Custodian Case Files: Reel C-9335

Custodian Case Files: Reel C-9335

Case File # Name Page Range
# 3303 Toyokumi Arikado 1-46
# 3304 Akimatsu Amimoto 47-52
# 3305 Teru Ito 53-142
# 3306 Fukumatsu Takashita 233-259
# 3307 Fumiko Tamaki 260-265
# 3308 Yazaemon Hikida 266-415
# 3309 Jun Maihara 416-419
# 3310 Isosaburo Ueda 420-528
# 3311 Asataro Yoshida 529-678
# 3312 Genchiro Yada 679-706
# 3313 Kisaku Hayashi 707-779
# 3314 Aisuko Sakurai 780-792
# 3315 Shozo Ohashi 793-802
# 3316 Yoshio Matsuda 803-815
# 3317 Masayoshi Kawahara 816-835
# 3318 Shinichi Shimada 836-871
# 3319 Jisuke Fukushima 872-952
# 3320 Yeiichi Obana 953-966
# 3321 Jinzo Tsuchida 967-1010
# 3322 Kihachi Hirayama 1011-1049
# 3323 Kumekichi Koyama 1050-1071
# 3324 Shizuma Miyashita 1072-1176
# 3325 Shuichi Fukunaga 1177-1214
# 3326 Masuya Tanaka 1215-1249
# 3327 Shizuo Muraki 1250-1283
# 3328 Frank Uyehara 1284-1308
# 3329 Hideo Oshimo 1309-1324
# 3330 Tokio Maikawa 1325-1360
# 3331 Otojiro Kozuki 1361-1398
# 3332 Fusakichi Nakamura 1399-1406
# 3333 Kisaburo Chiba 1407-1431
# 3334 Naojiro Nakatsu 1432-1553
# 3335 Sadagoro Kato 1554-1558
# 3336 Chuihei Sonoda 1559-1563
# 3337 Shikanosuke Utsunomiya 1564-1578
# 3338 Tokutaro Yamanaka 1579-1588
# 3339 Saburo Miike 1589-1592
# 3340 Yutaka Shintani 1593-1619
# 3342 Masashi Matsuda 1620-1674
# 3343 Mitsuyoshi Tsuida 1675-1741
# 3344 Tamakichi Ohashi 1742-1807
# 3345 Kaha Sakai 1808-1907
# 3346 Ryonosuke Oikawa 1908-1945
# 3348 Jiro Oya 1946-2065
# 3349 Miyoji Sone 2066-2090
# 3350 Mankichi Yoshida 2091-2128
# 3351 Hiroyoshi Tahara 2129-2151
# 3352 Bunji Hisaoka 2152-2216
# 3353 Shigetaro Nishi 2217-2428
# 3354 Shunichi Sato 2429-2439
# 3355 Yasumatsu Hama 2440-2467
# 3357 Tsuneto Yamashita 2468-2487



Custodian Case Files: Reel C-9335
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Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice. See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.