rupert, BC, consisting of a lot with two buildings. It’s other seized assets were a piano; a mimeographing machine; a pingpong table top; Japanese books; school books; photographs; and “Japanese records.”
Priority Holdings Ltd.
Prince Rupert Japanese Association
Produce Brokerage Co whole produce
Produce Cold Storage Limited
Produce Cold Storage Limited
Protein Products Ltd
Provincial Produce Company
The Province The Province newspaper is published in Vancouver, BC. Also known as the Vancouver Daily Province and the Vancouver Province.
Prudential Trust Co. LTD
Prudential Business Management & Research LTD.
Price Waterhouse
Province of Saskatchewan, Economic Advisory and Planning Board
P.S. Ross & Sons
Pullen Transport Company
Purser William & Sons
Purser William & Sons sheet metal works
Port Vancouver News
Price, Waterhouse & Co.
Post-war Rehabilitation Council
Post-War Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Committee
Queen Charlotte Timber Holding Company Limited
Quadra Construction Company Limited
Queens Hotel
Queen's Hotel
Queen's Hotel rooms
Queen's Taxi
Quen Yick Society
Quen Yick Society
Quon Wing Hoy
Reid, Allen, Hunter & Campbell Thomas Reid, John B. Allen, John W.G. Hunter, and Alan R. Campbell.
Rainbow Mission
Rainier Brewing Co (Of Canada) Limited Brewers and Bottlers of Rainier Beer and Rainier Ale
ライオン 旅舘 Raion Ryokan Lion Inn
樂々 Rakuraku Raku Raku Restaurant Restaurant supplied from the English Directory.
Raku Restaurant
Rand Investments Ltd.
Rand Bros. Notaries Public. Real Estate Brokers.
Rand, McLaughlin, Gorham & Tolmie
Rankin, Dean & Monro, Barristers & Solicitors
Rapid Cleaners
R. A. Sargent
Ratcliff, Kitchen & Reecke, Barristers & Solicitors
Ray's Fashion Shop
Ray's Pattern Works
Ray, Wolfe, Connell, Lightbody & Reynold
Ray, Wolfe, Connell, Lightbody & Reynolds
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal BC Museum BC's natural and human history museum.
Ruskin Box Mfg. Co. Mentioned in Bird Commission claim case number 1371. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_69_file_1371).
Royal Canadian Air Force
Royal Canadian Mounted Police Often referred to as the "RCMP."
R.D. Albert Contracting Ltd.
Canadian Red Cross
Ready Investments Ltd.
Ready Investments Ltd.
Ready Investments Ltd.
Redwood Enterprises Limited
Redwood Enterprises Ltd.
Regal Building Supplies Ltd
Regah Ltd.
Reid Fern & Moss Supply
Reid, Waltbridge, Gibson & Sutton
Reliance Motor & Machine Works Limited Cut Gears and SprocketsSpur - Spiral - Bevel - Herringbone - Worm - Celoron - Rawhide - Speed Reducer Gear Units - General Machine Works - V-Belt DrivesThis ad contains pictures of gears interlocking on either side of the text and it is located in the header of the page. The page is located within in the M's under Mullet.
Reliance Motor & Machine Works Limited
Reliance Motor & Machine Works Limited This entry runs along the top of the page. It is unclear why "Reliance Motor" is not in the R section of the directory
Reliable Gear Works Ltd
Reliance Motor & Machine Works, Ltd.
Reliance Motor & Machine Works Limited This advertisment runs across the top of the page that begins with "Blancard." I am not ure why it appers in the B's insted of the R's.
Reliance Motor and Machine Works Limited This advertisement runs across the top of the page. I am not sure why it appears here instead of in the Rs.
Reliance Gear Works Limited
Reliance Motor & Machine Works, Limited
Reliance Motor & Machine Works, Ltd.
Reliance Motor and Machine Works Limited
Reliance Motor and Machine Works, Limited
Reliance Motor and Machine Works Limited
Reliance Motor & Machine Works Limited
Rempel & Nickel, Barristers & Solicitors
R. E. Porter Ltd.
R. E. Porter Ltd.
River Fish Company Limited
R.F.S. Holdings Ltd
R.G. Steeves Construction Co. Ltd.
R. H. Melville Co. Ltd
リバフイシ 會 社 Ribafuishi Kaisha Ribafuishi Business
リバー グラージ Ribaa Guraaji Rebate Garage
リバー レジオ Ribaa Rejio Rebate Radio In modern Japanese radio is spelled ラジオ(rajio) using all of these characters. In the phone book the ジ is represented by チ with the dakuten.
リバーグラージ Ribaagu Raaji River Garage Not sure what Ribaa could be but I thought it could stand for river.
リチモンド 貿易 Richimondo Boueki Richmond Trading
Richmond Trading Company
Richmond Transfer
Richmond Boat Builders
Richmond Boat Builders
Richmond Transfer
Richmond Machine Shop
Richmond Hotel
Richmond Transfer
Richards & Akroyd Land Agents Etc.
Richards Akroyd & Gall Ltd
Richards, Akroyd & Gall, Estate Agents
Richardson Enterprises Ltd
Richmar Developments Ltd
Richmond Savings Credit Union
Richards, Akroyd & Gall
Ridgeway World Trading Corporation
Ridley, McRae & Tobin
Ridley, Macrae & Tobin Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
River Garage Hayao Hirota
Right Honourable Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal
リモチンド 農會 Rimochindo Noukai Richmond Farming Association There may have been a mistake in the printed document because Richmond is most likely spelt リチモンド (Richimondo) as opposed to what is recorded for the organization. However, I felt it was important to preserve the original.
リパー レジオ Ripaa Rejio River Radio
Riverside Sunday School
River Fish Co
River Garage
River Radio
River Fish Company Bird Commission case file number 954C. Custodian file number 8837. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_48_file_0954c)
River Garage
River Radio
Riverside Sunday School
River Radio
Riverside Pharmacy
Riversyde Lumber Company Limited
The Riversyde Lumber Company was located at Mission City, BC. People associated with this file include Kaichi Shikaze (shareholder, also listed as Kaichi I. Shikaze), Kahei Kamimura (shareholder, born as Kahei Shikaze), Kayemon Shikaze (shareholder), Sakaye Natsugoya (shareholder), Masao Ayukawa (shareholder), Minoru Kudo (shareholder), Shizuo Ayukawa (shareholder), Eichi Kitagawa (shareholder), Tokiyoshi. Kariatsumari (shareholder), Tokutaro Sakata (shareholder), Denji Kuraoka (shareholder), Hironori Shikaze (shareholder), Kazutoshi Koyayashi (shareholder), Miyoshi Kariatsumari (shareholder), Yoshio Shikaze (shareholder), Yoshinori Nishi (shareholder), Juro Sameshima (shareholder), Tokusuke Sakata (shareholder), Denjiro Kurasha (shareholder), aand Kazutoshi Kobayashi (shareholder).
River Fish Company Limited
The River Fish Company Limited’s property was located at P.O. Box 612, Rural Route No. 2, Steveston, BC. People associated with this file include Genji Otsu (Manager), Itoku Murakami (shareholder), Yoshio Kochi (shareholder), Rintaro Hayashi (shareholder), Asamatsu Murakami (shareholder), Konosuke Taguchi (shareholder), Heizaburo Yamamoto (shareholder), Unosuke Namade (shareholder), Hikojiro Shinkawa (shareholder), Hirata Ihei (shareholder), Yazaemon Oye (shareholder), Iwao Itakura (shareholder), Hideo Okano (shareholder), Hatsutaro Okamoto (shareholder), Kiwazo Okada (shareholder), Yoshikazu Ikebata (shareholder), Masashichi Yamashita (shareholder), Tetsuo Oda (shareholder), Yasuji Sakai (shareholder), Takejiro Nakata (shareholder), Shinzo Tani (shareholder), Kusumatsu Yoshida (shareholder), Josuke Tamemoto (shareholder), Shoji Fukushima (shareholder), Tokichi Kimura (shareholder), Unosuke Sakamoto (shareholder), Hirokichi Morita (shareholder), Yasumatsu Ikari (shareholder), Michiharu Mori (shareholder), Kiichi Nakano (shareholder), Tadao Naruse (shareholder), Seichi Mizuguchi (shareholder), Sanshiro Akune (shareholder), Shigeru Kuroyama (shareholder), Aitoku Yamazaki (shareholder), Fujio Yoshimoto (shareholder), Bunkichi Yamasaki (shareholder), Tsunematsu Atagi (shareholder), and Miyakichi Ezaki (associate).
R. Kerr Houlgate & Summerfield, Limited
R.L.R. Holdings Ltd.
Robco Investments LTD.
Robco Investments LTD.
Robert Walker & Sons Ltd
Robertson, Becker & Downe Barristers and Solicitors
Robertson Douglas & Symes
Robert Walker & Sons Ltd.
Robert Walker & Sons Limited
Rod's Grocery
Roitman Investments Ltd.
Royston Lumber Co.
Roman Catholic Church
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver
Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver
Roosevelt Hotel
ローヤル 銀行 Rooyaru Ginkou Royal Bank
Rosborough, Miner & McEwen, Barristers & Solicitors, Notarie
Rose, Johnson & Moore
Rosebank Grocery
Rose Paviliion
Rosebank Grocery
Rosebank Grocery
Roselawn Funeral Directors (1959) Ltd.
Roselawn Funeral Directors (1959) Ltd.
Roselawn Funeral Directors
Ross Auctioneers
Ross & Shaw
Rotary Club
Rotor Electric Ltd
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Bank of Canada East End
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Fish Company
Royal Canadian Navy
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Brokerage
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Bank of Canada
Royal Bank of Canada
RoyaL Bank of Canada
Roy's Barber Shop
Royston Savings Association
Royston Savings Association was an association of employees of the Royston Lumber Company and was formed in 1928. People involved in the organization include G.K. Uchiyama. The file includes a number of lists of names of Japanese Canadians who held accounts, loans, and shares with the organization.
Royston Lumber Company
Royston Lumber Company Limited a lumber company that was owned primarily by the Kaminishi, Iwasa, Minato, and Tomihiro families. It was located at Royston, British Columbia, near Cumberland, BC on Vancouver Island. People involved in the business include George Kenroku Uchiyama [or George Uchiyama] (manager and shareholder), Kannosuke Kaminishi [also listed as Kannosuki Kaminishi] (shareholder), Keiji Minato (shareholder), Kinosuke Minato (shareholder), Matsutaro Iwasa (shareholder), Kinosuke Minato (shareholder), Keiji Minato, and Tomihiro [possibly Senichi Tomihiro] (shareholder). The file contains documents with the names of additional shareholders.
