松山 商會

松山 商會

海産物 漁網各種 輸出入商
Kaisanbutsu Gyomou Kakushu Yushutsunyuushou
Exporting and Importing Seafood and Fishing Goods of All Kinds


OrgName松山 商會
OrgNameMatsuyama Shoukai
OrgNameMatsuyama Company
Settlement (Japanese) 晩香坡市
AddrLine (Japanese)パウエル 街 四六七
AddrLine (Japanese) 電話ハイランド 〇〇五一
Settlement (Romanized Japanese)Bankouba-shi
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese)Paueru Gai Yon Roku Shichi
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese) Denwa Hairando Rei Rei Go Ichi
SettlementVancouver City
AddrLinePowell Street 467
AddrLine Telephone Highland 0051
OrgNameT. Matsuyama & Company Limited
AddrLine 467 Powell Street
SettlementVancouver, British Columbia


Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.