須知佛恩 佛敎 會

須知佛恩 佛敎 會

Consulting with a native Japanese speaker, they told me that this kani, 須知佛恩, is most likely referring to Steveston because there is no word in Japanese and the listing in the directory is referring to a buddhist church in Steveston.


OrgName須知佛恩 佛敎 會
OrgNameSuchibuon Butsukyoukai
OrgNameSteveston Buddhist Church
Settlement (Japanese)ステブストン
AddrLine (Japanese)郵便凾 二九四
AddrLine (Japanese) 電話 一五四
Settlement (Romanized Japanese)Sutebusuton
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese)Yubinbako Ni Kyuu Yon
AddrLine (Romanized Japanese) Denwa Ichi Go Yon
PostBoxPostbox 294
AddrLine Telephone 154


Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.