Royston Buddhist Mission
Royston Buddhist Mission was also known as Bukkyo Kyokai. It was organized by congregations in the Comox District and was located within the Royston Lumber Company’s mill site. The building and land were owned by the company and rented to the Mission free of charge for community and church services. People involved in the organization include Guntaro Kjkato (executive) and Masato Miyahara (executive).
The Royal Society of St.George an English patriotic society established in 1894 to encourage the interests of the English way of life and English customs and traditions.
R Tabata and Co (Trustee of)
R Tagashira & Company
Research Triangle Park
Ruskin Box Manufacturers
The Ruskin Box Manufacturers was a box making company that was located at Ruskin, BC. People involved in the organization include Denkichi Machida (partner), Hikosaku Fujita (partner), Fusanosuke Okubo (partner), Kii Fujita (employee and wife of Hikosaku Fujita), and Shuichi Fukunaga (employee). The file includes lists of Japanese Canadians who owed money to the company.
Russ Machine Works
Russell Holdings Limited
Russell & DuMoulin
Russell, Russell & Hancox Barristers, etc.
Russell & Russell Barristers etc
Russell & Russell
Russell & Dumoulin
Russell, Russell & Hannington, Barristers, etc.
Russell & Dumoulin
R.V. Winch & Co. LTD.
Russian Workers and Farmers Club
R/W & Land Department
Ryan Brothers Limited
Ryan Brothers Western Ltd
Rycraft Homes Ltd.
Rycraft Homes Ltd
Rycraft Homes Ltd
Rycraft Homes Ltd
Ryerson University
Southern Alberta Central Committee S. Sakumoto, Esq., Secretary.
Seitara Arai &Company
Safety Garage Limited
Safety Garage Ltd
Safety Garage Limited
Safety Supply Company
Safety Garage
Safety Garage Company Limited
Safety Garage Company Limited was an auto service and repair shop that operated at 209-211 Powell Street, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Rikimatsu Otsuji (partner), Shuichi Enamoto (partner), and Yeiichi Katai (partner).
さがみや Sagamiya Sagamiay Restaurant 鶴井倉藏 Tsurui KurazouMeaning is not clear: Crane, Community, Store-houseRestaurant supplied from English Directory.
Saint James Anglican Church
Saint Paul's Catholic Japanese Church
Saint James Church (Anglican)
Saint James Parish Hall (Anglican)
Saint Luke's Home (Anglican)In the original entry, "Sister Frances in charge" is written, and therefore I included "in charge" in the roleName to indicate that she is also the leader.
齋藤 服店 Saitou Fukumise Saitou Clothing Shop
Salt Salmon Exporters of BC Limited
Salt Spring Lands Ltd.
Salt Spring Lands and Investment Co. Ltd. Started by Gavin C. Mouat.
Salvation Army Brigadier
Salvation Army Industrial Departments
Salvation Army Hostel
Salvation Army Army Halls
Salvation Army
Salvation Army Industrial Departments
Salvation Army Hostel
Salvation Army Army Halls
Salvation Army
Salvation Army Mens Hostel I have made the assumption that div comdr stands for division commander
Salvation Army Industrial Store It is unclear whether this entry lists 883 Gore or 333 Gore
Salvail Bros
Salvation Army Industrial Store
Salvation Army
Sam Barrett Limited
Sam Cahoon Real Estate & Insurance
Sam Duck Reading Room
Sam Duck Society
Sam Kee Laundry
寒川 商店 Samukawa Shoumise Samukawa Company
寒川 商店 Samukawa Shouten Samukawa Store
サンドへツド 漁者 組合 Sandohetsudo Ryousha Kumiai Sandohetsudo Fishing Union
San Dressmakers
Sandhead Fish Co
Sandhead Fish Company
Sandrock Farm
Sandrigham Holdings Ltd.
Sanyo Co musical instruments
Sapperton Realty Ltd
St. Andrew's United Church
Savage Kieth & Savage
Savage & Keith
Savage Keith & Savage Barristers & Solcicitors
Savage & Keith Barristers & Solicitors
Savage Keith & Savage
澤田 大工 Sawada Daiku Sawada Carpentry 大工 means carpenter, but I changed it to carpentry because this seemed more reasonable for an organizational entry.
Southern Alberta Youth Council Hiromu Fujiki, President; Min Takada, Secretary. Lethbridge, AB.
Sutton, Braidwood & Morris 506 Royal Bank Building, 675 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC.
Steveston Buddhist Church
S. Berman Corporation Ltd.
Sun Beauty Parlour Sources: oral_history_iked19_2015-04-20.xml and bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf.
S & B Vermin Exterminators
Scandinavian Baptist Mission
Scandinavian Baptist Mission
Scandinavian Baptist Mission
Scandinavian Baptist Mission
Supreme Court of British Columbia
Steveston Community Centre
Schara Tzedeck
Schara Tzedeck
School District No 42 (Maple Ridge)
Slocan Community Hospital
Slocan City High School
Schultz Transfer
Special Committee on Japanese Registration
Single Canada League
Salmon Canners’ Operating Committee
Supreme Court of Ontario
Scott-Foster Limited
Scottish Temperance Life Assurance Company, Limited
Scottish Line Painting Ltd.
Standing Committee on Public Accounts
Scrimgeour & Hogg
Scrimgeour Hogg & Gilling Barristers etc
Steveston Community Society
S. C. Vosper Real Estate
Special Committee on Measures to be Taken in the Event of War with Japan
Slocan District Board of Trade
Seaboard Meat Company
Seaboard Sheet Metal Ltd
Seafood Products Limited
Seafood Products Limited
Sea-Forest Holdings Limited
Sea Food Restaurant
Sea Food Restaurant was located at 333 Carall Street, Vancouver, BC. People involved with this organization include Roy E. Shoji of 2161 East Georgia Street, Vancouver, BC (owner) and Motu Matsushita.
Seal Cove Grocery bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Seishindo Co. Sakuhei Izukawa
Secretary of State of Canada
Secretary of State of Canada acting as Custodian
Secretariat Investments Ltd.
Secretariat Investments Ltd.
セフテー グラジ Sefutee Guraji Safety Garage In the directory the character チ appears instead of シ with the dakuten.
聖公會 Seikou-kai Anglican Church I supplied Church because all that was written was Anglican. In the English Directory the Church of the holy cross is listed at this address.
誠 心堂 Sei Shindou Sei Shindou Drug Company Drug Company supplied from English Directory.
Seishindo Co drugs
Seishindo patent medicines
セコ ジョー Seko Jyoo Seko Jyoo Cafe/ Restaurant I supplied Cafe/ Restaurant because in similar situations where the type of organization was not specified the English Directory stated them as a cafe or restaurant. In this case however, the English Directory listed the address as a private residence.
出張寫 眞 專門Shucchou Shashin SenmonSpecializing in Business Photos
Selkirk Holdings Ltd.
Selkirk Holdings Ltd.
Service Enterprises Ltd
Serve-U-Supply Ltd.
Sewing Machine Parts & Service
Seymour Dress Shop
Skeena Fisherman's Association
S.F. Mark LTD.
Simon Fraser University Simon Fraser Univeristy or SFU, is a public research university. The main campus is in Burnaby.
San Francisco War Shipping Administration
S. Gintzburger Ltd.
Saskatchewan Girls' Work Board Regina, Saskatchewan.
Shamrock Hotel
Shamrock Hotel
Shamrock Hotel
Shanghai Chop Suey
Sharples & Sharples Loans, Rentals, Insurance, Real Estate
Shell Oil Co. of British Columbia Ltd. —Oil Service Stations
Shell Oil Service Stations
Shell Canada Limited
Shell Oil Company of Canada, Limited
Shell Oil Company of British Columbia Limited
Shell Oil Company of British Columbia Limited
Shell Oil Company of British Columbia Limited
Shell Oil Company
Shell Company of California
Shepherd & Oliver, Barristers & Solicitors, Notaries Public
澁谷 商店 Shibuya Shoumise Shibuya Company
澁谷 商店 Shibuya Shoumise Shibuya Company
澁谷 商店 Shibuya Shoumise Shibuya Company
澁谷 商店 Shibuya Shoumise Shibuya Company
澁谷 商店 Shibuya Shoumise Shibuya Company
Shibuya S & Co dry goods
澁谷 商店 Shibuya Shouten Shibuya Store S. Shibuya & Company 男女 雜貨品 家具調度品 子供用品 Danjo Zakka hin Kaguchou dohin Kodomoyouhin General Goods for Men and Women Household Goods General Goods for Children 最新流行品 を 整えて居りますので 弊店で揃はぬものはありませんSaishin Ryuukohin wo totonoete orimasunode heitende sorowanumono wa arimasenWe have the Latest Modern Goods, so that there's nothing you can't find here!高尚で 品質よく、値段の格安なことは弊店の特長ですKoushoude Hinshitsu yoku, Nedan no Kakuyasunakotowa Heiten no Tokuchou Desu.Our store is known for its high quality goods at low prices! 乳母車 子供ベッド等、 子供用品一切 豊富にあります。Ubaguruma, Kodomo beddo nado, Kodomohin Issai Houfuni arimasu.We have all sorts of children's goods such as carriages, beds, and other such furnishings in abundance!
重松 花や Shigematsu Hana-ya Shigematsu Flower Store
重松 花屋 Shigematsu Hana-ya Shigematsu Flower Shop 結婚、葬式 用花Kekkon, Soushiki YoukaFlowers for Weddings and Funerals花束、鉢物 一切Hanataba, Hachimono IssaiCarrying all types of bouquets and potted plants
重松運送店 Shigematsu Unsouten Shigematsu Delivery Company 引越運搬 運送一切 コール販賣 Hikkoshi Unpan Unsou Issai Kouru HanbaiWe deal with all kinds of deliveries and provide assistance with moving. We are able to do business via telephone.
Shikishima Fish & Meat Market
下野四郞右エ門 Shimono Shirou Migiemon English Meaning of Name is unclear.
Shimzu Holdings Ltd
Shimzu Industries Ltd
Shimizu Industries Ltd
Shimizu Holdings Ltd.
新光社 Shinkou-sha Shinkousha Theatre
新小田 裁縫店 Shinkoda Saihou-mise Shinkoda Sewing Shop
新南京 Shinnami kin New South Capital In the English Directory at this address the Sun Nan King Cafe is located here.
新北京 Shinkita kin New North Capital In the English Directory at this address the Sun Pekin Chop Suey House is listed.
