Reel C-9310

Reel C-9310

Case File # Name Page Range
# 681 Yoichi Minamimaye 1-3
# 689 Denkichi Mizuguchi 4-41
# 690 Setsuo Kanegawa 42-56
# 691 Yoshio Kochi 57-117
# 681_xi Kiyoshi Tsubouchi 118-182
# 682 Masatsugu Ikeda 183-189
# 682_xi Haruhiko Tateishi 190-213
# 683 Isamu Shinde 214-253
# 683_xi Masahiko Tateishi 254-290
# 684 Torakichi Ikeda 291-449
# 684_xi Eizo Takenaka 450-464
# 685 Tomotaro Tsuchiya 465-507
# 686 Toyoshi Ikeda 508-518
# 686_xi Akira Takahashi 519-526
# 687 Yone Kariya 527-590
# 688 Heisuke Kaneko 591-604
# 605-642
# 643-657
# 658-718
# 691_xi Tamotsu Uyeyama 719-723
# 692 Kimiko Kanayama 724-730
# 692_xi Kiyoshi Uyeno 731-756
# 693 Osamu Atagi 757-777
# 694 Jiro Kanaya 778-788
# 694_xi Kazuo Yoshikuni 789-807
# 695 Togiro Izumi 808-824
# 695_xi Kenichi Yamashita 825-844
# 696 Yasutaki Kanashiro 845-852
# 697 Yonezo Nishihama 853-884
# 697_xi Jinye Yamada 885-890
# 698 Taro Kanashiro 891-900
# 699 Matsuo Shimano 901-939
# 699_xi Eiichi Yoshikuni 940-959
# 700 Seiichi Kanashige 960-972
# 700_xi Kinjiro Yamamura 973-984
# 701 Kamematsu Murakami 985-1064
# 702 Otokichi Kamimura 1065-1076
# 702_xi Tadayoshi Yokota 1077-1088
# 703 Hajime Shiga 1089-1113
# 704 Shigetoshi Kameda 1114-1135
# 704_xi Yoshikazu Yoshida 1136-1149
# 705 Kiyozo Oda 1150-1199
# 705_xi Isamu Yoshida 1200-1206
# 706 Ritsuko Kameda 1207-1250
# 706_xi Kazumi Yoshikuni 1251-1274
# 707 Gihei Hikida 1275-1322
# 708 Harry Kameda 1323-1353
# 709 Sadakichi Hayashi 1354-1427
# 710 Masao Kameda 1428-1439
# 711 Akira Iwasaki 1440-1493
# 712 Kazuyasu Kamai 1494-1498
# 713 Thomas Kuwabara 1499-1504
# 714 Shigekazu Kamachi 1505-1521
# 715 Tsutomu Shimizu 1522-1532
# 716 Moto Ennyu 1533-1535
# 717 Otokichi Onishi 1536-1571
# 718 Tadashi Kadowaki 1572-1585
# 718_xi Takeo Mori 1586-1597
# 719 George Hasegawa 1598-1607
# 720 Misao Kadowaki 1608-1612
# 721 Toshiko Nagai 1613-1623
# 722 Hiroshi Kadowaki 1624-1628
# 723 Ayako Hasegawa 1629-1646
# 723_xi Teizo Yamamoto 1647-1685
# 724 Tomojiro Kadonaga 1686-1710
# 725 Mary Okamoto 1711-1715
# 726 Tsunekichi Fukami 1716-1726
# 726_xi Masaji Ichiiwa 1727-1740
# 727 Yaeki Nakamura 1741-1748
# 728 Shimataro Izumi 1749-1757
# 728_xi Fukuya Noda 1758-1765
# 729 Taki Nakamura 1766-1773
# 729_xi Tanematsu Okubo 1774-1781
# 730_xi Katsumi Nakada 1782-1796
# 731 Hideo Takahashi 1797-1820
# 731_xi Tameo Kanbara 1821-1830
# 732 Bunshiro Iwasa 1831-1865
# 733 Hisashi Kutsukake 1866-1902
# 734 Bunyei Iwanami 1903-1913
# 735 Fred Kozuki 1914-1955



Reel C-9310
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Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.