Reel C-9340

Reel C-9340

Case File # Name Page Range
# 3898 Akira Mori 1-8
# 3899 Eikichi Nakashima 9-70
# 3900 Isamu Mori 71-78
# 3901 Sadaichi Hirayama 79-125
# 3902 Yaeko Kitade 126-133
# 3904 Mitsu Iwasaki 134-145
# 3905 Seiki Nagami 146-155
# 3906 Tsuru Hirota 156-158
# 3907 Genjiro Kuroda 159-217
# 3908 Kiyoko Hamade 218-226
# 3909 Giichiro Sekine 227-271
# 3910 Taki Hamade 272-277
# 3911 Otokichi Murakami 278-340
# 3912 Toshiye Hoshiko 341-403
# 3913 Shinji Sato 404-503
# 3914 Masajiro Takahashi 504-552
# 3915 Yotaro Kawasoye 553-595
# 3916 Hisao Suga 596-645
# 3917 Asamatsu Murakami 646-766
# 3918 Saburo Shigehiro 767-874
# 3919 Senkichi Nishi 875-933
# 3920 Sunae Yesaki 934-936
# 3921 Mokichi Kitagawa 937-1121
# 3922 Katsuko Okada 1122-1124
# 3923 Keizo Fukumoto 1125-1209
# 3924 Ryohei Yoshida 1210-1213
# 3925 Masaichi Kakino 1214-1258
# 3926 Toshiko Sassa 1259-1261
# 3927 Arimoto Ikeda 1262-1282
# 3928 Nobuko Sassa 1283-1285
# 3929 Tsunetaro Koyama 1286-1384
# 3930 Shina Suga 1385-1391
# 3931 Teruo Nagai 1392-1408
# 3932 Tayeko Sassa 1409-1412
# 3933 Suteo Yamamura 1413-1518
# 3934 Yoshio Sassa 1519-1522
# 3935 Masao Takahashi 1523-1533
# 3936 Yasue Yasui 1534-1537
# 3937 Jiroichi Shinde 1538-1562
# 3938 Hideo Takahashi 1563-1566
# 3939 Motoko Sakamoto 1567-1605
# 3940 Kashiku Nagai 1606-1609
# 3941 Senji Eto 1610-1715
# 3942 Masao Ujiye 1716-1720
# 3943 Hideo Takaoka 1721-1779
# 3944 Atsuko Suga 1780-1783
# 3945 Jitsutaro Mimura 1784-1861
# 3946 Mary Hirasawa 1862-1864
# 3947 Otoichi Shigehiro 1865-2006
# 3948 Setsuyo Tashima 2007-2010
# 3949 Minoru Orida 2011-2048



Reel C-9340
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Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.