信夫 事務 所 Shinobu Jimu-tokoro Shinobu Offices
Shinkosha educational moving pictures
新魚 市塲 Shingyo Shijou New Fish Market ニュウフィシ マーケット Nyuu Fishi Maaketto New Fish Market 鮮魚 精肉 野菜 一切Sengyo Seiniku Yasai IssaiAll Fresh Fish, Meat, And Vegetables
高等 南京 御料理Koutou Nankin OryouriExquisite Chinese Food日本人諸氏 を 御歡迎致しますNihonjin Shoshi wo okangeiitashimasuWe humbly welcome Japanese Guests
新出 商店 Shinde Shouten Shinde Store
新光社 Shinmitsu-sha Shinmitsu Company
Shinobo restaurant
鹽見 商店 鹽 Shiomi Shoumise Shiomi Company This kanji 鹽 in the directory appears to be a hybrid of the kyuujitai and the shinjitai; in the directory 鹽 and 塩 are mixed: the kanji contains the 皿 土 and 鹵 radicals.
Shipping Federation of British Columbia
Shipping Federation of British Columbia
Shipping Federation Lunch Counter
Shipping Federation of British Columbia
Shipping Federation of British Columbia
Shipping Federation of British Columbia
Shipping Federation Holdings, Limited
Shipping Federation of British Columbia Limited
Shipping Federation of British Columbia Limited
Shipping Federation Building Society Limited
Shipping Federation Building Society Limited
Shirriff's Limited
Shirriff's Limited
Shore & Helsing, Barristers and Solicitors
商業 組合 Shougyou Kumigou Merchant Association
昭和倶 樂部 Shouwa Kurabu Showa Club 昭和 or Shouwa refers to a time era in Japan that refers to the emperor at that time. In this case, it refers to Emperor Hirohito, the emperor of Japan during World War Two. Also these three characters 倶 樂部 are commonly placed together to refer to a club.
Showa Taxi Co
Showado Confectionery
Shrum, Liddle & Hebenton
Shrum,Liddle, & Hebenton
Shultz & Arnold
Signal Securities Limited
Silk O Lina Limited
Silk-o-Lina Limited was located at 730 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC. People associated with this file include Sataro Kuwahara (shareholder), Tom Kuwahara (shareholder), George Matsuoka (shareholder), Genzo Kitagawa (shareholder), Tom Hori (shareholder), S. Inouye (shareholder), Fred Inouye (shareholder), and Hiroshi Kuwahara (shareholder).
Silks Limited
Silks Limited had a sales office in Vancouver, BC, but it’s head office was located in Toronto, ON.
Simmonds Pryke & Leathley, Barristers & Solicitors
Simmac Investments Limited
Simplex Wire Supplies
Sister's Coffee Shop
Sisters of Atonement
Sisters of the Atonement
Six Poplar Investments Western Division Ltd.
Steveston Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
Steveston Japanese Mission United Church of Canada
Skana Properties LTD.
Skeena Japanese Fishermans Association
The Skeena Japanese Fisherman’s Association owns one lot with a Hall and a three room shack in Port Essington BC. Documentation lists Sukeeman Arakawa as president, Kunisaburo Miwa as vice-president (although another document lists him instead as president), Tomekichi Mio as Treasurer and George Genzo Kitagawa as secretary, and Kanematsu Nagami as the accountant.
Skipp & Vanderburgh, Barrister & Solicitors
S Konishi And Company
S. Konishi & Company may have been owned by Ichijiro Tsuji and Tami Tsuji.
Spuzzum Lumber Co. Ltd.
Stoltze Logging Co.
Sproat Lake Sawmills Limited
Solloway, Mills & Co. Ltd.
Steveston Martial Arts Centre
S Matsumiya Company
S. Matsumiya and Company operated Matsumiya Grocery at 235 Powell Street, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Sotojiro Matsumiya of 235 Powell Street, Vancouver, BC (original owner) and Masuo Matsumiya (son of Sotojiro Matsumiya).
Slocan Mass Evacuation Kai
Smith & Hutton Limited, Insurance and Financial Agents
Smithfield's Meat & Fish Market Ltd.
Smith & Macrae, Solicitors, Etc.
Steveston Nosan Kaisha Association May have also been known as Steveston Farm ProductsBird Commission case file number 81. Custodian file number 03308 or 15714. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_05_file_0081)
Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
Senate of Canada
Sons of Freedom
曾我 運送店 Soga Unsou-mise Soga's Transfer Store
曾我 運送店 Soga Unsou-ten Soga Delivery Store
Soldier Settlement Board
Somerset Limited
Somiya Sheet Metal Works
Soo Developers Ltd
Soo Developers Ltd
宗宮 ブリキ店 Soumiya Buriki-mise Soumiya Metal Shop In the English Directory a sheet metal works is located at this address.
Sounder Sales and Service Ltd.
South Arm Service
South-Coast Savings and Mortgage Corporation
Southern Slope Holdings Ltd
Southern Slope Holdings (1959) Ltd.
Southland Development Limited
South Fraser Young Peoples Society
The South Fraser Young People’s Society was located at Mount Lehman. People involved in the organization include Chikayoshi Noda [also listed as Chikayoshi David Noda and David Noda] (president).
South Port Mann Berry Growers Cooperative Association
The South Port Mann Berry Growers Co-operative Association was an association of berry growers that marketed berries to local markets and canneries in Vancouver and Burnaby. It was located at 274 Roebuck Road, Surrey, BC or New Westminster, BC. People involved in the organization include Chonosuke Tsumura (secretary and owner of land on which the Co-operative Association warehouse, office and assembly plant were built), Tsuneki Sassa (director), Suezo Urano (director), Gonpie Fukunaga (director), and Tokuji Hirose (director).
Special Committee on Japanese Property
Spencer Room
Spencer's Dairy Farm
Spencer Realties Ltd.
Spencer Realties Ltd.
Spencer's Ltd.
S. & P. Food Import & Export Ltd.
Spicer Electric
South Port Mann Berry Growers' Co-Operative Bird Commission case file number 110. Custodian file number 14582. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_06_file_110)
Spokane Rooms
Spokane Rooms
Spokane Rooms
Spokane Rooms
Spots Investment Ltd.
Spraggs & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Spry & Hawkins, Barristers and Solicitors
Sidney Roofing & Paper Co. Ltd.
Soldier Settlement Board
Department of the Secretary of State, Canadian Citizenship Registration Branch
Slocan Standing Committee
Surrey Strawberry Growers' Co-operative Association Zennosuke Inouye, President; I. Omokawa, Secretary.
Soldier Settlement and Veterans' Land Act, Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans' Land Act, 1942.See Veterans' Land Act Administration. G. Murchison, Director.
SS. “Woron”
SS. “Woron”
SS. “Woron”
SS. “Woron”
SS. “Woron”
Standard Towing Company Limited
Standard Towing Co Limited
Stanton & Buckley, Barristers & Solicitors
Standard-Modern Tool Company Limited
Standard-Modern Tool Company Limited
Standard-Modern Tool Company Limited
Standard Trusts Company
Standard-Modern Tool Company Limited
Standard-Modern Tool Company Limited
Standard Oil Company of British Columbia Limited
Star Rooms bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Star Store bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Star Beauty Shoppe
Star Market fish and meat
Star Rooms
Star Theatre motion picture
Star of the West RBP No 544
Star Cap
Star Theatre
Star Rooms
Star Theatre
Star Rooms
Star Theatre
Star Window Cleaners
Star Shipyards
Star Electric & Hardware
Star Market fish and meats
Star Rooms
Star Tailors
Star Theatre
Star Cafe
Station B
State Cleaners Located on Main Street in Vancouver and owned by John Eisaku Toida.
Steetley Industries Limited
Steetley Industries Limited
Steetley Industries Limited
Steetley Industries Ltd
Steffens-Colmer Studios Ltd
Steveston Bakery
Steveston BoatBuilders
Steveston DrugCompany
Steveston Fishermen's Benevolent Society Hospital
Steveston Hardware Company
Steveston Hotel
Steveston Japanese Association
Steveston Sheet Metal Works
Steveston Taxi Company
Steveston Bakery
Steveston Boat Builders
Steveston Drug Company
Steveston Fishermen's Benevolent Society Hospital
Steveston Hardware Company
Steveston Hotel
Steveston Japanese Association
Steveston Sheet Metal Works
Steveston Taxi Company
Steveston Bakery
Steveston Drug Company
Steveston Hardware Company
Steveston Hotel
Steveston Sheet Metal Works
Stevn Theatre
Steveston Cleaners
Steveston Confectionery & Lunch
Steveston Cycle Shop
Steveston Drugs
Steveston Electric
Steveston 5¢ to $1.00 Store
Steveston Hardware & Furniture
Steveston Hotel
Steveston Hotel Diner
Steveston Insurance Agency
Steveston Marine Sales & Service
Steveston Motors
Steveston Photo Crafts
Steveston Purity Store
Steveston Sheet Metal Works
Steveston Shoe Shop
Steveston Taxi & U Drive
Steveston Waiting
Stevens & Madill
Steveston Boat Builders
Steveston Drug Company Ltd
Steveston Fisherman's Benevolent Society Hospital
Steveston Hotel
Steveston Lumber Yard
Steveston Machine Shop
Steveston Sand-Lime Brick Company Ltd
Steveston Sheet Metal Works
Steveston Japanese Womens Society
The Steveston Japanese Women’s Society's property was located at 19 Broadway Street, P.O. Box 426, Steveston, Street or Chatham Street and No. 1 Road, Steveston, BC. People associated with this file include Ume Miyamoto (president), Shizuko Otsu (treasurer), Kumae Tarumoto (secretary), Koito Okano (auditor), Hatsune Shirakama (auditor), Nao Minamide (auditor), Toshiko Miyashita (auditor), and Tsuru Hirota (auditor).
Steveston Buddhist Mission
The Steveston Buddhist Mission was located at 1st Avenue & Moncton Street, Steveston, BC. People involved in the organization include Heizaburo Yamamoto (president), T. Katatsu (reverand), Kiheiji Kishi (member), and members of the union who are listed in the file.
Steveston Japanese Association
Organization office located at no. 1 Road, Steveston BC. Owned two dwelling houses, one hospital, one office building, and two school buildings. Associated names include, president Yoshio Kochi, vice-president Asamatsu Murakami, treasurer Kiichiro Shirakawa, hospital director Tomegoro Furuya, secretary M. Kuba.
