奥村 繁彦 事務所

奥村 繁彦 事務所

土地 家屋並に 各種 ビジネス 賣買
Tochi Kaoku Narabini Kakushu Bijinesu Baibai
Selling Land, Homes, and All Kinds of Businesses
登記 公證 手續き及び地券證に 關する 一切の調査
Touki Koushou tstsuzuki Oyobi Chikenshou Kansuru Issai no Chousai
We are able to provide services property certificates and public notice registration
各種英文契約 證書 作製 並に 對白人交渉 其他萬事懇切に 御相談に應じます
Kakushu Eibun Keiyaku Tousho Sakusei Narabini Taihakujin Koushou Sonotabanji Konsai ni Gosoudan ni Oujimasu.
We deal with all English contracts and ones against Caucasians as well. We are prepared to deal with all types of contracts.


OrgName奥村 繁彦 事務所
OrgNameOkumura Kiyoshi Jimusho
OrgNameOkumura Kiyoshi Offices
Settlement (Japanese) 晩香坡市
AddrLine (Japanese)パウエル 街 三三四
AddrLine (Japanese) 電話 パシフィック 八七一六
PlaceName (Japanese)自宅
Seg (Japanese)ハイランド 三〇六三 アール
Settlement (Romanized Japanese)Bankouba-shi
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese)Paueru Gai San San Yon
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese) Denwa Pashifikku Hachi Shichi Ichi Roku
PlaceName (Romanized Japanese)Jitaku
Seg (Romanized Japanese)Hairando San Rei Roku San Aaru
SettlementVancouver City
AddrLinePowell Street 334
AddrLine Telephone Pacific 8716
PlaceNamePersonal Residence
SegHighland 3063 L


Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.