Block 229 Lot 12 (D:526 P:590 B:229 S: L:12 P:)
Property ID | 1129 |
Property Code | |
District | 526 |
Plan | |
Plan Code | 590 |
Block | |
Block Code | 229 |
Subdivision | |
Lot | 12 |
Parcel | |
Cencus Tract ID | |
Location ID | 7 |
Street Number | |
Street | |
Description | Block 229 Lot 12 (D:526 P:590 B:229 S: L:12 P:) |
Notes |
113903L: Certified copy of valuation included with the transfer document.
"This is a 3-storey, frame apartment building, 25x120, with board partitions throughout,
contains 16 two room suites with one bath and two toilets on each floor. Hot water
heater supplies water for bath only. The location is poor being in the Hindu area.
The building is in a rundown condition. We understand the wiring has to be renewed.
We believe it is leased to Dec. '44 at a monthly rental of $20.00 with certain repairs
to be paid by the lessee. If the rental was fixed at about $65 per month, the sale
value would be $2500."
Signed by W.G Moore of Pemberton Realty Corporation Limited, 1944-11-15
Area | 277.42 |
Titles |
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Block 229 Lot 12 (D:526 P:590 B:229 S: L:12 P:)
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