Steveston Congregation Of The United Church Of Canada
The Steveston Congregation of the United Church of Canada was also known as the Japanese Congregation of the Steveston United Church. People involved in the organization include T. Koshiba, G. Otsu, C. Furukawa, M. Kuba, and M. Miyamoto.
St James Parish Hall
St James Anglican Church Canon
St James Clergy House
St James Parish Hall
St James Anglican Church
St James Clergy House
St James Parish Hall
St James Anglican Church
St James Kindergarten
St. James Parish of Vancouver
ST. James Parish of Vancouver
St. James Parish Foundation
St. James' Parish Foundation
St. James Parish of Vancouver, B.C.
St. James Parish of Vancouver
St Kings Rooms
St. Luke's International Hospital
St Lukes Anglican Home
St Lukes Home
St Luke's Home
St. Luke's Home
St. Luke's Home
St Paul's Catholic Japanese Church
St Paul's Catholic Church
St Paul's Catholic Church
Straits Towing & Salvage Co Limited
Straits Towing & Salvage Company Ltd
Strawberry Hill Farmers' Institute
Strawberry Hill Local Association From the community of Strawberry Hill in Surrey British Columbia.
Lord Strathcona Elementary School
Strawberry Hill Japanese Farmers Association
Strawberry Hill Japanese School House
The Strawberry Hill Japanese School House was located at Strawberry Hill, BC. People involved in the organization include Kamakichi Nagasaka (tenant), Magoichi Okamura (tenant), Tsunegusu Inaba (tenant), Masato Ohori (tenant), Bunnosuke Fujino (tenant), Asamatsu Uno (tenant), and members of the union who are listed in the file.
Street, Wollen & Promislow, Barristers and Solicitors
Streight & Kelly, Barristers & Solicitors
Streight & Westaway, Barristers and Solicitors
Street & Wollen
Stuart Diecasting Company
Student Christian Movement
Sturdy, McDonald & Griffiths Barristers & Solicitors
Sturdy, Trainor & Russell
St Vincent de Paul Salvage Bureau
St Vincent de Paul Salvage Bureau
St Vincent de Paul Salvage Bureau
St Vincent de Paul Salvage Bureau
Style Shoppe
須知佛恩 佛敎 會 Suchibuon Butsukyoukai Steveston Buddhist Church Consulting with a native Japanese speaker, they told me that this kani, 須知佛恩, is most likely referring to Steveston because there is no word in Japanese and the listing in the directory is referring to a buddhist church in Steveston.
Sun Cleaners bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
末廣 Suehiro Suehiro Cafe In the English Directory at this address there are only residents with last names that start with N or vacant listings. However, sometimes in the Japanese Directory cafes are listed without the word cafe, but cross referencing with the English Directory determines that at the address there is a cafe. Because this appears to be a possibility for this entry, I supplied the word cafe.
Suga Boat Building & Repair Shops
杉山 運送舍 Sugiyama Unsou-sha Sugiyama Moving Facilities (Transfer)
Sullivan Smith & Bigelow, Barristers & Solicitors
Sum Cafe Chinese
住よし Sumiyoshi Sumiyoshi Cafe Cafe supplied from the English Directory.
Sumiyoshi Cafe
Sumitomo Bank
Sumner Brass Foundry Limited
Sumner Brass Foundry Limited
Sun Cafe
Sun Cafe
Sunday Apartments
Sunkist Produce
Sunkist Produce Co
Sunkist Produce Co
Sunkist Produce Company
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada
Sun Min Sang Company
Sun Non King Cafe
Sun Nom King
Sun Nom King restaurant
Sun Pekin Chop Suey House
Sun Pekin Chop Suey House
Sun Pekin Chop Suey House
Sun Pekin Chop Suey House
Sun Pekin Chop Suey
Sun Rooms
Sun Rooms
Sun Rooms
Sun Rooms
Sunrise Trading Co exporters
Sunrise Market Ltd.
Sunshine Mission
Super Style Blouses
Superior Hospitality Hotels Limited
Superior Hospitality Hotels Limited
Supreme Court of Canada
Supreme Court of British Columbia
Sur-Built Homes Ltd
Surrey Berry Growers Cooperative Association
The organization address is listed as rural road no. 3 Sandell Road, New Westminster, BC. They leased a building at this address.
スター 魚肉店 Sutaa gyonikuten Star Fish Market
スター 美粧院 Sutaa Bishou-in Star Beauty Shop
ステブストン タキシ Sutebusuton Takishi Steveston Taxi
ステブトン 金物 Sutebuton Kinmono Steveston Hardware
ステブストン タキシー Sutebusuton Takishii Steveston Taxi
Sutherland, McKenzie & Joe, Barrister & Solicitor
Sutherland & Sutherland Barristers & Solicitors
Sutton Braidwood, Barristers & Solicitors
鈴木 菓子店 Suzuki Kashi-mise Suzuki Candy Store
鈴木 檢眼士 Suzuki Kenganshi Suzuki Optometry
Slocan Valley Nisei Organization
Slocan Valley Southern Parish
Swain's Cleaners
Swing Inn
Swinton & Company, Barristers & Solicitors
Tabata R & Co importers and exporters
田辺 時計 店 Tabe Tokei Mise Tabe Watch Store Within the English Directory this listing is described as a jewellery store.
Tanaka and Co.
Tagashira R & Co whole confectioners
Tahlen Metal Industries Ltd
大陸 日報社 Tairiku Nippousha Tairiku Japanese News Company It seems as though 日 is being used as a shortened form of 日本 in order to reflect that this company is reporting the news in Japanese or about Japan. This is possibly ssomething that could be researched further.
大陸 日報社 Tairiku Nippousha Tairiku Japanese News Company It seems as though 日 is being used as a shortened form of 日本 in order to reflect that this company is reporting the news in Japanese or about Japan. This is possibly ssomething that could be researched further.
Tairiku Nippo Sha Ltd
大陸日報社 Tairiku Nippou-sha Daily Continental Report Tairiku Nippo Sha, Limited 千九百四十一年 九月 三十日Sen Kyuu Hyaku Yon Juu Ichi Nen Ku Gatsu San Juu Nichi1941 September 30th 發行所Hakkou-joPublishing House大陸日報印刷部: 印刷所Tairiku Nippou Insatsubu: Insatsu-joDaily Continental Report Printing Section: Printing Office
Tairiku Nippo Sha Limited
Tairiku Nippo Sha Limited
He was born on 21 March 1887. He was a labourer employed by Stirmask Contracting Company. His family includes Jikichi Matasaburo (father), Sumi Matasaburo (mother; nee Sumi Tami), and Shigeno Matasaburo (wife; nee Shigeno Kawayada). He lived in Port Alberni, BC. He was forcibly uprooted to Winnipeg, MB.
大正 堂 Taishou Dou Taishoudo Drug Store Drug Store Supplied from the English Directory.
Taishado Drug Store drugs and radios
大正堂 Taishoudou Taishodo Taishodo 和洋藥品, 醫療材料, 化粧品, 寫 眞機, 附屬品, 望遠鏡, 眼鏡, , ラジオ, 蓄音機 レコード, 各種万年筆, 美術品, 日本行船 切符 取扱Wayou Yakuhin, Iryouzairyou, Keshouhin, Shashinki, Fuzokuhin, Bouengyou, Megane, Rajio, Chikuonki, Rekoudo, Kakushu Mannenhitsu, Nihon Bijutsuhin, Nihonyuki FunaKippu ToriatsukaiJapanese and Western Medicine Supplies, Medical Ingredients, Beauty Products, Camera Parts, Telescopes, Glasses, Radios, Gramaphone Records, All types of Fountain Pens, Works of Art from Japan, Handling Shipping and Passenger Transport Services to JapanTaisho is the period of time before Showa. This store could be indicating with its name that it is dealing with items from the Taisho period.
Taishodo patent medicines
太陽 印刷所 Taiyou Insatsu-tokoro Taiyou Printing Shop Taiyo Printing Company Limited. Bird Commission case file number 1371 for the claim of Take Machida. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_69_file_1371.)
Taiyo Printing Co Limited
Taiyo Printing Co Limited
Taiyo Printing Co Limited
Taiyo Printing Company Limited
Taiyo Printing Company Limited was located at 230 Alexander Street, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Denkichi Machida of 336 Alexander Street, Vancouver, BC (majority shareholder and owner; husband of Take Machida), Take Machida of 336 Alexander Street, Vancouver, BC (shareholder and wife of Denkichi Machida), Torakichi Machida of 527 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC (shareholder), and Shinichi Maeba [possibly Shinichi Maeda] (shareholder and manager).
高田 タキシー Takada Takishii Takada Taxi
高原 商店 Takahara Shoumise Takahara Company
Takahara Co patent medicines
Takata Taxi
Takahara Co
高垣 商店 Takagaki Shouten Takagaki Store
高原 藥店 Takahara Yaku-ten Takahara Drugstore
Takahara Limited patent medicines
Takata Taxi Co
竹内 事務 所 Takeda Jimu-tokoro Takeda Offices
竹内 家具 店 Takeuchi Kagu Mise Takeuchi Furniture Store
武内 商店 Takeuchi Shouten Takeuchi Store
玉川 Tamagawa Tamagawa Restaurant Restaurant was supplied from the English Directory (BC Yukon) of the same year. There seems to be a tendency in the Japanese directory to omit food establishment markers such as restaurant and cafe.
Tamagawa Restaurant
タメ 自轉車 店 Tame Jitensha-mise Tame's Bicyle Shop
Tammy Repair Shop bicycles
田村 商會 Tamura Shoukai Tamura Firm
Tamura Building
Tamura Building There is an illegible mark following 'Tamura Building' in this entry
Tamura S. "Sun Ban" Head Office: Kobe, JapanBranches: Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Japan, and Vancouver, B.C.Importer and Exporter
田中 豆腐屋 Tanaka Toufu-ya Tanaka Tofu Shop
田中 兄弟 自轉車 店 Tanaka Kyoudai Jitensha Mise Tanaka Brothers Bicycle Shop The kanji 兄弟 is oriented vertically in the text as opposed to horizontally and they are smaller than the other characters.
