Kichiro Sogawa to Dept. of the Sec'y Department of the Secretary of State, Office of the Custodian, 09 September 1947

Kichiro Sogawa to Dept. of the Sec'y Department of the Secretary of State, Office of the Custodian, 09 September 1947

Copy for Mr. Shears
7 Orde Street, Toronto, Ontario September 9th, 1947
ATTENTION: Mr. B R Dusenbury
Dept. of the Sec'y of State,
506 Royal Bank Bldg. Vancouver, B.C.
Re:- File No. 4207
Reg. No. 01770
Dear Sir:-
I am in receipt of your cheque for One Hundred Ninety-Three Dollars and Ninety Cents ($193.90) and statements of Sale of Real Property and chattels of 473 Powell St. Vancouver . But be it recorded in your file that I am not fully satisfied with the sales and it's proceedings, and am not acknowledging the cheque of $193.90 as a full amount of the sales.
As you yourself know that when we were forced out of Vancouver, we have registered with you the real property and the list of detailed and valued goods of 473 Powell St., to be under your care and responsibility during our absence. I believe that once we have registered and gave up our keys to our house and belongings to you, it is strictly your responsibility in seeing that everything were safe and intact and whatever loss there were through your negligence of faulty mismanagement, we are at least entitled to some compensation.
The statement you enclosed is very vague. Please send me the list of detailed expenditures which has amounted to $230.07 in your listed desbursements for the three years.
Regarding the taxes, I see that in August 27 of 1943 there is “on account 1943 taxes $100.00 ”, then on September 29 of the same year “balance 1943 taxes $53.81 ”, bringing the total tax for the year of 1943 $153.81. On De.21, 1944 “1944 taxes $72.48 ”. Then on a Statement of Real Estate under the adjustments, I see taxes $14.10 as of March 13, 1945. This tax if taken for a full year would amount to about $56.40. Will you kindly illucidate on why there are so much differences in taxes from year to year on such a property that was sold for $1100.00.
In Page two of your letter, you state that our chattels were removed to your warehouse and that certain items were sold. Please list what articles are still in your warehouse as you have not stated all articles were sold.
So you see, as you have written that the statements were general, you must agree that they were too general, if not too vague.
Respectfully yours,
File 4207



Kichiro Sogawa to Dept. of the Sec'y Department of the Secretary of State, Office of the Custodian, 09 September 1947


Encoder: Josie Gray
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.


Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.