Mrs. Tsurukichi Takemoto to Mr. H F Green, 05 September 1946
P.O. Box 581
,Greenwood, B.C.
Sept. 5, 1946.
File Nos. 6689, 4009, 10438
Protection Dept.,
Dept. of the Secretary of State,
Office of the Custodian,
506 Royal Bank Bldg.
Hastings & Granville,Vancouver, B.C.
Dear Sir:
I am in receipt of you letter of May 19, 1945, in which you state that our belongings were sold, for the net total of three hundred and twenty five dollars. The chattels of the premises do not belong to Mr. I Shigematsu but only to ourselves.
I did not answer until now because your letter just made me mad enough not answer.
Why did you sell without even consulting us. Isn't the method you're using like the Nazis? Do you think it is democratic? No: I certainly think you're just like the Fascists
confiscating people's property, chasing them out of their homes, sending them out
to a kind of a concentration camp, special registration cards, permits for travelling.
Don't you think this is the method used in dictatorship countries. Democracy means
no racial discrimination, or is it the very opposite. It certainly seems that way
to me.
You did not even send us a letter asking us if wanted to sell or not did you? The
total amound you sold our goods for is three hundred and sixty four dollars and twenty five cents. And the expenses. Auctioneers fee; advertising; moving; Who ordered you to do this?
I know I didn't! Even though the government has power, has it the power to sell Canadian
citizens' goods. I don't think there is any law to do that.
All the goods you sold, we would have gladly paid the freight if you sent it to us.
These things are very valuable to us. The Japanese dishes, trays, etc., are not what
you think they are. The total cost of the property we had in the premises is about
$3500.00. What do you think about that: Will you please tell me about how much is credited
to my account?
This letter states that I did not wish you to sell my property at this terrible low
rate. Please answer as soon as possible to my inquiry.
Thank you very much for your immediate attention.
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Mrs. Tsurukichi Takemoto to Mr. H F Green, 05 September 1946
Encoder: Josie Gray
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.
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