タナカ ホケン Tanaka Hoken Tanaka Insurance Agency
田鍋 洋服 店 Tanabe Youfuku Mise Tanabe Western Clothing Store
Tanaka Brothers sporting goods
Tanaka Insurance Agency
田中 金物店 Tanaka Kanamonoten Tanaka Hardware
田邊 時計店 Tanabe Tokeiten Tanabe Watch Store
田中 保險 代理社 Tanaka Hoken Dairisha Tanaka Insurance Agency 營業 目録: 信用 損害 病傷 海上 火災 自動車 其の他 運送 ガラス 盗難: 各種保險取扱ヒEigyou Mokuroku: Shinyou, Songai, Byoushou, Kaijou, Kasai, Jidousha, Sonota, Unsou, Garasu, Tounan: Kakushu Hoken Toriatsukai HiOur Services Include: Credit, Personal Loss or Damages, Disease or Sickness, Marine, Fire, Vehicle, Theft, Glass, Delivery, and All other Types: We Handle All Kinds of Insurance
Tanaka Co. Ltd.
Tanaka And Company Limited
Tanaka and Company Limited owned a fishing station and saltery on Reid Islaand, BC and financed herring fishing operations. It owned four scows at Steveston, BC. It was incorporated in 1936. People involved in the organization include Tokutaro Tanaka (president and major shareholder), Rokumatsu Tanaka (secretary and major shareholder), Chonosuke Tanaka (general manager), K. Matsubayashi (bookkeeper).
谷口 撞玉場 Taniguchi Shutamaba Taniguchi Billiards
Tanlee Triangle Ventures Ltd
田坂 床 Tasaka Shou Tasaka Flooring The kanji 床 refers to floor but I am not sure what it is referring to. It is possible this is a flooring or tatami store.
Tashme Correspondence Classes The students who created the Nissei Lycee Annual magazine.
Tatra Enterprises Inc
Taylor, Harvey, Baird, Grant & Stockton
Taylor, Mayers, Stockton & Smith
Taylor, Harvey & Baird Barristers and Solicitors
Taylor and Marshall Barristers & Solicitors
Taylor Realty Co. Ltd.
Takahashi & Yoshida
The Bank of Japan
T B Veterans Service Salvage
The Commonwealth Club of California
Toronto Claimants Committee See lac_mg30-d200_volume_1_file_10 for minutes from meetings between the Toronto Claimants Committee and the CCJC and JCCA.Also stylized as the Toronto Claimants' Committee.
The Continental Daily Times
Toronto Committee for Democracy
Canada Gazette
Togo Cleaners Limited Bird Commission case file number 1089. Custodian file number 15647. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_55_file_1089)
Tashme Camp Newspaper
The Comox Railway Company.
Tagashira & Co R.I. bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Tofino & Clayoquot Trollers Ass'n bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
The Continental Times
Daily Colonist
Toronto Daily Star
Takahara Drug Store 202 Main Street, Vancouver, BC. Owned by Eizo Shinkoda. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_69_file_1376.)
Teak Shop
Team Bau Construction Ltd.
Teck Resources Limited Also referred to as "Teck Cominco."
Ted Harris Ltd.
天狗 Tengu Tengu Cafe Cafe supplied from BC Yukon Directory 1941.
Tengu Cafe
天理敎 會 Tenrikyou sha Heaven's Teachings The kanji have the meanings of heaven, truth, teaching, and company and in the BC Yukon directory of 1941 reverend is listed at this address, so it seems likely that this entry is associated with a religious association. I used Heaven's Teachings for the English entry because I felt that that was the central idea that the kanji was representing.
Tenrikyo Canada Church
Tenrikyo Canada Church
寺西 裁縫 店 Teranishi Saihou Mise Teranishi Sewing Shop
Terminal Developments Ltd.
Terminal Developments Ltd.
Ternan Enterprises Ltd.
Terry's Lunch
The Family Court City of Vancouver
The Fifth Estate
Tashme Friendship Society
The Globe and Mail
The Government of British Columbia
T.G. McLelan, Esq. Barrister & Solicitor
T. H. Calland & Co.
The Bungalow
The Bungalow
The British Columbia Land and Investment Agency Limited
The Brackman-Ker Milling Company Ltd.
The British American Oil Company Limited
The British American Trust Company Limited
The Bishop Of New Westmisnter
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown in right of Canada [Reference Case]
The Crown in right of Canada [Reference Case]
The Crown in right of Canada [Reference Case]
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown
The Crown in right of Canada [Reference Case]
The Crown in right of Canada [Reference Case]
The Crown in right of Canada [Reference Case]
The Crown in right of Canada [Reference Case]
The Crown in right of Canada [Reference Case]
The Canada Trust Company
The Caledonia & British Company Mortgage Company Limited
The City Brokerage Co.
The Canadian Pacific Railway Company
The Corporation of the City of North Vancouver
The Canada Permanent Trust Company
The Canada Permanent Trust Company
The Caledonian Insurance Company
The Canadian Credit Men's Trust Association Limited
The Chinese Publicity Bureau Ltd.
The Canada Rice Mills Limited
The Canada Permanent Trust CompanY
The Dominion Life Assurance Company
The Director, The Veterans' Land Act
The Director, The Veterans' Land Act
The Director, The Veteran's Land Act
(The) Fisherman Publishing Society
The Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement
The Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement
The FRanciscan Sisters of the Atonement
The Grand Trunk Pacific Development Company Limited
The Governing Council of the Salvation Army Canada West
The Governing Council of the Salvation Army
The Governing Council of the Salvation Army Canada West
The Governing Council of the Salvation Army Canada East
The Governing Council of the Salvation Army in Canada
The Great Dominion Land Company Limited
The Hompa Buddhist Temple
The Hellenic Marine Supply Ltd.
The Hompa Buddhist Temple
The Hompa Buddhist Temple was located at 604 or 549 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC. People related to this file include Riye Nakamura and Genya Ebatea, and Eikichi Kagetsu (director). The file also includes lists of names of the first directors of the temple and lists of people whose urns were in the care of the temple.
The Incorporated Parish of Saint James
The International Ice and Storage Company, Limited Liability
The Imperial Rice Milling Company Limited
The International Railway & Development Company
The Imperial Bank of Canada
The Japanese Residents of the Comox District.
The J.J. Frantz Construction Company Limited
The Japan Trust Company Limited
The London and Western Trusts Company Limited
The Lookout Emergency Aid Society
The Molsons Bank
The Marr Hotel Limited
The Molsons Bank
The Molsons Bank
The Marr Hotel Limited
The Marr Hotel Limited
The Marr Hotel Limited
The Mutual Aid Group
The Mutual Aid Group was a group of ten members that each paid fifty dollars every six months into the fund for the benefit of the member whose turn it was to receive the money. People related to the file include Tokusaburo Nishizeki (member), Keizo Yamada (member), Kunizo Mori (member), Shikazo Osato (member), Kinya Hinatsu (member), Sozo Mochizuki (member), Misa Mochizuki (member), Takejiro Kubota (member), Goichiro Nagamatsu (member), Senjuro Sato (member), and Hyogoro Fujii (member).
The National Harbours Board, Port of Vancouver
The Natives of Toi Shan Benevolent Society
The Northern Counties Investment Trust Limited
The NortherN Counties Investment Trust Limited
The Palmer Holding Company Limited
The Pilot Christian Rehabilitation Centre of Vancouver
The Pacific Bottling Works, Limited
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada
The Prudential Investment Company Limited
The Royal Trust Company
The Royal Trust Company
The Royal Trust Company
The Royal Trust Company
The Royal Trust Company
The Royal Trust Company
The Royal Trust Company
The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver
THe Roman Catholic Archbishop of Vancouver
The Royal Trust Company
The Royal Trust Company
The Royal Trust Company
The Royal Trust Company
The Royal Trust CompanY
The Royal Bank of Canada
THe Royal Trust Company
The ROyal Trust Company
The Royal Bank of Canada
The Royal TrusT Company
The Royal Trust CoMpany
The RoyaL Trust Company
The Rice Building Company Limited
The Rice Building Company Limited
The Royal Trust Company
The Royal Trust Company
The Royal Bank of Canada
The Standard Trust Company
The Sterling Trust Company of British Columbia
The Scottish Temperance & General Assurance Company Limited
The Scottish Temperance & General Assurance Company Limited
THe Scottish Temperance & General Assurance Company Limited
The Standard Trusts Company
The Standard Trusts Company
The Sterling Trust Company of British Columbia
The STerling Trust Company of British Columbia
The Sterling Trust Company of British Columbia
The Synod of the Diocese of New Westminster
The Toronto General Trusts Corporation
The Toronto General Trusts Corporation
The Toronto General Trusts Corporation
The Toronto General Trusts Corporation
The Toronto General Trusts Corporation
The Toronto General Trusts Corporation
The United Church of Canada
The Union Bank of Canada
The Vancouver Land and Improvement Company, Limited
THe Vancouver Land and Securities Corporation Limited
The Vancouver Land and Securities Corporation
The Vancouver Orange Hall Company Limited
The Vancouver Land and Securities Corporation Limited
The Vancouver County Orange Hall Company Limited
The Victoria and Vancouver Stevedoring Company Limited
The Victoria and Vancouver Stevedoring Company Limited
The Vancouver Wharf Company Limited
The Vancouver Land & Improvement Company Limited
The Welfare Industries of First United Church
The Walton Investment Group Ltd.
The Walton Investment Group Ltd.
The Yorkshire & Canadian Trust Limited
The Yorkshire and Canadian Trust Limited
THe Yorkshire and Pacific Securities Limited
The Yorkshire and Canadian Trust Limited
The Yorkshire and Pacific Securities Limited
Thompson, MacDonald and Hugh, Barristers & Solicitors
Thompson & MacDonald
Thompson, MacDonald Barristers & Solicitors
The Parashooter
The Hamilton Spectator
The Varsity
Department of Trade and Industry, Bureau of Economics and Statistics
Tiffin Russell Du Moulin Brown & Hogg Barristers, & c.
Tiffin & Alexander
TI-IT Wire Tying Machines
Tofino Japanese Fishermen's Association
T.J. Pounder & Company Ltd.
The Japan Rescue mission
Takata Japanese Tea House and Garden
Takahashi, K & Co. bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
T Maikawa rice mill
T. Maikawa Stores Limited
T. Maikawa Stores Limited
T. Maikawa Stores Limited
T. Matsuyama and Company Limited
T. Matsuyama and Company Limited
T. Matsuyana & Company Limited
T. Maikawa Stores Limited
Tofino Machine Shop
The New Canadian Originally published in English. Moved from Vancouver to Kaslo in 1942 and continued publishing during the war years in English and Japanese. The BC Security Commission provided the paper with funding at this time so that it could advise Japanese Canadians of relevant notices, orders, etc.
Toronto New Canadian
Terra Nova Cannery
The New York Times
The New Yorker
Toronto Buddhist Church
Trustees, Ontario Canteen Fund 9 Richmond St. East, Toronto, ON.Lt.-Col. T.M. Medland, E.D., Chairman.
