BC & Yukon Directory 1941: Person Index of Powell Street Neighbourhood

BC & Yukon Directory 1941: Person Index of Powell Street Neighbourhood

Acme Lock & Key Service Thomas D
Afton Hotel Cheney J Mrs rooms
Alberta Pool Elevator No 2 grain elev
American Can Co Ltd Shaler H G Manager Joujon-Rocho F Superintendent Gardner Wm G Chief Clerk
Manufacturers of Plain and Lithograhed Tin Cans of Every Description See Class Advt Can Mfrs
343 Alexander Street [View address on street index]
Editorial Note
It is difficult to tell if this entry is for 343 or 843
Anglo Nippon Co Oki H mgr men's furngs
Armand's Barber Shop Comparelli A
Armstrong & Co Armstrong P J Manager Funeral Directors
304 Dunlevy Ave [View address on street index]
Editorial Note
I am not sure whether Dunlevy Avenue is the same as Dunlevy Street
Asae Bros Asae K
Asahi Paper Box Co.
Mfrs. of Cardboard, Folding, Fancy, and Jewelry Boxes of All Kinds
Atlin Fisheries Ltd office
Baker Forge Ltd Clyne H W mgr blksmths
Balkan Cafe Lajoie L G Wayslow W Yaremey P
Ballantyne Pier (National Harbours Board)
Beauty Cleaning & Pressing Asai M Mrs
Billingsgate Fish Ltd Johncox H E pres whol fish
Blain Boiler Works Ltd Horton O S President Biles W L Secretary Boilers, Tanks and Stacks. Portable and Stationary Electric and Acetylene Welding for Heavy Work. Phone HI 0172
BC Fish Market Nakahama K
BC Japanese Club Morie E pres
BC Purchasers Association Ltd Ebata Y mgr
British Sailors' Society Johnstone J sec
Bunka Shokai Kawaguchi K
786 Powell Street [View address on street index]
Editorial Note
It is difficult to tell if this entry is for 780 or 786
Burrard Bakery Co Tanizawa R S mgr retail and whol
Burrard Coastwise Longshoreman's Assn Darwood J sec
Burrard Iron Works Ltd Brown R pres mach
Camp & Mill Workers Federal Labour Union No 31 Vancouver Vicinity Umezuki T sec
Canada Daily News Suzuki J editor
Canadian Fishing Co Ltd (The) Hager A L General Manager Eckman James S Assistant Manager
Fresh, Frozen, Salt and Smoked Fish, Mild Cured Salmon, Canned Salmon, Fish Meal and Oil, Ice and Cold Storage
Canadian Fruit Ripening Co Ltd Martin W E mgr
Canadian Fisheries Dept Canned Salmon Inspection Laboratory
Canadian Post Office Dept Postal Station B
Canadian Transport Dept National Harbours Board
Canadian Japanese Association Kawata T sec
Canadian Legion (BESL) --- Japanese No 9 Sato S sec
Canadian Salt Herring Exporters Ltd Kimura K mng dlr
Canadian Seafarers Assn Taylor H H pres
Canadian Waterfront Workers Association Chawner W H bus agt
Canadian Waterfront Workers Association Cigar Stand Leathley L mgr
W E Carpenter (Canada) Ltd Milroy mgr copra mfg
Editorial Note
It is difficult to tell if this entry is for 311 or 811
Cath-Mar Japanese Mission Mary Angela Sister superior
Cath-Mar Sailors Club Carlyle A S Rev Father in chge
Central Creameries (BC) Ltd Fleming Phillip Managing Director Carlyle J Y Asst Manager "Our Own Brand" Butter. "Velvet" Ice Cream. Phones: PA 9231-2-3
Chemainus Towing Co Ltd Mann G F mgr
Chemical Products (Vancouver) Ltd Porter J A P mng dlr
Church of the Holy Cross Anglican Japanese Mission Gale W H Rev supt
Clever Maid Mfg Co Shinkoda M drsmkrs
M R Cliff & BC Mills Towing Co Ltd Hendry A J pres
Coast Scow Co Ltd McKeen S S pres
Collins Garage Ltd Collins P mgr
Collins U Drive Ltd Nelson O joint mgr Wilkie G J joint mgr
Commodore Towing Co Ltd Mann G F mgr
Continental Daily News Iwasaki Y mgr
Cordova Grocery Nishikawara T Mrs
Cordova House Mirtenson L rooms
Cottrell, G.H. Ltd Cottrell G H Pres Cottrell F H Vice-Pres Cottrell H C Mgr Pool Car Operators From Ont and Que Storage, Cartage, Forwarding, Distribution. Public Weighers. Samplers Ship Cottrell's with Confidence
