Wrigley's BC Directory 1930: Person Index of Powell Street Neighbourhood

Wrigley's BC Directory 1930: Person Index of Powell Street Neighbourhood

Afton Rooms Mrs J Cheney proprietor
Amano Transfer S Sugiyama proprietor
American Can Company Limited R W Phelps Gen. Mgr. C W Roberts Superintendent Wm. G Gardner Factory Clerk Mfrs. of Plain and Lithographed Tin Cans of Every Description. (See Advert. Page 52.)
Anglo-Nippon Co H O Oki proprietor
Armstrong & Hotson A Armstrong proprietor H A Hotson proprietor undertkrs
Asahi Garage G Davidson proprietor W C Brown proprietor
Asahi Paper Box M Kuba proprietor
Barnet Stevedoring Co Ltd D Baird mng dir
Belleville Rooms J M Mitsui proprietor
Belmont Rooms O Arneson proprietor
Benson Patter & Model Works T Benson
B C Auto Supply S Yamashita proprietor gas sta
B C Calendar & Advertising Co H Matsubayashi proprietor
B C Japanese Club Ltd E Mori sec
B C Purchasers Association H Matsubayashi sec
B C Rooms T Sakamoto proprietor
British Sailors Society Rev J Johnstone chaplain
Bunka Shokai K Kawaguchi proprietor patent medicines
Burrard Fish Co Ltd I Sugiyama pres
Burrard Iron Works Ltd. Robert Brown Mng. Dir. Engineers, Machinsts, Coppersmiths and Boiler Makers, Agents Union Diesel Engines.
Burrard Rooms R Handa proprietor
Camp & Mill Workers Federal Labour Union No 31 K Tsuyuki sec meets 2nd Wednesday
Canada Daily News. J Suzuki Manager. Publishers Canada Daily News (Japanese) and Commercial Printers. (See Advert. Page 317.)
Canadian Fishing Co (The), Ltd. A L Hager Pres. and Gen. Mgr. James S Eckman Asst. Mgr. Fresh, Frozen, Salt and Smoked Fish and Canned Salmon, Fish Meal and Oil, Ice and Cold Storage.
POST OFFICE DEPT— Postal Station B—
Canadian Institute of Physical Culture A Marfleet
Canadian Japanese Association T Takeuchi sec
Canadian National Steamships B C Keeley Pac Coast mgr C W Tourtellotte Asst to mgr R Beaumont Asst to mgr R Knox supt eng Comdr A S M Nicholls Marine supt J W King Asst victualling supt CN SS Dock Wharf Office C B Smith agt
Carl Rooms M Kostin proprietor
Chemainus Towing Co Ltd G F Marvin mng dir
Chidori Restaurant H Murakami proprietor
Chinese Presbyterian Church Rev K H Yeung pastor
City Hall Employees' Assn J Tarbuck sec meets 1st Wednesday 8 pm
Civic Employees' Union Local 28 G Harrison sec meets 1st and 3rd Fridays 8 pm
Civic Federation of Vancouver H A Urquhart sec 401 119 W Pender meets last Thursday 8 pm
Collins Garage & U Drive A W Webb proprietor
Commodore Towing Co Ltd G F Mann mg dir
Consolidated Farmers' Co-operative Association J Kumagaya sec
217 Dunlevy Avenue
Continental Daily News, Tairiku Nippo Sha Ltd., Props., (Japanese Daily Newspaper.) Job Printers.
Cordova House Mrs H Peterson
Crescent Rooms H Watte proprietor
Crown Fish Market H S Ives proprietor FIsh Market Ltd
Daily People (Japanese) Published Every Evening. Owned and Controlled by Japanese Workers.
Deep Bay Logging Co Ltd S A Moore pres
Dominion Drag Saw Co Ltd Geo. Chambers Manager. Drag Saws, Garden Tractors and Power Mowers. Parts for all Makes of Drag Saws.
East Coast FIsh Co Ltd N Okukawa mng dir exprtrs
East End Chili C T White proprietor J N McAdow restr
Ebata I Co I Ebata proprietor fish
Eiraku Mrs N Hayashi proprietor restr
Ellett Copper & Brass Co. (The) S J Ellett Mgr. Distillers' & Brewers' Coppersmiths, Pipe Benders. Up-to-Date Re-tinning Plant.
