University of Victoria Libraries Collection
Source Repository: University of Victoria Libraries
Fonds: DC: The Daily Colonist
Series: DC 1937
File: July
Item: Japanese Ownership
Series: DC 1942
File: January
File: February
File: March
Item: BC Cameras Under Control
Item: Are Closing Businesses
Item: Negotiate for Boats
Item: Sugar is Seized
File: April
File: May
File: June
File: July
Item: Most Boats Disposed Of
File: August
Series: DC 1948
Fonds: P: The Province
Series: P 1938
File: February
File: March
Item: The Japanese Case
Series: P 1940
File: January
File: September
Item: Logging Firm Fined
Series: P 1942
File: January
File: February
Item: 108 Japanese Boats Taken
File: March
Item: In Our Hands Now
Item: More Seized Craft Placed
Item: Japs Give Up Cars Trucks
Item: Jap Vessels Sale Lively
File: April
File: May
File: June
File: July
Item: Control Sale of Jap Land
File: August
File: September
File: October
Series: P 1943
Series: P 1947
File: April
File: May
File: July
File: August
File: September
Item: Japanese Probe Broadened
File: November
Item: Jap Hearings Start Dec 3
File: December
Item: First Jap Claim Advanced
Series: P 1950
Fonds: VDT: Victoria Daily Times
Series: VDT 1942
File: January
Item: Japs Off Land Say MLAs
Item: Jap Boats Damaged
File: February
Item: Repair Fish Boats
Item: Jap Boats Sold
File: March
Item: To Sell Jap Property
Item: 140 Jap Boats Sold
Item: Appointed Custodian
Item: Custodian Registers
File: April
File: May
File: June
File: July
File: August
File: December
Series: VDT 1943
File: February
Item: To Sell Jap Property
File: April
File: June
Item: Protests Sale
File: July
File: October
Series: VDT 1946
Series: VDT 1948
Fonds: VNH: Vancouver News Herald
Series: VNH 1938
Series: VNH 1940
Series: VNH 1941
Series: VNH 1943
File: March
Item: Ask Action on Jap Homes
File: June
Fonds: VS: Vancouver Sun
Series: VS 1930
File: January
File: February
File: March
File: April
File: May
Item: Japan's Origin Traced
File: June
Item: Japan Prince Urges Amity
Item: Peace Chief Aim of Japan
File: July
File: August
File: September
File: October
File: November
Item: Japanese Premier Wounded
File: December
Series: VS 1931
File: January
Item: $50 Liquor Fine
Item: Japanese Wins Suit
File: February
File: March
Item: Japanese Consul Recalled
File: April
File: May
Item: Japanese Committed
File: June
Item: Police Court: S. Myanchi
Item: Japanese Fined
Item: Asahis Win Tight Game
Item: Police Court: S. Haskama
File: July
Item: 4th Japanese Plot Arrest
Series: VS 1941
Series: VS 1942
Series: VS 1943
Series: VS 1944
Series: VS 1947
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University of Victoria Libraries Collection
Publication Information: See Terms of Use for publication and licensing information.
Born digital collection of selected items from the University of Victoria Libraries. Derived from the LOI Zotero collection.
Readers of these historical materials will encounter derogatory references to Japanese
Canadians and euphemisms used to obscure the intent and impacts of the internment
and dispossession. While these are important realities of the history, the Landscapes
of Injustice Research Collective urges users to carefully consider their own terminological
choices in writing and speaking about this topic today as we confront past injustice.
See our statement on terminology, and related sources here.