Country Freight Lines Jonston E W Jonston R A Byrnell L F
Crescent Beach Transfer Stevens A
A H Davies Home Bkries
Cudahy Packing Co Beatty E M rep soap mfrs
Cut Right Barber Shop Shima N Mrs
Daily People Kamenka T treas
Deep Bay Logging Co Ltd Kagetsu E mgr
J P Doutax & Co Doutax D F watertight compound
Dunlevy Rooms Kaminishi K Mrs
Ebisuzaki Co Morishita T mgr
Empress Hotel (New) Gilbert Edith M Owner Manager
60 Rooms with Private Baths. Fireproof, Strictly Modern. Rates at Moderate Prices.
English Electric Co of Canada Limited Wolstencroft E District Manager Electrical Machinery, Generators and Motors, Transformers. Phone PA 2856 British Columbia Sales Agents. Pleck Bros Ltd Phone MA 0221
Ernie's Ice Cream Shop Arikado E T restr
Farmer's Products Distributing Co Hamawaki K mgr whol prod
Federation Hall Lunch Counter Wilson A Mrs
Fleck Bros Ltd Fleck B W President and Managing Directory Mill, Mine, Cannery and Machine Shop Supplies, Steam, Marine and Logging Specialties, Refractories, Welding Equipment, Refrigeration, Safety Equipment and First Aid Supplies. Phone MA 0221 (See Class Advt., Mining Machy and Mill Supplies)
Foursquare Gospel Lighthouse Tatson T Rev pastor
Franciscan Sisters of Atonement Catholic Japanese Mission (Kindergarten) Mary Angela in chge
drill opr
Dom Bridge
Editorial Note
The abbreviation for dom usually stands for domestic, but in this case that did not seem logical. Thus, I determined it stood for Dominion.
Fred's Barber Shop Schlte F
Fuji Chop Suey House Maikawa S
Fuji Chop Suey House Maikawa S
Editorial Note
Judging from the way this entry is listed, I would guess that Fujimo was a barber at the Main address and a renter at the Powell address
Editorial Note
Based on the way this address is layed out, I would guess that Fujisawa is a confectioner at the W Pender address and a renter at the East Cordova address
Furuya, M. Co. Ltd. Higuchi Ukon Manager
Importers of Japanese Merchandise and Products. Exporters of Canadian Products. Wholesale and Retail.
Rice Mill and Warehouse: 992 Powell. (See Class. Advt. Importers)
Gerrard Company Ltd Manufacturers of Gerrard Wire Tying Machines and Wire; Metal Shingle Bands; Stitching Machines and Stitching Wire, Also Corrugated Fasteners. Phone HI 2171
Girls' College of Practical Arts Shinobu S Mrs
Gore Avenue Wharf Ltd Armson W R mgr
Green Cove Salteries Ltd Kashino M mng dlr salt fish pkrs
Haddon Hotel Beer Parlor Mills R L
Harbour Navigation Co Ltd Stalker J D mgr
Hastings Plumbing Works Scrimgeour P
Hastings Shoe Repairing Plecas G
Haydn Orchestra Smalley G cond meets Wednesdays 8 pm
Editorial Note
It is difficult to tell if this address is for 341 or 841.
Heatley Avenue Wharf Ltd McKeen S pres
Heatley Hotel Benetti E Mrs rooms
Heatley Machine Works Mitchell F E Hunter W F
Hem Sung restr
Editorial Note
(r present for renter or resides)
Hifumi Restaurant Shimazu F Y
Highland Grocery Ohari U Mrs
Hinomaru Cafe Takemoto Y Mrs
Home Meats & Groceries Poteski W
Hotel Patricia Mulhern E P proprietor
200 Outside Rooms. $1.00 Up. Best $1.00 Day Hotel In City.
Ideal Iron Works Ltd Smith F R pres