Browse Team
The team index is organized by name. Each team member has a brief biography describing
their particular role in the LOI project and how their work contributed to the digital
Name | Note |
Mike Abe | Mike Abe worked as the Project Manager for the Landscapes of Injustice Project. |
Natsuki Abe | Natsuki Abe worked as a research assistant in the project office and in the Digital Archives cluster. |
Anonymous | An anonymous team member. |
Will Archibald | Will Archibald worked as a research assistant working in the Government Records cluster. |
Stewart Arneil | Stewart Arneil is the manager of UVic's HCMC and worked as the co-chair of the Community Records cluster and of the Digital Archives cluster and is the technical consultant on website development, deployment and maintenance. |
Elgantina Bacaj-Gondia | Elgantina Bacaj-Gondia worked as a research assistant in the Oral History cluster. |
Kaitlyn Berry | Kaitlyn Berry is a staff member of the HCMC and worked on the oral histories for the Exiles project. |
Beth Carter | Beth Carter worked as a co-chair of the Community Records cluster. |
Alissa Cartwright | Alissa Cartwright worked as a research assistant in the Community Records cluster in 2015. |
Lauren Chalaturnyk | Lauren Chalaturnyk was a research assistant with the legal history cluster. |
Erin Chan | Erin Chan worked as a research assistant in the Digital Archive cluster in 2019 and 2020. |
Tess Elsworthy | Tess Elsworthy worked as a research assistant in the Provincial Records cluster. |
Kaitlin Findlay | Kaitlin Findlay began as a research assistant in the Government Records cluster and later became the Research Co-Ordinator of the project. |
Kyla Fitzgerald | Kyla Fitzgerald worked as a research assistant in the Oral History cluster. |
Alicia Fong | Alicia Fong worked as a research assistant in the Oral History cluster. |
Elizabeth Fujita-Kwan | Elizabeth worked as the Co-rep for the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre. |
Sydney Fuhrman | Sydney Fuhrman worked as a research assistant in the Provincial Records cluster. |
Josie Gray | Josie Gray worked as a research assistant in the Community Records Research cluster in 2015. |
Camille Haisell | Camille Haisell worked as a research assistant in the Provincial Records cluster. |
Nathaniel Hayes | Nathaniel Hayes worked as a research assistant in the Community Records cluster in 2014 and in the Digital Archives cluster in 2019 and 2020. He had additional responsibilities in marking up and proofing Japanese language texts. |
Martin Holmes | Martin Holmes is a programmer/consultant at UVic's HCMC who wrote much of the code to process the land titles and consulted on other programming aspects of the project. |
Zoe Hong | Zoe Hong worked as a Research Assitant in the Digital Archives cluster in 2020 on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Peter Hur | Peter Hur worked as a research assistant working with the oral history cluster. |
Stacey Inouye | Stacey Inouye volunteered for the Landscapes of Injustice project. |
Masumi Izumi | Masumi Izumi did interviews for the Exiles project. |
Lindsey Jacobson | Lindsey Jacobson worked as a research assistant in the Digital Archives cluster and coordinated volunteers at the Nikkei National Museum in 2019 and 2020. |
Jayson Jap | Jayson Jap worked as a Research Assitant in the Digital Archives cluster in 2020 on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Sydney Kadagies | Sydney worked as a Research Assistant in the Legal Spotlight for the PWFC project. |
Keiko Kaneko | Keiko Kaneko translated the Japanese oral histories from the Kage Collection to English between in 2023. The collection is from the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre. |
Stan Kirk | |
Adam Kostrich | Adam Kostrich worked as a research assistant in the Government Records cluster. |
Elena Kusaka | Elena worked as a research assistant in the Oral History cluster. |
Labove Joshua | Joshua Labove worked as a research assistant in the Oral History cluster from 2014-17. |
Jennifer Landrey | Jennifer Landrey worked as a research assistant in the Digital Archives cluster in 2019 working with the oral history collection. |
Gordon Lyall | Gordon Lyall worked as a research assistant in the Provincial Records cluster in 2016 and as a member of the Digital Archives cluster in 2018 through 2020. He had additional responsibilities for programming, diagnostics and workflow management of the data files. |
Kiyoye Marangos | Kiyoye Marangos volunteered as a photographer in the Emma Nishimura interview. |
Lindy Marks | Lindy Marks worked as a research assistant in the Digital Archives cluster in 2019 and 2020, managing the workflow for data preparation of the Custodian Case Files. |
Ariel Merriam | Areil Merriam worked as a research assistant in the Community Records Research cluster in 2015. |
