George Peters to Mr. Mangiro Kurahashi, 06 August 1945
Copy for Mr. Shears
We are in receipt of your letter of July 28th. This has been carefully read and we can appreciate that the disposal of your property
is a matter of great personal concern to you. However, the sale of all Japanese owned
properties is being carried out as a part of a policy of liquidation outlined by the
Canadian Government on the basis of independent appraised values.
This office desires to make a complete review of your file in order to report fully
concerning your affairs. This review will cause a little delay, but in the meantime,
we enclose a cheque in your favor, for
, which we trust will meet your present needs. The acceptance of this cheque will
not prejudice any rights which you have.
Your letter is being placed on our files so your comments in regard to this sale will
remain on record.
cc. to the Department of Labour, Japanese Division.
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George Peters to Mr. Mangiro Kurahashi, 06 August 1945
Encoder: Ariel Merriam
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.
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