J McGurdy to J. A. Motherwell, 10 March 1942
Tashota. March 10th. 1942.
The Deputy Minister,
Department of Fisheries,
Parliament Buildings,
Victoria, B.C.
Dear Sir,
Several friends of mine and myself are Commercial Fishermen, having spent most of
our lives fishing on Lake Superior and other inland lakes in the District.
With your province moving the Japs out of your fishing industry. We are wondering if it would be worth our while moving out to your country. Would
it be possible for us to pick up some of those Jap outfits? Most of us run our own
outfits or at least are working outfits on shares, We are Scotch Swedes and Icelanders.
We would appreciate very much if you would give us what information you can as soon
as possible where you think we might fit in.
At present we are engaged in winter fishing through the ice, this season closes here
about the middle of April, and our summer fishing, tugs and other craft starts early
in May. If we move at all we would want to leave here shortly after we finish our
winter season.
Thanking you.
Yours very truly
J McGurdy
John G. McKirdy,
Tashota, Ont.
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J McGurdy to J. A. Motherwell, 10 March 1942
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