Treasury Office of Canada
Todd J H & Sons
Tofino Trollers' Co-Op Ass'n
Tofino Trollers' Co-op Ass'n
Tofino Trollers' Co-Op Association
Tofino Trollers Coop Association
People involved in the organization include Haruo Kimoto (president) and Yoshio Madokoro (secretary). The file includes lists of Japanese Canadian members of the association.
Togo Cleaners Limited
Togo Cleaners Limited was a dry cleaning plant and business that was forcibly liquidated. The file indicates that it operated under the name Togo Cleaning & Dyeing Works. Its storefront was located at 758 Yates Street, Victoria, BC and the dry cleaning plant at 961 North Park Street, Victoria, BC. Its listed seized assets include real estate, 758-760 Yates Street, Victoria, BC (including a one story brick building with a basement) and 961 North Park Street, Victoria, BC (including a bungalow, a brick building, and a storage warehouse). Its other seized property includes dry cleaning and dyeing equipment and supplies. It was owned by Kosaburo Takahashi [also listed as Togo Kosaburo Takahashi and Togo Takahashi]. The other listed shareholders are Toyo Takahashi, Yukio Takahashi, Saburo Takahashi, Masa Takahashi, and Kenzie Takahashi [also named as Kenjie Takahashi].
Toyo Japanese Club bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Tokiwa Barber Shop
Tokyo Cleaners
Tokyo Gazette A newspaper published by the Foreign Affairs Association of Japan.
Tomoye Sushi Restaurant
Tong King Chop Suey
Tonka Motorcycles Sales LTD.
Tonomura family
Tonstad & Eadie, Barristers & Solicitors
Tonstad Cottick & Buchan, Barristers & Solicitors
Tops Shoe Renew
Top-Valu Food Products Ltd
Top-Value Food Products
Toronto Apartments
Toronto Apartments
Toronto Grocery
Toronto Apartments
Toronto Grocery
Toronto General Trusts Corporation
Toronto General Trust Corporation
Toronto Star
Tokio Tailors bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Totem Tie Company
Totem Holdings Limited
Tourist Confectionery
當山 運送舎 Touyama Unsou-sha Touyama Transfer Company
遠山 寫 眞 舘 Touyama Shashin-kan Touyama Photography Studio コロンビア 寫 眞 舘 Koronbia Shashin-KanColumbia Photography StudioIn this entry the information in the note was listed after the given organizational name. Also, because of the time of this directory, it is possible that the kanji for movie theatre was not in use, so 寫 眞 舘 may actually represent the term for a movie theatre.
Towboat Employment Agency of Canada
Town Group Limited
Town Planning Commission
Toyo Rooms
Taiya Printing Co.Ltd. bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Traders' Service Limited
Traders' Service Limited
Traders' Transport Service Limited
Trans Canada Films Ltd
Transport Holdings Limited
Transport Holding Ltd.
Treasury Chambers Whitehall, United Kingdom.
Tagashira R. and Company Limited
Triangle Transport Co
Trade Lisence Board
Tsable River Logging Company Also known as T'Sable River Logging Company.
Tranquille Sanatorium Later known as the Tranquille Farm.
Trustees of St. Andrews Congregation,United Church of Canada
Trustees of Steveston Congregation, United Church of Canada
Trustees Of The Maple Ridge Buddha Mission
The property of the Maple Ridge Buddha Mission was in the name of the Trustees of the Maple Ridge Buddha Mission rather than the name of any individual. People involved in this file include Soshichi Tanaka (president) and Yutetsu Kawamura (priest). The Maple Ridge Buddha Mission may also have been known as the Maple Ridge Buddha Mission Society of Haney, BC. The file contains at least one list of names and addresses of the original officers and members of the society.
Tokio Steam Dye Works bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
The Seattle Times
つばめ Tsubame Tsubame Restaurant Restaurant supplied from BC Yukon 1941 Directory.
土田 運送 店 Tsuchida Unsou Mise Tsuchida Transfer Company
Tsuhame Restaurant
鶴田商會 Tsuruta Shoukai Tsuruta Company バンクーバー島 代理店 Bankuuba Shima Dairiten Vancouver Island Agency シンガー ミシン 代理店Shingaa Mishin DairitenSinger Sewing Machine Agencyミシン (Machine) refers to sewing machines in Japanese.
Tully Construction Ltd.
Tupper, Bull & Tupper
Tupper & Griffin
Tupper & Griffin
Tupper & Bull
Tupper & Bull, Barristers, Solicitors, etc.
Turner, Meakin & Co. Limited
Turner, Meakin, & co.
Victoria Daily Times
Top Valu Food Products Ltd.
The Vancouver Horticulture Society
Teenage War Veterans League in Canada
The White Canadian Association
Twin Maples Farm
Twizell 2 in 1 Polishes Limited
Tynehead Women's Institute
United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America
UBC Student Liberal Club University of British Columbia
Union of British Columbia Municipalities
University of British Columbia
Union College of British Columbia
United Church Committee on Japanese Relations
内田 醫院 Uchida I-in Dr. Uchida's Clinic
内田 書店 Uchida Sho-mise Uchida Stationary Store
内田 醫院 Uchida Iin Uchida Clinic
Ucluelet Fishing Co.
Ucluelet Fishing Co
Ucluelet Fishing Co.
Ucluelet Fishing Co
Ucluelet Fishing Co.
Ucluelet Fishing Co
Ucluelet Fishing Co.
Ucluelet Fishing Co.Ltd.
Ucluelet Fishing Co. Ltd.
Ucluelet Fishermens Coop Association
The Ucluelet Fisherman’s Co-op Association was incorporated in November 1941 in order to take over the business of Ucluelet Fishing Company Limited. People associated with this file include H. Fukuyama [possibly Hideo Fukuyama] (managing director), Katsuji Hamanishi (secretary), Kamekichi Tsujiuchi (president), Saichiro Maekawa [also listed as Sachiro Maekawa] (treasurer), Kyuroku Shimizu [also listed as Kiuroku Shimizu], Risuke Hamade, Shinkichi Sakai, Tomizo Yamanaka, and Naotsugu Hakoda. The file includes more extensive lists of people involved with the Association as well as lists of Japanese Canadians who owned property in Frasers Bay, Leeches Bay, Spring Cove, and Shimizu Bay.
United Commerical Travellers of America
United Church Training School
Unemployment Insurance Commission A. MacNamara, Acting Chief Commissioner. Jas. H. McVety, Regional Superintendent, Pacific Region.
上田 商店 Ueda Shouten Ueda Company
上田 商店 Ueda Shouten Ueda Store
United Grain Growers Limited
Ukrainian Hall
Ukrainian National Federation of Canada
Ukrainian National Federation of Canada, Vancouver Branch
United Marine Products Bird Commission case file numbers 71 and 1383. Custodian file number 13269. (Sources: lac_rg33-69_volume_05_file_0079 and lac_rg33-69_volume_70_file_1383.)
United Nations Commission on Human Rights
United Nations Economic and Social Council. The United Nations Commission on Human Rights was a subsidary body of ECOSOC.
Union Trading Company Limited Bird Commission case number 1396. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_74_file_1396.)
Union Trading Co, Ltd.
Union Trading Co. Ltd
Union Trading Co, Ltd.
Union Trading Co. Ltd
Union Trading Co, Ltd.
Union Trading Co. Ltd.
Union Fish Company Limited
Union Marine Supply Co ship chandlers
Union Oil CompanyLimited
Union Oil Company Ltd
Union Oil Company Ltd
ユニオン 魚店 Union Gyo-ten Union Fish Store 精肉 鮮魚 野菜Seiniku Sengyo YasaiFresh Meat, Fresh Fish, and Vegetables和洋食料品一切Wayou Shokuryouhin IssaiCarrying All Types of Japanese and Western Groceries
Union Fish Co
Union Marine Supply Co
Union Oil Company Ltd
Union That Nothing Be Lost Inc.
UNion That Nothing Be Lost, Inc.
Union Gospel Housing
Union Gospel Mission
Union Gospel Housing Society
Union Gospel Mission
Union Gospel Mission
Union Trading Company Limited
Union Trading Company Limited was associated with Union Boat Works, located at the foot of Bidwell Street [possibly 607 Bidwell Street], Vancouver, BC. People associated with this file include Toku Nakamoto (majority shareholder; nee Toku Shirakashi), Toyojiro Nakamoto (shareholder), and A.S. Smith (shareholder).
United Farmers Limited
United Church Japanese Mission Kindergarten
United Farmers Limited
United Farmers Ltd
United Farmers Limited
United Church
United Farmers Limited
United Church Japanese Mission
United Church of Canada
United Church
United Japanese Church
United Church of Canada
United Church Oriental Missions
United Church of Canada
United Poultry Co. Ltd.
Unitor Ships Service Limited
United Marine Products Limited
United Marine Products Limited may have been located in New Westminster, BC or Steveston, BC. People involved in the organization include Yozaemon Hikida (shareholder), Gihyoe Takahashi, Kiichiro Shirakawa (shareholder), and Ukiyoshi Yasui (shareholder).
Universal Sales & Service Limited
Universal Sales & Service Limited
United Nations Also see United Nations Commission on Human Rights.
University of Oxford
University Naval Training Division
University of Alberta
University of Manitoba
University of Toronto
University of Winnipeg
University of Guelph
ウオルド ホテル Uorudo Hoteru World Hotel
Urban Properties Limited
Urban Properties Limited
U.S. Department of Justice
牛島 治療院 Ushijima Jiryou-in Ushijima Clinic 神力無双糅療治 守尾式靈熱治jinchikara musoujyou ryouji mamobishiki reinechi jiryouDivine Healing Massage Two for One Deal/ Healing method that protects and heats your spirit.In the English directory this individual is listed with the occupation of massage while here the kanji 治療院 represents a clinic (calm, healing, institution) which possibly indicates that this individual practices so-called Eastern Medicine (possibly accupuncture). The above translation is an approximation based upon the meanings of the specific kanji.
The Government of the United States of America
United States War Relocation Authority
Union Trading Co. bca_gr_0435_box_48_file_436.pdf
University of Toronto Liberal Association
University of Victoria
Uyenaka Export Company Limited
Uyenaka Exports Comapany Limited was a logging and lumber business that was incorporated on 27 August 1925 and suspended operations in 1933 or 1934. People involved in the organization include Toyose Matsuyama (shareholder), Kuyze Uyenaka of 326 West 5th Avenue, Vancouver, BC (shareholder), Osame Uyenaka (shareholder and wife of Joichi Uyenaka), and Joichi Uyenaka of 207 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC (shareholder and husband of Osame Uyenaka).
