Koseki and pedigree chart of Ishikawa family
Title Proper | Koseki and pedigree chart of Ishikawa family |
Date(s) of material from this resource digitized | 1868– |
General material designation |
This file has an indeterminable GMD—digital object is not available at this time.
Scope and content |
The file consists of three koseki, or Japanese family registries and one pedigree
chart done by Chad Ishikawa. The pedigree chart includes births, deaths and marriages
if known. The chart includes names of Chad's parents Katsuko Kinjo and Noboro Ishikawa.
Noboru's parents are Isamu Ishikawa and Sadako Okue. Katsuko's parents are Kosei Kinjo
and Masako Akimine from Okinawa. Other ancestors include: Jusuke Ishikawa and Tame
Hirotsu, Mitsuzo and Ito Ikue, Masukichi and Kamado Kinjo, and Sadakichi Hirotsu and
Yoshida Sumida, Jinkichi Akimine & Kana Toma.
The Hirotsu Koseki (family registry) in Japanese has been translated to English. Kanezo
Hirotsu is listed as the former head of household at 3608 Ihosho Mura, Kumage Gun,
Yamaguchi prefecture. Kanezo & Son's son, Sadakichi and Yoshi's daughter is Tame Hirotsu,
wife of Jusuke Ishikawa. Other names mentioned are: Kazuyoshi, Taka, Riki, Chiyoko,
Tamotsu, Isamu, Fumiyo, and Tadao Hirotsu. The registry was certified on December
3, 1916.
The Ishikawa Koseki (family registry) in Japanese has been translated into English.
Jusuke Ishikawa is listed as head of household at 3595 Ihosho Mura, Kumage gun, Yamaguchi
prefecture, second son of Matsubei and mother Take. Wife Tame Hirotsu is the second
daughter of Kanezo and Sono Hirotsu. Jusuke and Tame adopted Isamu Ishikawa. Isamu
is the 4th son of Sadakichi Hirotsu and wife Yoshi Sumida. The registry was certified
by Shuichi Hirotsu, chief of the village, January 30, 1924.
The Yoshii Koseki (family registry) in Japanese has been translated to English. Gensuke
Yoshii is listed as head of household at 316 Azuki Mura, Kumage gun, Yamaguchi prefecture.
Listed are Gensuke and Kamu's (second daughter of Saibei Hirotsu) children: Torakichi,
Seisuke, Shinkichi, Nobu, Haru, and Masa. Kimi and Torakichi (second son of Gensuke)'s
children are Yoshie, Haruo, and Michie Yoshii. The Koseki was certified by Katsuyoshi
Ura of Azuki Mura, Kumage gun, Yamaguchi prefecture on February 23, 1911.
It is unknown of the relationship to the Ishikawa family.
Name of creator |
Jusuke Ishikawa
was born Sept 10, 1867 in Ihonosho, Yamaguchi, Japan. He came to Canada in 1899.
In 1909 he spent $75.00 on his first installment of land in Port Hammond where he
had a logging crew. Eventually he cleared the land and had a strawberry farm. He married
Tame Hirotsu after buying rings from Birks in 1909.
Immediate source of acquisition |
No digital copies of the records were acquired by the Landscapes of Injustice Research
Collective between 2014 and 2018.
Repository | Nikkei National Museum |
Fonds | Ishikawa Family collection |
Series | Original documents relating to Jusuke Ishikawa |
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Koseki and pedigree chart of Ishikawa family
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.
Source: Nikkei National Museum
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