BC & Yukon Directory 1943: Person Index of Powell Street Neighbourhood

BC & Yukon Directory 1943: Person Index of Powell Street Neighbourhood

Acme Lock & Key Service Thomas D D
Afton Hotel Cheney J Mrs rooms
Alberta Wheat Pool Bennett J supt
Alex Shoe Repairing Mussick A
American Can Co Ltd Shaler H G manager Joujon-Rocha F superintendent Gardner Wm chief clerk
Manufacturers of PLain and Lithographed Tin Cans of Every Description
See Class Advt Can Mfrs
Armand's Barber Shop Comparelli
Armstrong & Co Armstrong P J Manager Funeral Directors Phone HA 0141
Atlin Fisheries Ltd office
Van City
Editorial Note
I am unsure what "seav" means
Balkan Cafe Lagoie L Wayslow W Yaremy P
Ballantyne Pier
Bank of Montreal
Editorial Note
I am not sure whether this address is East or West Cordova
Blain Boiler Works Ltd Horton O S President Biles W L Secretary Boilers, Tanks and Stacks. Portable and Stationary Electric and Acetylene Welding for Heavy Work Phone HA 0172
Reliance Motor & Machine Works Ltd Cut Gears and Sprockets Spur-Spiral-Bevel-Herringbone-Worm-Celoron-Rawhide Speed REducer Gear Units-General Machine Works-V-Belt Drives-Metal Spraying Phone PA 3345
Editorial Note
This advertisment runs across the top of the page that begins with "Blancard." I am not ure why it appers in the B's insted of the R's.
Blue Bird Delicatessen Bond A Mrs
Borgerson H A Ltd Bergerson H A mng dir
ship chandlers
Editorial Note
I believe the double listing of "710 Alexander" is meant to indicate that Violet Brennan was the caretaker as well as renter of this address
B.C. Fuel Co Ltd Dreyfus R W dist mgr petroleum prods
British Columbia Rooms Bing Lee H
British Sailor's Society Johnstone J sec
N Van Shp Repairs
Editorial Note
I am not sure why this entry does not indicate whether the street is East or West Cordova
Burrard Coastwise Longshoremen's Assn Darwood J bus agt
Burrard Iron Works Ltd Brown K D pres
Canadian Aid to Russia Popowich N Mrs in charge
Canadian Fishing Co Ltd (The) Mager A L President Mckman James B Vice-President
Fresh, Frosen, Salt and Smoked Fish, Mild Cured Salmon, Canned Salmon, Fish Meal and Oil, Ice and Cold Storage
Canadian Fruit Ripening Co Ltd
Canadian Government National Defense Department 6th Field Company RCE (R)
Canadian Government Post Office DeptPostal Station B
Canadian Government Transport DeptNational Harbours Board
Canadian National Institute for the Blind
Canadian National Steamship Co Ltd Fogg W H supt
Canadian Seafarers' Association Taylor H bus agt
Carpenter, W.R. (Canada) Ltd Carpenter Walter Sir President
Manufacturers of Cocoanut and Linseed Oils and Oil Cake
Central Creameries (B.C.) Ltd Burwash T A Managing Director Burbidge H D "Our Own Brand" Butter. "Velvet" Ice Cream Phones: PA 9231-2-3
Central Transfer Co Ltd King A L pres
Coast Scow Co Ltd McKeen S S pres
Coffee Shop Easton G Moore W C restr and bky
Cottrell, G.H. Ltd. Cottrell G H pres Cottrell F H Vice-Pres Dunlop T P Sec-treas Pool Car Operators from Ont. and Que. Storage, Garbage, Forwarding, Distribution, Public Weighers, Samplers
"Ship Cottrell's with Confidence."
Country Freight Lines Wand E Johnston R A Byrnell L F
Crescent Beach Transfer Stevens A
Strand Cofee Ann
Editorial Note
I am not sure why this address does not indicate whether Cordova street is East or West
Cudahy Packing Co Ltd Martin & Robertson Ltd agts cleaning compound
Cut Right Barber Shop Koftinoff F
Dixon Palmer Refrigerating Engineers Co Palmer D mgr
Economy Box Co Ltd Lam George L Manager Mfrs of Wooden Boxes, Crates, Shooks and Veneer Baskets
Economy Sausage Co J H Howe R J Howe Jr
Empire Fumigating Co Ltd Ramage P J C Manager
Editorial Note
second address refers to the office location
Empress Hotel (New) Gilbert Edith M Owner Manager
60 Rooms woth Private Baths. Fireproof, Strictly Modern. Rates at Moderate Prices.
Editorial Note
The 'new' in the name suggests this property may be involved with the internment process.
Europe Pool Room Lizzul D Radosevich T Stanfel J
First United Church Powell St Mission Roddan A Rev pastor
Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement Mary Angela Sister superior day nursery
Fraser Box Co Wong K K Chang L S
Fred's Barber Shop Schile F J
Editorial Note
Potential Japanese couple still in Vancouver because Furu could be a Japanese name.
Baker Forge
Editorial Note
I am not sure what "shpr" stands for