Browse Custodian Case Files: Organization


Browse Custodian Case Files: Organization

Visitors can browse the case files by surname of individuals, as well as by businesses, estates, trusts, families, and organizations. Information provided includes the case file number, a name associated with that case file, birth date (if an individual), gender (as indicated by the creators of the file), and a summary of the file. Each case file number is unique. When a user clicks on a case file number, they will be taken to that file’s site page. Clicking on a name will launch a pop-up containing information about that name including shared surnames and other records that the individual or organization is associated with. Within the description of each case file is information about property and family members.
Case File Number Name
12556 Yamamoto Silks Limited
10613 West Coast Trading Company
10526 Nippon Kyoritsu Go Gakko
7839 Japanese Buddhist Church
13605 Silks Limited
13509 Trustees Of The Maple Ridge Buddha Mission
7717 Japanese School House
4219 Steveston Japanese Womens Society
12811 Kitsilano Buddhist Mission
10988 Fairview Buddhist Church
12844 Haney Box Company Limited
11556 Bc Purchasers Cooperative Association
13806 Japan And Canada Trust Savings Company
12902 Pitt Meadows Japanese Farmers Association
12935 The Mutual Aid Group
13092 Tofino Trollers Coop Association
12938 The Hompa Buddhist Temple
13093 Safety Garage Company Limited
13094 Mayo Brothers Timber Company
13095 K Takahashi And Company Limited
13096 Export Sales Company Limited
12091 Furuya Company Limited
13098 Fred Mcnair Shingle Company
12192 Farmers Products Distribution Company Limited
13099 Kinka Kyowa Kwai
13110 Kawade Box Company
12194 Independent Towing Company
15750 Powell Lumber And Fuel Company
15641 Hompa Ymba Athletic Club
13199 Bukyo Fujin Kai
12195 Clever Maid Manufacturing Company
15751 Western Canada Hop Cooperative Union
13200 C F D Kokin
15642 South Fraser Young Peoples Society
13102 Acme Importers And Exporters Limited
12196 Canadian Japanese Association
15730 Milner Japanese Community Hall
15752 Maple Ridge Cooperative Produce Exchange
10396 Surrey Berry Growers Cooperative Association
13103 Advance Manufacturing Company Limited
13048 Steveston Congregation Of The United Church Of Canada
15720 Ucluelet Fishermens Coop Association
15731 No2 District Fishermens Association
4651 Number One District Fishermens Association
13104 Taiyo Printing Company Limited
15721 Okanagan Products Limited
3176 Fuyo Chockiku Kai
13269 United Marine Products Limited
13105 S Matsumiya Company
10223 Canada Nichiren Buddhist Church Society
13127 Fairview Nippon Go Gakko Maintenance Association
12189 Mission Japanese Farmers Association
12681 Royston Buddhist Mission
15711 Hompa Young Buddhists Association
15722 Kagetsu And Company Limited
15733 Japanese Canadian Youth Organization
15646 Vancouver Japanese Welfare Association
13106 Mode O Day Dress Limited
15745 Victor Wholesale Cleaners
15636 Camp And Mill Workers Federal Labour Union
15647 Togo Cleaners Limited
12277 Ruskin Box Manufacturers
13524 Deep Bay Logging Company Limited
15746 Riversyde Lumber Company Limited
12788 Vancouver Paper Box Company Limited
13873 Tanaka And Company Limited
12201 Japanese United Church Vancouver
13108 Uyenaka Export Company Limited
15407 Pioneer Halloch Box Company
7822 Associated Cleaners And Dyers Limited
15736 Union Trading Company Limited
15747 Import And Domestic Silk Company
13874 Vancouver Shoyu Manufactuerers Limited
12202 Japanese Canadian Citizens League
13109 Sea Food Restaurant
10697 Canada Mio Sonjinkai
15715 Oka Kai
15726 Canadian Salt Herring Exporters Limited
15748 Mission City Japanese Congregation United Church
12433 Bc Cod Fishermens Cooperative Association
15639 Canada Koryo Seinen Kai
13875 Van Brothers Limited
12203 Yokohama Barber
9754 Japanese School Maintainers Association
15749 Fernridge Lumber Company
15706 Royston Lumber Company
13745 S Konishi And Company
12687 Mission Japanese Cooperative Association
13964 Fuji Ski Club
10721 Steveston Japanese Association
13997 Royston Savings Association
13811 Pacific Fraser Coopperative Union
9623 Whonnock Ruskin Albion Japanese Farmers Association
15609 Haney Mills Limited
11998 Skeena Japanese Fishermans Association
14008 Isshin Kai
12894 Prince Rupert Japanese Association



Browse Custodian Case Files: Organization
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.
Source: No source; born digital.


Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.