Galen Murray | Galen Murray worked as a research assistant in the Community Records Research cluster in 2014. |
Carolyn Nakagawa | Carolyn Nakagawa conducted multiple interviews for the Oral Histories cluster. She is the Culture, Education, and Programs Coordinator at the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre. |
Greg Newton | Greg Newton configured server infrastructure for the project and processed many of the raw media files into pdfs for download. |
Connell Parish | Connell Parish worked as a research assistant in the Legal History cluster in 2018 and 2019. |
Alexander Pekic | Alexander Pekic worked as a research assistant in the Oral History cluster. |
Heather Read | Heather Read worked as a research assistant in the Oral History cluster. |
Esther Rzeplinski | Esther Rzeplinski worked as a research assistant in the Provincial Records cluster. |
Rebeca Salas | Rebeca Salas worked as a research assistant in the Oral History cluster from 2016-17 and the Land Title Research cluster in 2015. |
Emma Sjerven | Emma Sjerver transcribed the English oral histories from the Kage Collection and Sunahara Collection between 2022-2023. The collections are from the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre. |
Patrick Szpak | Pat Szpak worked as the user interface designer and programmer for the Digital Archives cluster. |
Jordan Stanger-Ross | Jordan Stanger-Ross worked as the project director of Landscapes of Injustice. |
Momoye Sugiman | Momoye Sugiman worked as a Research Assistant in the Oral History cluster. |
Pamela Sugiman | Pamela Sugiman worked as the chair of the Oral History cluster. |
Sakura Taji | Sakura Taji transcribed oral histories from the Sunahara Collection and the Japanese oral histories from the Kage Collection between 2021-2023. The collections are from the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre. |
Joey Takeda | Joey Takeda worked as a programmer contracted by HCMC on behalf of the Digital Archives cluster as the primary creator of the archival site. |
Monique Ulysses | Monique worked as a research assistant in the legal history cluster. |
Lisa Uyeda | Lisa is Collections Manager at at the Nikkei National Museum and worked as the Co-chair of the Community Resources and Digital Archives clusters. |
Trevor Wideman | Trevor worked as a Research Assistant in the Community Records and Museum Exhibit clusters. |
Nicole Yakashiro | Nicole Yakashiro worked as a research assistant in the Government Records and Community Records cluster. |
Erin Yaremko | Erin Yaremko worked as a research assistant in the Oral History cluster in 2014-16. |
Aiying Yuan | Aiying Yuan worked as a Research Assitant in the Digital Archives cluster in 2020. She also volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
LOI Oral History Cluster | The LOI Oral History cluster was a research cluster active from 2014 to 2017. The cluster chair was Pamela Sugiman, and the cluster had many research assistants: Kyla Fitzgerald, Joshua Labove, Erin Yaremko, Peter Hur, Heather Read, Eglantina Bacaj-Gondia, Momoye Sugiman, Alicia Fong, Robyn Otto, Rebeca Salas, Elena Kusaka, and Alexander Pekic. They performed multiple oral history interviews and transcribed a number of these interviews for future research. |
NNM Volunteers | Volunteers from NNM. |
Ophelie Alvaro | Ophelie Alvaro volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Nyati Arora | Nyati Arora volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Peter Birkwood | Peter Birkwood volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Mandy Choie | Mandy Choie volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Daniel Hsu | Daniel Hsu volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Wendy Fang | Wendy Fang volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Emiko Newman | Emiko Newman volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Karlene Ooto-Stubbs | Karlene Ooto-Stubbs volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Daniela Sauer | Daniela Sauer volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Marina de Souza | Marina de Souza volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Isabelle D. Tupas | Isabelle D. Tupas volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
Alex Yodistra | Alex Yodistra volunteered at the Nikkei National Museum working on Office of the Custodian case file metadata. |
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Browse Team
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.
Source: No source; born digital.
Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese
Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment
and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes
of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological
choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice.
See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.