Vancouver Crematorium
Vancouver Kendo Association
Vale Valley Dairy Farm
Vale Valley Dairy Farm
Vale Valley Dairy Farm
Valley Upholstering Service
Van Brothers Limited
Van Brothers Limited was a manufacturer of cider, aerated waters, and The Lions Dry Ginger Ale. It was located at 1055 Vernon Drive, Vancouver, BC and may have also operated, or operated under the name of, The Lions Mineral Water Works. People involved in the organization include Kiyoharu Kay Momose (shareholder until May 1942) and Rinehichi Harry Kuramitsu (previous shareholder).
Vancouver Accordian Factory
Vancouver Broom & Brush Manufacturing Company
Vancouver Button Works
Vancouver City Fire Warden's Office
Vancouver City Metropolitan Health Committee: Food Division
Vancouver City Oppenheimer Grounds
Vancouver City Police Department: Headquarters
Vancouver City Police Department: A Division
Vancouver Ice & Cold Storage Limited
Vancouver Longshoremens Association
Vancouver Mill Machinery Limited
Vancouver Orange Hall Co Limited
Vancouver Sailors' Home
Vancouver Sports Club
Vancouver Supply Company Limited
Vancouver County No 1
Vancouver City
Vancouver Royal Scarlet Chapter
Vancouver Imperial No 1560
Vancouver RBP No 802
Vancouver City Police Department
Vancouver City— Fire Department— Fire Warden's Office—
Vancouver City— Metropolitan Health Committee Food Division
Vancouver City— Police Department Headquarters
Vancouver City— Police Department A Division
Vancouver Ice & Cold Storage Ltd.
Vancouver Sailors Home
Vancouver Waterfront Workers Association
Vancouver City Fire Warden's Office
Vancouver City Hall No 1
Vancouver City Food Division
Vancouver City Oppenheimer Grounds
Vancouver City Police Department Headquarters
Vancouver City A Division
Vancouver Ice & Cold Storage Limited
Vancouver Mill Machinery Limited
Vancouver Pattern Works
Vancouver Sailors' Home
Vancouver Waterfront Workers' Association
Vancouver Waterfront Workers' Association Cigar Stand
Vancouver Auto Service
Vancouver City
Vancouver City Fire Warden's Office
Vancouver City Hall No 1
Vancouver City Metropolitan Health Committee Food Division
Vancouver City Police Department
Vancouver Ice & Cold Storage Ltd
Vancouver Jewelers
Vancouver Mill Machinery
Vancouver Recording Company Ltd
Vancouver Sailors' Home
Vancouver County LOL No 1 meets quarterly
Vancouver Royal Scarlet Chapter meets 3rd Monday
Vancouver Imperial LOL No 1560 meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Vancouver RBP No 802 meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Vancouver Housing Association
Vancouver City
Vancouver Mill Machinery Limited
Vancouver Public Library Second address refers to the branch of the library and the first address refers to the librarian's home.
Vancouver Sailors Home
Vancouver Shirt & Overall Manufacturing Co
Vancouver School Board
Vancouver City Council
Vancouver Civic Planning
Vancouver Parks Committee
Vancouver Metropolitan Health Committee
The Vancouver Sun
Vancouver Consulative Council
Vancouver Weighing Co Limited This entry is repeated in the directory.
Vancouver Licensing Board
Vancouver Salt Co
Vancouver Buddhist Church
Vancouver Indian Centre Society
Vancouver Indian Centre SocietY
Vancouver Financial Corporation Ltd.
Vancouver Financial Corporation Limited
Vancouver Brokerage Limited, Real Estate and Loans
Vancouver Ice and Cold Storage Limited
Vancouver Ice and Cold Storage Limited
Vancouver Ice and Cold Storage Limited
Vancouver Ice and Cold Storage Company Limited
Vancouver Ice and Cold Storage Limited
Van Cuylenborg & Gray, Barristers & Solicitors
Vancouver Nippon Kyoritsu Go-Gakko Maintenance Association Also listed as the Vancouver Japanese School of Languages Maintenance Association. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_24_file_0502)
Vancouver Nippon Kyoritsu Go-Gakko Maintenance Association
Vancouver Nippon Kyoritsu Go-Gakko Maintenance Association
Vancouver Nippon Kyoristu Go-Gakko Maintenance Association
Vancouver National Japanese School's Maintenance Association
Vancouver Financial Corporation Limited
Vancouver Jewish Kosher Poultry Society
Vancouver Investments Ltd.
Vancouver Ice and Cold Storage Limited
Vancouver Leather & Things Ltd.
Vancouver Art Metal Works Ltd.
Vancouver Securities Limited
Vancouver Housing Committee
Vancouver Japanese Welfare Association
The Vancouver Japanese Welfare Association was a branch of the Greater Vancouver Community Chest and operated from 1943 until early 1942. It conducted welfare work in the Japanese Canadian community in Vancouver and ran a tuberculosis clinic in cooperation with the City Health Department of Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Yorisaburo Uchida (vice-president).
Vancouver Shoyu Manufactuerers Limited
The Vancouver Shoyu Manufacturers’ Limited was incorporated on 23 October 1941. People involved in the organization include Koichi Takahashi (previous shareholder), Shigeo Nishimura (previous shareholder), Juzo Nishimura (previous shareholder), Mitsuo Nishimura (previous shareholder), Mohachi Uyeno (previous shareholder), Tashichi Uyeno (previous shareholder), and Sadajiro Nishizawa (previous shareholder), and Harry Ryotaro Nobuoka (applicant for incorporation).
Vancouver Paper Box Company Limited
Vancouver Paper Box Company Limited was located at 245 Union Street, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Kojiro Shoji (shareholder), Roy Eitaro Shoji (shareholder), Yoshitaro Hirano (shareholder), and Kenji Nishi (shareholder).
Vandale Logging Co. Ltd.
Van Fook Trading & Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Vancouver Presbytery United Church of Canada
Variety Shopps
Vancouver Consultative Council 1605 West 12th Avenue, Vancouver, BC.
Vancouver Chamber of Commerce
Victoria College Union Queen's Park Crescent, Toronto, Ontario.
Vancouver Dry Goods Company
Vancouver Exhibition Association
Velvet Ice Cream Central Creameries (British Columbia) Limited
Velvet Ice Cream Central Creameries (B.C.) Ltd
Verlen Holdings LTD.
Verlen Holdings LTD.
Vernon & Thompson, Barristers & Solicitors
Vernon, Thompson, Anderson & Marshall Barristers & Solicitor
Vernon & Thompson, Barristers & Solicitors
Vernon, Thompson & Anderson, Barristers & Solicitors
Vernon & Thompson, Barristers & Solicitors
Vernon & Thompson, Barristers & Solicitors
Vernon H. Hargreaves Michael C. Carr Notaries Public
Veteran's Ghost Metal
Vancouver Finance Committee
V. I. C. Housing Society
Victor Cleaners
Victoria & Vancouver Stevedoring Company Limited
Victory Rooms
Victory Rooms
Victoria & Vancouver Stevedoring Co Limited
Victory Rooms
Victory Cafe
Victoria & Vancouver Stevedoring Company Ltd
Victory Garage Ltd
Victory Rooms
Victory Storage & Transfer
Victoria Chop House
Victoria & Vancouver Stevedoring Co Limited
Victory Rooms
Victor Wholesale Cleaners
People associated with this file include Shotaro Yamakami and Genkyu Iwama.
Vancouver Island Japanese Canadian Society Vancouver Island, BC.
Vint Taylor, Real Estate & Insurance
Vinton Taylor, Real Estate & Insurance
Vioen Construction Ltd
Vita Farm Dairy
Vita Farm Dairy
Vita Farm Dairy
Vitafeed Concentrates Ltd
Vivara Industries Ltd
Vancouver Committee on Japanese Language schools A committee against Japanese Language Schools in Vancouver British Columbia. It held prominent Vancouver lawmakers such as Halford Wilson, W.J. Cornett, G. Buscombe, C. Jones and more. They believed that Japanese Language schools were Japan-government-controlled institutions, mandatory for children of Japanese descent.
Victoria Japanese Mission United Church of Canada
Vernon Japanese Mission United Church of Canada
Veterans' Land Act Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs Veterans' Land Act, 1942.See Soldier Settlement and Veterans' Land Act.
Victoria Lumber and Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Victoria Land Registry Office
Vancouver Land Registry Office
Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society Victoria branch of the NAJC cultural organization for the Victoria region.
Vancouver News-Herald Or Vancouver News Herald.
Virtue & Russell A. Gladstone Virtue and William Stafford Russell
Vogue Tailoring & Dressmaking
Virtue, Russell & Morgan
Vancouver Real Estate Exchange, Limited
Vancouver Sales & Appraisals Limited
Vancouver School Health Services
Van West Company
Vancouver Women's School for Citizenship
Wachiay Friendship Centre Aboriginal Friendship Centre in Courtney.
Wade, Whealler, McQuarrie & Martin
Waghorn, Gwynn & Co. Ltd.
Waghorn, Gwynn & Co. Limited
Wagner Engineering LTD.
Wah Loong Ltd.
若林 豆腐屋 Wakahayashi Toufu-ya Wakahayashi Tofu Shop
脇田 タキシー Wakida Takishii Wakida Taxi
脇田 商店 Wakida Shoumise Wakida Company
脇田 商店 Wakita Shouten Wakita Store
脇田 タキシー Wakita Takishii Wakita Taxi
Walco Industrial Supplies Ltd
Walker's Model Store
Walker's Model Store
Walker's Model Store
Walker's Model Store
Walker & Angell Barristers & Solicitors
Walker Building Sales Limited
Wallace Neon Ltd
Wallace Investments Limited
Wallace Holdings Limited
Wallace Investments Limited
Walsh, Bull, Housser, Tupper, Ray & Ca
Walsh Bull Housser Tupper & Molson
Walsh, Bull, Houser, Tupper, Ray & Carroll
Walsh Bull Housser Tupper Ray & Carroll
Walsh, Bull, Housser, Tupper & Molson
Walter's Jewellers
Walton & Sons Sheet Metal Works
Walvit Architectural Porcelain Limited
Watts & Perkins 126 Merchants' Exchance Building, 815 Hastings Street West, Vancouver, BC.
Wartime Prices and Trade Board
Wash House Launderette (Service Enterprises)
Watanabe Hardware
Waterfront Service Station
Waterfront Service Station
Watson Construction Ltd
W. Babcock and Company Limited
Winnipeg Co-operative Committee on Japanese Canadians C.G. Scrambler and Rev. E.W. Scott, co-chairmen of the committee.
