RG27 O1 Volume 0658 File 23-2-17-2-1

RG27 O1 Volume 0658 File 23-2-17-2-1


Title Proper RG27 O1 VOLUME 0658 FILE 23-2-17-2-1
Date(s) of material from this resource digitized 1947
General material designation
From this file, LOI has digitized one textual record or image.
Scope and content
This file consists of Volume No. 1 of a Department of Labour file titled "Tashme Segregation Centre"; the file is listed as extending to 15 April 1947. It comprises correspondence, agreements, proposals, claims, and other documents relating to the "Tashme settlement" and Japanese Canadians in Tashme. The majority of these documents concern the sale of logs/timber/lumber; the sale of property, real estate and personal; property damage and repair; the Tashme Hospital building and its equipment; the "Tashme Housing Project"; the process and procedure of releasing and transporting Japanese Canadians from the "Japanese Relocation Camp" in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan to Vancouver, British Columbia by the RCMP; the situations of Japanese Canadian families in Tashme, including that of Sukeji Takasaki and Tomizo Hashimoto regarding their transfer and requests to cancel their applications for "repatriation"; the apprehension, incarceration, withdrawal of a charge against, and return to Tashme of Francis Magami, a Japanese Canadian man, by the RCMP; the establishing of Angler as another "relocation centre"; the "closing" of the "Tashme settlement"; the educational system in Tashme; and intercepted communications of Japanese Canadians that were deemed political by the Department of National War Services, Directorate of Censorship.
Name of creator
Canada. Department of Labour created this archive.
Immediate source of acquisition
The digital copies of the records were acquired by the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective between 2014 and 2018.
The digitization level of this record is unknown.



RG27 O1 Volume 0658 File 23-2-17-2-1
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.


Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.