Alfred McMaster

Alfred McMaster

A.E. McMaster (born 1886 in Perth, Ontario; died 1965 in Vancouver, B.C.) was an administrator and manager who served as Executive Assistant for both the Japanese Fishing Vessel Disposal Committee in 1942 and the Advisory Committee on Japanese Properties in Greater Vancouver in 1943. Before World War II, he worked at the Powell River Company, a pulp and paper manufacturer, from 1921 to 1936, serving as the vice president and general manager of the company by the time he left. Departing his position as executive assistant to the urban property committee, McMaster was appointed Associate Wood Fuel Controller for the Department of Munitions and Supply by Order-in-Council P.C. 1943-5490 and, after the war, served as the manager for the Port of Vancouver from 1948-1955. (Source: Kimura Appendix)
shears fonds, box 6, file 1, parts 1 and 2 (Bird Commission General Evidence)


Regularized NameAlfred McMaster


Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.