War Claims Commission Also known as the Advisory Commission on War Claims.
War Cabinet Committee
Welfare Council of Greater Vancouver
Western Canada Hop Co-Operative Union Bird Commission case file number 483. (Source: lac_rg33-69_volume_23_file_0483)
White Canadian Research Committee
Winnipeg Civil Rights Defense
W.D. Gillespie
W.D. Gillespie
Webb & Meighen
W E Carpenter (Canada) Limited
War Expenditures Committee
Weekly Gazette
Welfare Industries of First United Church
Welfare Industries of First United Church
Wells Cartage Limited
Wells Limited
Wells Cartage Limited
Wells Limited
Wells Cartage Ltd
Wells Limited
Wells Cartage Limited
Wells Cartage Limited
Wells Limited
Wells Cartage Limited
Wells Cartage Limited
Wells Limited
Westminster Presbytery
West Coast Central Agency
West Coast Central Club
Western Cap Company Limited
Western Mat Company
Western Weighing Company
West Coast Central Agency
West Coast Central Club
Western Cap Co Ltd
West Coast Central Agency
West Coast Central Club
Western Cap Co Limited
Western Rigging Co
West Coast Central Club
West Disinfecting Company Ltd
Western Marine Supply Company Ltd
Western Mat Company (1947)
Western Parcel Service Ltd
Western Wool Stock Company Ltd
Western Marine Ltd.
Western Marine Supply Co. Ltd.
Westmar Investments Ltd
Western Marine Supply Co. Ltd.
Westmar Investments Ltd.
Westmar Investments Ltd.
Westminster Mortgage Corporation Limited
Westminster Investments LTD.
Western Exploration Co. Ltd.
Westminster Trust Company
Western United Construction Corporation Ltd
Western Equipment Ltd.
West & Hegler Realtors
Westminster Towing and Fishing Company, Limited
Western Parcel Service Ltd.
Westminster Mortgage Corporation Limited
WEstminster Mortgage Corporation Limited
Westeel-Rosco Limited
Westward Realties Limited
Westland Property Limited
Westward Realties Limited
Westland Property Limited
West Disinfecting Company
West Disinfecting Company
West Coast Holly Ltd.
Western Corrosion Engineering Ltd.
Western Corrosion Engineering Ltd.
West Coast Holdings Limited
Westminster Trust Company
Westminster Trust, Limited.
Western Stevedoring Company Limited
Western Canada Hop Cooperative Union
The Western Canada Hop Co-operative Union was located at Mission, BC. People related associated with this file include Shingo Kunimoto (president), Katsube Fukami (vice president), Sidney Zentaro Shin [Sidney Shin] (secretary), Takaichi Ikebuchi (director), Masanobu Inaba [possibly Masanobu Imaba] (director), Ichijiro Uyemura [also listed in the file as Ichijiro Ueama] (director), Kinya Hinatsu (director), Kichimatsu Mukaida (director), Kurahachi Yoshino [also listed in the file as Kurahachi Yoshimo] (director), Shikazo Osato (director), Sansuke Kawamoto (director), Tadashi Takahashi [also listed in the file as Tadachi Takahashi] (director), Torachichi Endo, and Morizo Morishige. The file contains a list of names of members of the union.
West Coast Trading Company
West Coast Trading Company may have had a warehouse at 573 East Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC. People associated with this file include Daizo Kishimoto (managing director), George Takejiro Tanaka (director), Toyoshi Kawata (director), Tameji Miyauchi (director), and Chujiro Wakabayashi (director). The file contains lists of names of Japanese Canadian shareholders.
Winnipeg Free Press
W.H. Gallagher & Co. R.F. Gallagher Successor
W. H. Gallagher & Co.
White Rooms
Whitecross Company of Canada Limited
White Rooms
White Rooms
Whitecross Company of Canada
White Rooms
Whitaker & Whitaker Real Estate, Insurance and Mortgage
Whiteside, Edmonds & Whiteside Barristers & Solicitors
White and Alexander
Whiteside Edmonds & Whiteside Barristers and Solicitors
White, Macfarlane & Co.
Whiteside Wilson & White Barristers, Solicitors &c.
Whiteside Darling Hogg & Grant Barristers & Solicitors
W. H. Moore & Co. Limited
Whonnock Ruskin Albion Japanese Farmers Association
The Whonnock, Ruskin, Albion, Japanese Farmers Association. People associated with this file include George Y. Shoji, C. Cosoka, T. Hidaka, T. Fujumara, I. Nishi, S. Wakahara, R. Nakano, Y. Miki, B. Ogama, K. Uchimaru and G. Mihara.
Wiart's Garage
Wartime Industries Control Board
Winnipegosis Creamery
Wilder, Trotter, Rodger, Barristers & Solicitors
Williams, A.R. Machinery Company of Vancouver, Limited
Williams, A.R., Machinery Company of Vancouver, Limited
Wills Oil Company
William Holden
Williams & Davie, Barristers and Solicitors
Williams, Walsh & McKim, Williams, Shaw & Walsh
William & Shakespeare, Barristers & Solicitors
William Holden
Wills Oil Co. Ltd.
William R. Walker, Esq. Barrister & Solicitor
Williams Shaw & Walsh
Williams & Murdoff Limited Brokers & Conveyancers
Williams & Murdoff
William Secora Realty
Women's International League for Peace and Freedom
Wilson Apartments
Wilson Apartments
Wilson, Senkler & Bloomfield, Solicitors
Wilson & Hitch, Barristers & Solicitors
Wilson & Whealler Barristers & Solicitors
Wilson Whealler & Symes
Wilson & Whealler
Wilson, White & Woodburn
Window Shade Emporium
Windsor Homes Limited
Wing, Stewart, Allin, Good & Adams, Barristers & Solicitors
Wing Hing Co. Ltd.
Wing, Stewart & Company
W.J. Nickel Law Office
W Johnson Sash & Door Factory Limited
Wartime Merchant Shipping Ltd. H.R. MacMillan, President
Women's Missionary Society
Wolfe-Milner and Arnell
Wolfe Milner, Thomson & Hardie
Wolff Marine Supply Ltd.
Wonnady Enterprises Ltd
Woodside Homes Ltd
Wo On Company
Wo On Co
Wo On Company
Wo On Company
Woo's Enterprises Limited
Wootton & Hankey Barristers & Solicitors
World Hotel
World Confectionery
World Hotel
Worrall, Page and Company, Barristers & Solicitors
War Relocation Authority Washington, D.C., USA.
Wright Estates Limited
W. R. Long Esq., Barrister & Solicitor
War Security Committee
Wyness & Grant
Yaarbal Investments Inc.
Yaarbal Investments Inc.
Yokioka & Co. Also listed as "Yoskioka & Co."
ヤマ タクシー Yama Takushii Yama Taxi
山下 大工 Yamashita Daiku Yamashita Carpentry
山崎 時計店 Yamazaki Tokei-mise Yamazaki Watch Store
山三 蒲鉾店 Yamasan Fuhako-mise Yamasan Fish Cakes Store Fish Cakes supplied from BC Yukon Directory 1941 entry.
山村 時計店 Yamamura Tokei-mise Yamamura Watch Store
山登 カマボツ店 Yamato Kamabotsu-mise Yamato Kamabotsu Store Kamabotsu is not a Japanese word but at the moment I am not able to determine its meaning. Also, in the BC Yukon Directory 1941 under this address only vacant is listed. It would be interesting to find out when the two directories were created to determine if the resident was removed from the area or simply moved in to the area.
山中 造船所 Yamanaka Zousen-tokoro Yamanaka Shipyard
Yama Radio electric supplies
Yama Taxi
Yamasan fish cake manufacturers
山下佐商店 Yamashitasa Shouten Yamashitasa Store
山中 撞玉場 Yamanaka Shutamaba Yamanaka Billiards
山三蒲鉾店 Yamasan Kamaboko-ten Yamasan Fish Paste Store 製造販賣 Seizou HanbaiManufacturing and Selling Fish PasteThere is a symbol with the ad that is a mountain over the kanji for three (san). I think a reference to the name.
Yamashita Shipping Company bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
山崎時計店 Yamazaki Tokei-ten Yamazaki Watch Store 時計修繕販賣 並に貴金屬商Tokei Shuuzen Hanbai Narabini KikinzokushouSelling and Reparing Watches and Clocks as well as Selling Precious Metals
ヤマタキシー Yama Takishii Yama Taxi
Yama-san whole fish cakes
Yama Taxi
Yamato Taxi
Yamashita Family
Yamamoto Silks Limited
Yamato Silks Limited was located at 460 Granville Street, Vancouver, BC. People involved in the organization include Bunjiro Uyeda (manager).
Yang, Anderson & Abraham, Barristers & Solicitors
Yarwood & Durrant, Barristers, etc.
Yamamoto Shoten
Yamamoto Silks
Yee's Confectionery
Yamato Fashion Shop and Silks
Y. Hashimoto & Y. Nakai
Y I Transfer
Your Mind and Body Vancouver, B.C.
Y.M.C.A Also known as the YMCA or the Y.
Yokohama Barber Shop bca_f0_gr0268_14_03.pdf
Yoskioka & Company
Yokohama Barber
Yokohama Barber was located at Prince Rupert, BC.
York Rooms
York Corp
York Corp
Yorkshire Guarantee and Securities Corporation Limited
Yorkshire Guarantee and Securities Corporation Limited
Yorkshire Guarantee and Securities Corporation, Ltd.
Yorkshire & Canadian Trust Limited
Yorkshire & Canadian Trust Limited
吉野 Yoshino Yoshino Restaurant Restaurant supplied from BC Yukon Directory 1941 entry.
Yoshino restaurant
Young & Gore Tugboat Co Limited dealersIt is not clear in the directory entry whether L B and L C Gore are names, but this appears to make the most sense considering their position in the entry.
Young & Gore Tugboat Co Ltd
Young & Boyd
Young & Gore Tug Boat Co Limited
Young, Reid, and Carrothers
Yokohama Specie Bank
Yuen Fong Co. Ltd.
ユニオン 魚店 Yunion Sakana-mise Union Fish Store
ユリカ ルームス Yurika Ruumusu Eureka Rooms
Zanatta Installations Limited
Zoning Committee of the Vancouver Town Planning Commission
Zilm Holdings Ltd.
Zilm Holdings Ltd
Zoning Committee



Browse Organizations
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.
Source: No source; born digital.


Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.