Reel C-9353

Reel C-9353

Case File # Name Page Range
# 5132 Naka Matsumoto 17-24
# 5133 Ikutaro Konishi 25-122
# 5134 Toshi Matsumoto 123-169
# 5135 Yoshi Kadonaga 170-235
# 5136 Hidekichi Anpi 236-249
# 5138 Toramatsu Omotani 250-273
# 5139 Kikumatsu Sumi 274-346
# 5140 Tetsu Kadonaga 274-346
# 5141 Bungoro Minamide 395-474
# 5142 Yasutare Nakauchi 475-490
# 5143 James Sumi 491-583
# 5144 Yoriki Iwasaki 584-663
# 5145 Minoru Furutani 664-669
# 5146 Kazue Oye 670-805
# 5147 Masako Ohori 806-814
# 5148 Shigetoshi Takahashi 815-859
# 5149 Chikako Ohori 860-864
# 5150 Morio Sanmiya 865-1000
# 5151 George Hirose 1001-1115
# 5153 Magoichi Okamura 1116-1131
# 5155 Mitsu Okamura 1132-1141
# 5156 Tsuma Nishii 1142-1176
# 5157 Masayuki Kanai 1177-1207
# 5158 Toru Kadonaga 1208-1297
# 5159 Sute Kaga 1298-1320
# 5160 Genzaburo Nakamura 1321-1451
# 5161 Hanayo Sora 1452-1469
# 5162 Masajiro Minamide 1470-1580
# 5163 Yutetsu Kawamura 1581-1651
# 5164 Kumajiro Konishi 1652-1772
# 5165 Shigeshi Shudo 1773-1780
# 5166 Kumazo Nagata 1781-2007
# 5167 Naojiro Kamada 2008-2019
# 5168 Hanayo Furutani 2014-2019
# 5169 Hiromi Tasaka 2020-2030
# 5170 Kiyoshi Ohori 2031-2036
# 5171 Jimpei Tasaka 2037-2059
# 5172 Jintaro Teraoka 2060-2064
# 5173 Rinuemon Tsutsumi 2065-2073
# 5174 Rokuro Suzuki 2074-2078
# 5175 Hideo Tainaka 2079-2113
# 5176 Masami Oikawa 2114-2134
# 5177 Kinuye Teramura 2135-2156
# 5178 Masayoshi Okamura 2157-2162
# 5179 Morisuki Tsumagari 2163-2173
# 5180 Tsukasa Nakamura 2174-2208
# 5181 Nobuo Yoshihara 2209-2273
# 5183 Itaro Kaino 2274-2304
# 5184 Moshio Shikaze 2305-2361
# 5185 Jukichi Sora 2362-2383
# 5186 Kami Oyama 2384-2390
# 5187 Kijuro Inouye 2391-2451



Reel C-9353
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Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.