Date Line Photo Scrapbook
Title Proper | Date Line Photo Scrapbook |
Date(s) of material from this resource digitized | 1961–1963 |
General material designation |
This file has an indeterminable GMD—digital object is not available at this time.
Scope and content |
This file consists of one photograph album titled Date Line Photo Scrapbook likely
created by John Eiji Tonomura. The album consists of photographs from the early 1960s
when the Tonomura family returned to Canada. Featured in the album are photographs
of the family and friends in places around Vancouver and BC, such as: the Lions Gate
Bridge, the CPR Dock, inside restaurants, at their family home, Nanaimo and Victoria
ferry terminals, the Pacific National Exhibition PNE; and also include photographs
from a trip to Seattle in the USA.
Name of creator |
Tonomura family
created these records.
Immediate source of acquisition |
The digital copies of the records were acquired by the Landscapes of Injustice Research
Collective between 2014 and 2018.
This record was not digitized.
Repository | Nikkei National Museum |
Fonds | Tonomura Family collection |
Series | Photographs |
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Date Line Photo Scrapbook
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.
Source: Nikkei National Museum
Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese
Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment
and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes
of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological
choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice.
See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.