Emoto J Emoto J proprietor restr
Empress Hotel J F Davidson proprietor T Young proprietor
Empress Shoe Repairs R C Chu proprietor
Finn Construction Co J Finn proprietor genl contrs
International Association of Fire Fighters No 18 C A Watson fin sec meets every month at call of president at
Free Methodist Church Japanese Mission Rev Z Higashi pastor
Gore Avenue Wharf Ltd W R Armson sec and mng dir
H B Stone Works T Takahashi proprietor
Harbour Navigation Co Ltd J D Stalker mng dir
Harbour Store W Ranks proprietor confr
Hastings Dye Works H Miyasaki proprietor
Hata Rooms Y Hatanaka proprietor
Hayashiya Restaurant Mrs T Ozaki
Highland Grocery C Shimo proprietor confr
Holbon Rooms E Johnson proprietor
Holy Cross Japanese Anglican Mission Rev B F Oana pastor
Home Confectionery J Hikida proprietor
Hotel Patricia E P Mulhern Proprietor
200 Outside Rooms. $1.00 Up; Best $1 Day Hotel In Town.
Ideal Cone Co. M Sekiguchi Mgr. Manufacturers of Ice Cream Cones and Cups.
Imada Co H Imada 2nd hd furn
Imperial Hotel H Honda proprietor
Imperial Hotel Beer Parlour R Willis
Imperial Wood & Coal Co N Heicke proprietor
Inamoto Transfer Co J Inamoto
International Assn of Fire Fighters Local No 18 C A Watson sec meets once a month on call
International Brokerage A S Tsujimura proprietor exptrs
Isogai Transfer T Isogai proprietor
Jackson Avenue Service Station V Saens proprietor F R Chandler
Japanese Brokerage Agency. H S Okamura Mgr. Real Estate and General Brokers,
Japanese Buddhist Mission Rev G Taga pastor
Japanese Ladies' Association Mrs E C Ishiwara sec
Japanese Merchants' Association T Ide
Japanese R C Mission Sister Monica Francis in chge
Japanese Traders' Club of Canada K Kimura sec
Kagetsu & Co Ltd E Kagetsu mng dir exptrs
Kakioto S Kodani proprietor restr
King Rooms T Matsuoka proprietor
Kino Taxi R Kinoshita proprietor
Kwong Ley Chong & Co fruit and prod
Larsen's Grocery Larsen S Owner Petterson L Owner
Mainland Boiler Works Heay P prop
Boiler Makers and Marine Repairs
Mainland Foundry Ltd Stoneham E mng dlr
Marks Bros Marks E H Marks A P
elec contrs
Maruchu Transfer Co Wakabayshi C
Maruman Restaurant Kitamura Z
Matsumiya & Nose Ltd Nose S mng dlr
men's clo
Mee Lung Jan Wing Kee & Co
fruit and prod
Mikado Transfer Hamade Y Murakami K
Minshu Co-operative Union Iwashita K mgr gro
Nippon Auto Supply Co Maikawa S
Olson M.O. Iron Works Olson Martin O Prop
Marine, Mill, Logging and General Blacksmithing, Machine Works, Logging and Land Clearing Tools. (See Advt Page 104)
Orange Lodges
Vancouver County LOL No 1
meets quarterly
Vancouver Royal Scarlet Chapter
meets 3rd Monday
Vancouver Imperial LOL No 1560
meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Ebenezer LOL No 1589
meets 2nd and 4th Mondays
Eniskillen LOL No 1615
meets 2nd and 4th Fridays
Clarke-Wallace LOL No 1715
meets 3rd Tuesday
Vancouver RBP No 802
meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays
Orwell Apartments Lien O
Pacific Brewers' Agents Ltd Sutherland T Secretary
Pacific Sea Products Exporters Ltd Shiraishi K mng dir
Powell Taxi Sarayama G H Hashimoto I
Pressed Metal Products Ltd MacDonald C A pres
Preston Mann Towing Co Ltd Mann G F mng dir
Produce Brokerage Co Tsuchihashi I
whol prod
Purser Wm & Sons Purser E Purser J Purser H
sht mtl wks
Queen's Hotel Inouye H
Queen's Taxi Tomomitsu J Tomiyama K
Rainier Brewing Co (Of Canada) Ltd Fiddes R W Gen Mgr
Brewers and Bottlers of Rainier Beer and Rainier Ale
Ray's Pattern Works MacDougall R D
Royal Bank of Canada
East End Branch Montgomery H F Mgr
Safety Garage Otsugi R Tsuji T
St James Church Cooper Canon W rector
St James Parish Hall
St Luke's Home Frances Sister (in charge)
Editorial Note
In the original entry, "Sister Frances in charge" is written, and therefore I included "in charge" in the roleName to indicate that she is also the leader.
Sanyo Co Muraki S Watanabe J
Seishindo Ohashi Y
patent medicines
Shikishima Fish & Meat Market Yamada K