Reel C-9322

Reel C-9322

Case File # Name Page Range
# 1604 Tsuruzo Kawaguchi 1-20
# 1605 Hatsu Kitamura 21-32
# 1606 Kenichiro Kawakami 33-67
# 1607 Toshiko Sakauye 68-76
# 1608 Chujiro Kawamoto 77-165
# 1609 Shiroku Kimura 166-169
# 1610 Yotaro Kayama 170-185
# 1611 Frank Moritsugu 186-189
# 1612 Sentaro Kazuta 190-247
# 1613 Shigeo Murakami 248-251
# 1614 Harold Kimoto 252-432
# 1615 Keichi Yamaoka 433-436
# 1616 Toshiro Matsui 437-508
# 1617 Kiyotada Takahara 509-514
# 1618 Shigekazu Matsunaga 515-601
# 1619 Tadao Kato 602-606
# 1620 Chonosuke Matsubara 607-650
# 1621 Mitsuji Kayahara 651-654
# 1622 Toshio Matsuhara 655-732
# 1623 Hideo Kawahara 733-736
# 1624 Chiyoji Matsuo 737-782
# 1625 Minoru Ichikawa 783-788
# 1626 Choju Matsushita 788-880
# 1627 Saburo Watanabe 881-885
# 1628 Momoki Masuda 886-945
# 1629 Tetsuro Sasaki 946-951
# 1630 Sankichi Nogami 952-1053
# 1631 Shigeru Nakamoto 1054-1057
# 1632 Miyoshi Oda 1058-1135
# 1633 Teruhiko Uyede 1136-1139
# 1634 Shichitaro Odagaki 1140-1197
# 1635 Marjorie Wong 1198-1202
# 1636 Matakichi Ohara 1203-1240
# 1637 Kinu Kuwata 1241-1249
# 1638 Takemitsu Ohora 1250-1264
# 1639 Masako Hamaguchi 1265-1268
# 1640 Masashi Oikawa 1269-1290
# 1641 Eunice Ampi 1291-1294
# 1642 Naka Oikawa 1295-1305
# 1643 Emiko Takahashi 1306-1309
# 1644 Shinkichi Okamoto 1310-1347
# 1645 Yoshiko Yoneda 1348-1351
# 1646 Bunhichi Okugawa 1352-1395
# 1647 Saburo Kuwata 1396-1399
# 1648 Kenji Onishi 1400-1423
# 1649 Makiye Nakamura 1424-1427
# 1650 Juhei Ono 1428-1463
# 1651 Tadashi Aihoshi 1464-1467
# 1652 Eiichi Onishi 1468-1538
# 1653 Jirosaku Nagai 1539-1546
# 1654 Hideo Onotera 1547-1629
# 1655 Yasuo Hasegawa 1630-1633
# 1656 Eiko Oshiro 1634-1666
# 1657 Tomotaro Yoneda 1667-1675
# 1658 Johei Ota 1676-1712
# 1659 Toshiko Yoneda 1713-1726
# 1660 Otoichi Otani 1727-1768
# 1661 Tomiye Nakata 1769-1772
# 1662 Tatsuo Oura 1773-1820
# 1663 Kahoru Uyede 1821-1824
# 1664 Masaji Oye 1825-1892
# 1665 Yukiye Ioi 1893-1896
# 1666 Shinkichi Sakai 1897-1959



Reel C-9322
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