Reel C-9371

Reel C-9371

Case File # Name Page Range
# 6980 Tamotsu Kosaka 1-19
# 6981 Robert Kosaka 20-104
# 6982 Masaru Kosaka 105-147
# 6983 Yujiro Isoshima 148-207
# 6984 Sozo Mochizuki 208-252
# 6985 Yoemon Oikawa 253-321
# 6986 Nisa Mochizuki 322-359
# 6987 Kensuke Kosaka 360-396
# 6988 Keiichi Ikeda 397-436
# 6989 Matsuichi Seo 437-467
# 6990 Torakichi Isoshima 468-505
# 6991 Kazuta Ryoji 506-572
# 6992 Gensuke Yamasaki 573-609
# 6993 Eiji Shishido 610-640
# 6994 Matsutaro Kosaka 641-658
# 6995 Yoshitaro Imada 659-706
# 6996 Kaichi Imada 707-836
# 6997 Teiichi Hamagaki 837-849
# 6999 George Tamura 850-869
# 7000 Hideaki Hirowatari 870-941
# 7001 Toshikuni Hirowatari 942-969
# 7002 Toshio Kusayanagi 970-998
# 7004 Mototaro Makino 1126-1191
# 7005 Yoichi Nagai 1192-1501
# 7006 Hidesaburo Nagai 1502-1604
# 7007 Manjiro Nagai 1605-1705
# 7008 Ichiji Aomoto 1706-1779
# 7009 Tsunaye Shishikura 1780-1787
# 7010 Masakichi Murabayashi 1788-1794
# 7011 Zenkuro Kitamura 1795-1806
# 7012 Yoshito Takahashi 1807-1816
# 7013 Mataichi Okimura 1817-1823
# 7014 Hanaye Isoki 1824-1830
# 7016 Roy Handa 1831-1835
# 7017 Richard Matsui 1836-1841
# 7018 Kanekichi Furugori 1842-1859
# 7019 Shimeo Imamoto 1860-1865
# 7020 Akira Kono 1866-1871
# 7021 Sadao Kanamoto 1872-1879
# 7022 Edward Mochitsuki 1880-1888
# 7023 Haruko Uyeda 1889-1895
# 7024 Masaye Minato 1896-1902
# 7025 Tsugio Iwasa 1903-1938
# 7026 Eizo Tanaka 1939-1943
# 7027 Umeko Minato 1944-1948
# 7028 Tsunejiro Nishikawa 1949-1969
# 7029 Harumi Tadokoro 1970-1988
# 7030 Masuye Nakatani 1989-2018
# 7031 Masa Nishikawa 2019-2027
# 7032 Yoichi Sumi 2028-2048
# 7033 Kazuo Kajiwara 2049-2089
# 7034 Koei Mitsui 2090-2211
# 7035 Takekuma Kijima 2212-2216
# 7036 Toshi Hyodo 2217-2448
# 7037 Uta Ohori 2449-2539



Reel C-9371
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Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.